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Topic: SS2 JMP Jack's Hires Weapons with player hands
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I've got your addons installed with the Blue Mod Manager along with the SCP mod but for some reason they don't appear in the game as the updated models, only the original low-quality models.  The only weapon that is updated is the wrench and I think that is from the Tacticool pack.  Here is what my mod list looks like using the manager.

I've tried removing the Tacticool addon but that didn't seem to do anything.  Do I need to increase its priority?


That aapears to have done it.  Although the arm holding the shotgun doesn't appear like it does in this thread, but that's not a huge concern.  Still would be cool, though.


Here's the revised Mod list:

A here are the weapons I have in-game so far:

JMP should have higher priority than Tacticool_complete.

I think a lot of people are confused by the "#" sign. I should change that to something more meaningful at some point...


That did it.  Thank you for your help!   :)


can't see the screenshots, but basically, you set up the priorities as described in the guide, and load any extras on top/with highest priority. as long as you do that, there should be no problems.
Would it be possible to make the pistol/laser pistol held with two hands instead of one?
Alright, anyone up for a bounty? I'll PayPal some cash to anyone who does that.
You would hardly see the second hand if you would hold it in a normal position. So what did you imagine where the second hand should be?
I'm not sure, but I bet something reasonable could be done. I've always hated the floating weapons in this game and now JMP fixed it. The one-handed pistols thing has always bothered me as well.


The one-handed pistols thing has always bothered me as well.

Don't be a pussy, Joe.
Acknowledged by: Join
I'm English (so I've never even seen a real gun, let alone used one) so I have to ask what's wrong with holding a pistol with just one hand? I'd imagine that two handed would counter the recoil more effectively, but I wouldn't have thought that that would be much of a consideration in a relatively lightweight gun that took so long between shots that you could easily compensate for any recoil by bring the gun slightly down between shots.

Offhand, I can't remember even one first person shooter where a pistol was held with both hands, nor in any TV program or film.

Though maybe video games, films, and TV programs aren't as entirely accurate with their details as I've always thought!
Holding them two handed does, indeed, help with recoil, and it steadies your aim. I have fired guns before, and for me, holding a handgun with two hands steadies my aim and absorbs more recoil, although I'd wager my hands are shakier than the average person's so YMMV.

On top of that, I just think it looks cooler. Just my opinion.
I see, thanks. Another thing I've wondered about is that even though lots of video games and films portray people dual wielding two pistols, one in each hand, I don't think I've ever seen this on a real clip of army or whatever footage or in a serious (not over the top) film. Do people ever dual wield in life or death situations? I'd imagine it would be difficult in spur of the moment situations to aim two weapons plus keep your attention actively seeking for other (then the person you're trying to targer) threats.
It's doable with enough practice but it's still largely impractical for various reasons. Harder to aim, reloading would be difficult (unless you holster one and reload one at a time) etc.

I suppose you'd get the intimidation effect plus increased overall firepower but wouldn't be worth the tradeoff of accuracy. Looking down the sights of both at the same time isn't really possible but I guess you could find a way to aim them somehow.


On top of that, I just think it looks cooler. Just my opinion.
Of course it doesn't look cooler. That's why Hollywood loves the one-handed pistol wield. Wielding two-handed looks practical, which is boring.
Acknowledged by: icemann


I have to say, this is one of my go to mods whenever I want to replay SS2. I just love it. It improves and modernizes the game greatly. I wish this would be integrated to the bug fixes and such. Brilliantly done.


Gosh damn, I love this!

Why isn't this a part of the community patch or something? It really improves the game.


Why isn't this a part of the community patch or something? It really improves the game.

It literally doesn't improve the game, at all.

Also, the arms don't even match up to the player character as seen in the cutscenes.

Furthermore, it's literally arm models from Doom 3. Super immersion breaking.


it's a visual enhancement mod, those are completely out of scope of the Community Patch - anomalies, discrepancies and outright bugs only. exceptions can be granted in some gray areas, like implementing the bullet hole system (was 80% finished, so very strong evidence this was only omitted because of time constraints), or the shotgun hybrid slug which now resides in the AI's inventory instead of its gun (as everyone and their grandma agrees the slug unloading is the single most annoying thing found in the game), but adding a hires version of an object which has been modified to include a new part that wasn't originally there is a 100% no can do (even if the hands actually were true to the original concept, which is indeed not the case).

this is perfectly fine as a standalone mod, available to whoever wants what it offers.

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