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Topic: System Shock will not run
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Still on win_10 Pro. I installed the SHOCK folder in my C:\Games\Sshock2 and ran the tool and it said I needed the directx_Jun2010_redist and it sent me to the download page and said to run the tool again. After installing the DirectX redist the demo works fine now. I wonder if I copied the redist it downloaded and installed it on my Win_7 if that would work or if I need a different one just because it is win_7 and not Win_10. Or if it even matters.


DX9c can be installed on any modern windows os.
I just installed the full version on Win_10 with 13 mods and it all works perfectly! all the vids and game. I will get the DX9C and install it when I get home and see how it goes.
Thanks again!
 Back at home on Win_7. I installed DX9C and ran the demo and got nothing. Then I installed the DirectX that the SS2Tool-v. told me to download when I was on Win_10 and got nothing on the demo. Then I changed the shock2.exe to ss2.exe on the demo and it ran perfectly.
Now I don't know if it was the directX or the changing to ss2.exe
 So I ran the SS2Tool-v. inside the folder; C:\Games\Sshock2 and it installed and I added 13 mods and started the game and got nothing. So I once again changed the shock2.exe to ss2.exe and it is all running GREAT!
Hell Yea!
Thanks for all your help I definitely would never have known to rename the .exe or do some of the other troubleshooting that you helped me with.
All is good now!


I'm almost sure it was the exe name. some systems seem to hate shock2.exe for whatever reason.
Acknowledged by: Rodent
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I still really like the idea of being able to eat monkey brains though. ~ZylonBane
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