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I dont know if topic can be categorised as mobile,... So i left to admins to operate consequently...

Finally i manage to setup a configuration to play SS1 portable on an Win10-Acer Switch just with the TOUCH PANEL!  :). Finally, i can carry and play everywhere like a PRO  :sly: Although i would like to give support to GOG distributed version,  the special interface to play the game did not satisfied in terms of returning to "20th-century-mouse&keyboard" approach, and i couldnt find on any forum about a setup for playing like any of the millions of mobile-alike games around (:() while the "great-grandfather" of all of those games remained still obscure ...

 So here goes my setup:

 1) SS Portable v 1.2.3 - Malba Tahan's mouselook mod enabled. Other options as suited to your needs, but i prefer the 320x2xx resolution due to poor hardware but also, on higher resolution couldnt control with the mouse comfortably...
 2) Mouse support: Substituted the SDL.dll in the dosbox folder with the one available that supported input tablet ( cannot remember where i found that, maybe --> https://www.gog.com/forum/general/dosbox_and_windows_8_touchscreen_tablets/page1 ??). As stated, dosbox.conf should be set to "output=opengl" and maybe some additional configuration... This mod certainly allowed touch mouse emulation, but as commented there, the virtual keyboard popup is totally clumsy and useless for the game,... but at least half of the solution was achieved.
 3) Keyboard emulation: The working setup i could manage was through this TabletPro App (I downloaded a personal-use version2.0.5.0 at http://tabletpro.com/) which included a overlayed virtual onscreen GamePad-TouchPad emulation! Even playing DosBox in fullscreen the control are visible and useful ... Great? Not in this case...
  3.1) After several attemps the solution which satisfied me most was to setup a "Dreamcast-HalfLife" control style :ninja:  through the GamePad-Keyboard option, as follow:
  - Screen left side: LB button placed midscreen and mapped to "Space"(Jump) key
 - Screen right side: RB button aligned to LB and mapped to "E"-(Switch Look) key.
 - Screen middle to bottom side: ABXY set (small) gamepads buttons mapped to W,A,S,D key configuration  :thumb:
 - Screen bottom: SELECT+START combo matching "Esc" - "Enter".

Et voilĂ , for those who tried System Shock on a traditional way, the setup is as complicated as used to be originally  :D, and that's the spirit of the game :D:D... for those who have no idea of what im talking about but own some Windows tablet TRY IT!! Althought the time I spent trying to setup the game instead of playing it is fun!!   :kekeke: ,  just by executing it, a nostalgia shake my bones reminding me of each and every great FPS i have played(...) and couldnt understand why i have overlooked the original Masterpiece!!

Credits to everyone who deserve for creating such useful tools and to the community for this wonderful work of preservation...

Tried to stream a gameplay video, but there are some issues, ill post to the streaming channel as commented.


« Last Edit: 14. March 2020, 22:48:32 by Moderator »
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