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Topic: SCP Beta 4 Issue Reporting
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Nope, I die when standing on the lift and it hits the bottom. It happened twice in a row, but not sure about replication. Will test.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


I can get it to happen 100% of the time by moving around a bunch on the lift while it's moving down. What seems to happen is that your center of mass will shift lower down the lift platform each time you start or stop, and at the bottom you get crushed because part of you is underneath it. Having higher Agility seemed to make it more likely, but I'm not sure? Here are some videos (second one is more instructive, in the first one I'm still trying to figure it out):


This is with SS2-RSD, but I can't imagine why anything there would make a difference. This seems to be a problem with the engine physics, but maybe you guys can come up with some clever workaround.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


also, any cam_ext modifications? especially v-sync/physfreq related.


My framerate_cap is set to 100.0. The vsync and phys_freq flags are commented out. I think those are all default?


yep. no vsync related options are being forced via the gpu control panel either?


Nvidia Control Panel says it's application controlled, so shouldn't be.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


Try setting framerate_cap to 60 and see if you can still reproduce the problem. Heck, try setting it to 20 to make sure it's actually working.


Can still happen at 60, but not at 30 FPS. The limiter does indeed work.


Remember that area at the end of Engineering 1 with the camera and two laser turrets in front of the bulkhead? As many let's plays have shown, this room is a meat grinder of a death trap, even on Easy. So I was thinking about having one of the two turrets removed on Easy, because Easy is supposed to be easy.

Then the question becomes, remove which turret? The one under the camera, or the one in the niche? Removing the one under the camera makes this room the easiest, because players could just pop the camera when first entering the room, then deal with the niche turret. Removing the niche turret would preserve the challenge of being simultaneously spotted and shot at, but give players more latitude for seeking cover, since they wouldn't be getting caught in the crossfire between the two turrets.

Anyway, what do you guys think?
[deathmachine.jpg expired]


I'd lean towards removing the one around the corner, because the core challenge of this room is based on the turret + camera + crates. Players are likely to dash behind the crates for cover, and then they have to figure out how to deal with the turret without getting spotted by the camera. With the turret below the camera removed, the crates are largely pointless and you're left with only the camera pop followed by an unfocused fight with a turret that's not very distinct from the previous one in the corridor.
Acknowledged by: ZylonBane
I would leave them both. I play easy and never had an issue there.


I think this place has been set up to make sure the player figures the security systems out (because they will kind of have to). I'd leave it alone.
Acknowledged by: JML


I would leave them both. I play easy and never had an issue there.
Maybe you should stop playing on Easy then.


That entire section is made trivial by just hacking the security station near the elevator. I don’t see this as particularly necessary. Even a new player shouldn’t have an issue figuring this out unless their build is just absolutely abysmal.

If this is really that hard for someone, this probably just isn’t the game for them.
« Last Edit: 10. November 2020, 03:54:48 by Chandlermaki »


Does anyone actually use the compass on a regular basis? We've figured out how to correct the compass pointing in a different direction on some maps, and have been debating whether to normalize all maps so that "0" is facing north. Currently "0" on most maps is east, which is just weird.
TIL that there is a compass in SS2. That might've been useful the first few times in BOTM. :headshot:
I really don't see its benefits anywhere else where you can navigate with the map/minimap. Still, of course it should always point to the upper side of the map.

(No idea though if it's the bow or the starboard side of the ship. North on a blueprint of a spaceship just doesn't work out.)


I mean if you're going for completeness, it's probably worth fixing, but I doubt a lot of players even know it exists.


I have never used the compass in all these years of playing. I am only vaguely avare of its existence. I am betting most people doesn't know it even exists, you need to do a button combination to access it, which doesn't exactly help. (I mean, I have all these free buttons on my keyboard, just assign it to one of those! I don't understand old games sometimes.)

Science wise, using a compass in space makes no sense whatsoever. It would always point to the closest sun. (I mean, where would north be in artificial gravity?) If I remember correctly, in System Shock 1 it was at least called "Nav Unit" instead of compass, which makes at least a little more sense.


I am not a scientist (at least not in the traditional sense), but wouldn't it point to the strongest magnetic field? The ship itself probably has one/many for various reasons.

Nav Unit is much better though. I just wish it was possible to update the UI to have a compass *ahem* nav unit checkbox next to the automap checkbox, because then regular people might use it.


I am not a scientist either (at least not in the traditional sense, I could be a mad scientist though..) but if I had to guess I would say ships magnetic field would be evenly distributed, so if there are no other magnetic fields that could effect the compass out there, compass would probably just end up spinning around endlessly and erratically instead. If the ship is relatively close to a sun like it is depicted in the game, it would be effected by its magnetic field and point to that, because no matter what, suns magnetic field would be stronger.

Calling it nav unit like in SS1 makes sense, because it implies it is electronic. It is not a compass in the traditional sense, it probably gets its data digitally.

If it was possible I would suggest assigning a single button on the keyboard for compass.... I mean nav unit. It would be more accessible to a lot of people, since most wouldn't even think to press ctrl + c during gameplay.

In fact, I would rearrange a lot of keys. Make it more accessible to new players.
« Last Edit: 14. January 2021, 09:45:48 by endwars »


Even if it was a simpler button, like just C, it would still be something people don't know about unless they go to the options menu
sarge945I would've known. Especially when I was younger I tried out all the buttons on the keyboard to see if they did anything in games.
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