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Topic: Move stuff around
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there are some squirrel scripting examples in the NewDark doc folder
Acknowledged by: Da9L
Attached is a WIP archieve which should work when loaded with Blue Mod Manager.

First of all: This is actually mostly made by Voodoo47. He has provided the scripts which is the only thing used in this. The only thing i have done is utilize them so to say.

Before anyone downloads this and uses it. BE WARNED, that it is not nearly complete and should therefore not be used for any serious play through, as some things might be broken.

The main plan of this is to first move all quest items to random locations. My next "iteration" would be to move ALL loot between random locations. I had an idea of also moving furniture and other objects to random locations as a last "iteration", but that might be a better idea in my head than in an actual playable scenario, don't know yet. But as of now most decks have their quest loot randomized. But..

.. What still needs to be done
  • Engeneering: 45m/dex is currently only moved to a specific spot, due to the objects script variables already occupied.
  • Operations: My goal is to move the red assasins waypoints randomly, so that their flee path is random. However i need to move their waypoints randomly "in sets" which i don't know how to do yet
  • Recreation: My plan was to swap code art terminals with ones that did not have code on them, also randomly. This seems to be a little problematic though, as the swapped terminals behave strangely. Maybe instead one could move the code terminal to another art terminals location, remove the normal art terminal on the code terminals new location, and respawn a completely new art terminal on the code terminals old location? Not sure ..

« Last Edit: 28. October 2017, 18:58:07 by Moderator »


the weirdness you are getting with the art terminals is probably caused by placing the button script on them - they actually don't need this as they already are buttons (part of their native PictureSwap script).
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