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Topic: SCP Beta 4 Issue Reporting
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Yeah it's not the worst thing in the world, just makes some areas (like hydro and ops) look a little bland in comparison sometimes.

Does the 16->32 bit conversion happen within the map itself when you light the level, or is it an engine-level thing? Maps in vanilla and Secmod etc have the old dark look to them.


relight is something that needs to happen in the editor, you set the parameters, relight the level, save.


To a certain extent Hydro is always going to look brighter than vanilla because the original mapper set the ambient light level to 0, unlike every other map which used an ambient level of 16. For visual consistency the decision was made to change Hydro's ambient level to match the rest of the game.

That being said, we've adjusted the lighting brightness/saturation in some areas to try to match the look of vanilla. If there's a specific area you're thinking of that had significantly more purply lighting than SCP, let us know.


Oops, what I remembered as purple was actually red...

In Vanilla, the red glow on the ceiling is very pronounced and obvious and sets the tone for the whole room.

In SCP4 it is a lot more subdued, which IMO makes the area look a lot more bland.

Hopefully all of this will be covered automatically by darkening the maps, but I definitely find a lot of these sorts of glowing areas on maps are very subdued in SCP and look very boring as a result

(Screenshots were taken in hydro2.mis standing next to blue monkey 1698)

SCP is just way too bright in general.
[Vanilla.png expired]
[SCP.png expired]


Yeaahhh, those pitch-black shadows that remain black no matter how high you turn up the gamma aren't coming back. They certainly look "cool", but they aren't very realistic. That wall on the right in your bottom screenshot looks like a bomb hit it.

Speaking of realism, since most of the walls in Hydro are white (and sometimes even the ceilings and floors), it makes even less sense that there would be so many deep shadows on that deck, since they'd be bouncing light all over the place.


Vanilla may be slightly TOO dark, but the point is that it did a very good job of being creepy and dark, and the glowing lights emphasise that.

In SCP this area doesn't really have the same feel to it.

I would say Hydro is the deck affected the most by SCPs lighting changes. Decks like MedSci still manage to be sufficiently dark and tense. Hydro is kinda bright.

Here's another example. Vanilla is super creepy, SCP just looks kind of flat.

[dump091.png expired]
[dump092.png expired]
Acknowledged by: RoSoDude
I'm not sure if this is the right place for this so please note if it's not. I wanted to ask - would it be feasible to make it so if you hit Watts, he stops talking and skips to the end of the animation, the dying part? Currently it produces a sound but does nothing.
There are a lot of things wrong with soldier. He's a violent, brutish individual leaving behind a trail of blood in his campaign of terror on the von braun, rickenbacker and the body of the many against a harmonious collective that urges him time and time again to abandon his aggressive ways. In the end, his true colors are revealed as he destroys even the one he has been serving all this time, showing him for the nihilist he was, just wanting to kill everything and everyone he can. Killing Dr. Watts is entirely in character for such a horrible person


do not push your problems onto computer game characters (heey, remember that guy who complained that in TFix, I interfered with his ability to knock servants out, then burn them in a fireplace and listen to their unconscious screams? I almost managed to forget).

technically doable, but not worth the effort. immortal characters that move the story forward (and then die) in a quasi-cinematic are quite common, so this isn't really an issue.
It could help accelerate playthroughs. You can't loot the audio logs off him until he dies (which is a good change, I recall seeing a vanilla playthrough where you can do it while he's talking), and he only dies after the monologue. Still, a minor thing


It could also fuck up playthroughs for first-time players who panic and attack him when he starts moving.
Very good counterpoint. I drop the suggestion, it could indeed harm first time players.


Speaking of realism, since most of the walls in Hydro are white (and sometimes even the ceilings and floors), it makes even less sense that there would be so many deep shadows on that deck, since they'd be bouncing light all over the place.

Originally the hydro-level was much more on par with the other decks regarding visual consistency & color schemes, it looks much much better imo...  i remember getting out of the main elevator the first time on hydroponics deck & that white wall texture theme always stuck out like a 'sore thumb' for me.

in some places white is alright, like in those cultivation corridors or that medical bay where louise brooks / nurse bloom underwent re-fashioning..   as for purple lighting: i don't miss it

edit: but i can see if reverting back to those old textures purple lighting being more fitting & having more visual impact
[s7378657systemshock2hydroponicsalpha.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 11. March 2023, 21:23:24 by tiphares4 »
I think it could be interesting as a mod, but IMO hydro's pristine gleaming white aesthetic is great. It's unique and I think works well with everything very much not clean and pristine going on on the deck
Acknowledged by: ThiefsieFool


edit: but i can see if reverting back to those old textures purple lighting being more fitting & having more visual impact

I woke up around 0430 to look at some screenshots of old Hydroponics deck. Tiphares was there alone. Jesus, what the hell happened to that map? It'd lost most of it's color, and they removed a bunch of details on the side of it's walls. And that green. I told him someone should try to recreate the original look, but he told me it's too much effort. Well, la-dee-da.


The broken keypad on Recreation, when frobbed, still shows buttons etc, but they can't be interacted with.

I have seen this trip-up a few people in the past, myself included, thinking the keypad was bugged when it really just needed to be repaired.

This is exacerbated by the fact that every other repairable device has a scrambled/broken interface when the device needs repair, but not the keypad.

Would it be possible to fix this in SCP by giving it a scrambled/broken interface?


The keypad UI is handled by the engine. A "broken" keypad image doesn't even exist in the game resources. So fixing this would require creating such a graphic, then reimplementing the entire interface in Squirrel.


Right. Not to mention Dark only allows one interface handler per map (at least according to @RoSoDude)

I can see why this would be considered not worth doing.


making it produce some sort of broken sound until repaired should be doable though.


I don't think there's any "broken device" sound in the game.

We could just add some smoke to it.


a few DENIED! sounding sounds that are barely (or not at all) used in vanilla definitely exist, used one of them for the ship trajectory change gizmo in the Minstrel (that one was hack_fail).


I think the DENIED! sound you have associated to the broken QBR in Command A is a good fit.


Or use TELEPHON, to make it absolutely unambiguous.  :D
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