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Topic: Classic electronic music Read 24531 times  

Acknowledged by: rccc


Man you guys link some awesome old school sounding techno tracks. Exactly the kind of stuff I grew up listening to and absolutely loving. Used to lay in bed listening to that stuff for hours back when it used to be on the radio more often.

Makes for good additions to my Spotify playlist. Keep em coming :D.
It's DnB but yeah, very nice tracks! Like a summer breeze. I like the organic sound.
« Last Edit: 16. August 2016, 18:32:23 by fox »
Some jazzy electronic summer music (not DnB, though):

Also check out the "Give Em Enough Dope" compilations (and nevermind the juvenile name) for similar feeling stuff (of various genres, though. I think they were meant to be played in Dutch coffee shops originally).

PS: Sorry for the unnecessary double-posting.
« Last Edit: 16. August 2016, 18:58:39 by fox »
It's DnB but yeah, very nice tracks! Like a summer breeze. I like the organic sound.

Yeah, it's called "intelligent drum & bass", dubbed as such by the fans so its not as pretentious as it sounds, or "cosmic" drum & bass as named by the original master himself, LTJ Bukem. Most of it from the 90s. To me it's the Immersive Sim of drum & bass: obscure, but undeniable depth & quality. I scour the interwebs while modding in search of the finest, and have been into the genre for decades, so if you like this stuff I'm your man.

I was going to post my full .txt listing all the classics, but I'll stick to sharing over time so they remain relevant long-term. Good things should not die.

Seba & LoTek - So Long (wait for the excellent breakdown)

Goldie - Sea of Tears (a slow burner, but really progressively beautiful)

The alliance - Virtual Heaven

Justice - Soothe My Soul 94' (Blame's Mix)

« Last Edit: 28. August 2016, 12:44:29 by Join usss! »
Acknowledged by: fox
This was one of my first contacts with "intelligent electronic music" and it's appeal to me didn't fade one bit after all those years since it's release:

Cosmic Baby - Thinking About Myself (1994)

Harald Blüchel aka Cosmic Baby has been among the pioneers of the German techno and trance scene when it all started around 1990. I didn't really like his more techno oriented records but Thinking About Myself is one of those records that hold a special place in my heart and he was (is?) also a great live performer/DJ.

Another techno/trance album I consider essential for my musical evolution and that I still like to listen to every once in a while is this:

Jam & Spoon - Tripomatic Fairytales 2001 (1993)

Jam & Spoon were also pioneers of that initial scene in Germany and also quite active as DJs. They released a number of other records too but I can't say I liked most of it as it sounded like a regression and/or commercialization to me (unlike Harald Blüchel, who retired his Cosmic Baby alter ego ´towards the end of the 90ies, citing disgust with how generic and commercial the music and scene became as the reason and went on to produce classical and ambient scores for art projects and stuff like that). Still that album managed to leave a lasting impression on me and compared to what most techno and trance sounded like back then, it really was miles ahead.

« Last Edit: 16. August 2016, 23:21:33 by fox »
This was one of my first contacts with "intelligent electronic music" and it's appeal to me didn't fade one bit after all those years since it's release:

Cosmic Baby - Thinking About Myself (1994)

I listened to 6 minutes of that waiting for it to progress beyond the use of two instruments looping :/ I'll give it another try later though and see how it goes, as 6 minutes simply may have not been enough for it to blossom.

For trance specifically, I'm not too fond of the genre but there's some exceptional classics, like Chicane - Saltwater.
Oh, it's certainly loopy music and in if you're looking for complex rythms or energizing dance tracks, you definitely have to look elsewhere for them. This is all about creating an introspective, dreamy vibe through atmosphere (hence the album title), bliss-seeking sounds and , to a degree, repetition. Yeah, you should give it a closer listen when you are in the mood for it. There is more variation and complexity then what your first impression seems to be.

Songs like "Au dessous des nuages" [edit: corrected the time marker because it linked to a different track] where perfect for gliding over the wet and empty Autobahn (as a passenger) during the blue hour, exhausted from a long party night. Or staring out of the window on a train journey. That truely was deeply relaxing and trance inducing for me.

Personally, I pretty soon started to hate most of the Trance genre because it started to rely on one or two blue prints that where copied so frequently  that the "generic music" doesn't even begin to describe it. I stopped following it a very long time ago.

When I'm looking for something dreamy or introspective, I usually find it in the form of ambient or classical music instead - but there's always room for exceptions too.

One of Cosmic Baby's live sets in the legendary club "Omen" in Frankfurt.
« Last Edit: 17. August 2016, 15:52:46 by fox »
Acknowledged by: Join usss!


And I now realize that the music style I've been going by when making music for my own games would be classified as "Drum and Base". Interesting.

A track from Bipolar:


or for something a little more recent:

Track from Dragon's Castle:


And another:

« Last Edit: 17. August 2016, 09:10:53 by icemann »
Heh heh. Makes cool music, doesn't even know what genre it is meant to be. The bipolar track probably qualifies as DnB (primary factor in determining is BPM), but the Dragon's Lair track definitely isn't DnB.
Cosmic Baby - A Tribute To Blade Runner Pt. 1 & 2
1.)  "A Tribute To Blade Runner (Dance Title 1)"
2.) L.A. 2018 Main Title
3.) "A Tribute To Blade Runner (Dance title 2)"
4.) "Cosmic Baby - Replicants Requiem)"
5.) "Rachel And Deckard"

Both released in 1994. I think the three more ambient oriented tracks aged pretty well.
« Last Edit: 18. August 2016, 15:55:50 by fox »
Acknowledged by: rccc


Heh heh. Makes cool music, doesn't even know what genre it is meant to be. The bipolar track probably qualifies as DnB (primary factor in determining is BPM), but the Dragon's Lair track definitely isn't DnB.

Definitely funny :). I just went for the style that I knew I liked from 90s days. Just had never looked up what genre, or asked around.
As requested, here's more classics from the golden age of DnB:

PFM - The Rough with the Smooth

Intense - Motions VIP

FBD Project - Journeys

And another jazzy one, ever so slightly more recent this time (2005):

Subject 13 - Mama Cuba
« Last Edit: 28. August 2016, 12:55:27 by Join usss! »



Found a copy of this old Amiga remix track in a super old CD I've had lying around since the 90s. Couldn't find a copy of the tune on youtube anywhere, so uploaded it myself. Hopefully doesn't get done for copyright, since it has audio clips from the movie "Aliens" in it. Really enjoyed this tune back in the day. Apparently the main tune is from a game called "Alien Breed" which I've only played a few times when PC remakes of it were released via the remaking community.
Alien Breed was an excellent Amiga game and received a faithful PC fan remake. http://www.pixelprospector.com/alien-breed-obliteration/
If there is a demand, even from icemann alone, I will continue to share.

I've posted this first track before in the thread this one was split from, but it's probably my favorite of the bunch, and it is from 1993, when drum & bass was in its infancy and produced in the face of many limitations:

Skanna - This Way (1993)


Flytronix - The Rhode Tune (1998)


MI5 - Experience (1995)

Or, one of the tracks that started the "intelligent" niche:

LTJ Bukem - Atlantis (1992)



Acknowledged by: Join usss!
Notice how every track has vastly different drum patterns to the previous, and how most are also far more complex than contemporary dnb drum patterns, and are more complex in general? Yeah, fuck modern repetitive as hell, simplistic dnb. Very rarely I find a post-early/mid2000s dnb track that suits my needs, but there's some. Though granted, there was a lot of shit dnb back in the 90s too, but overall there's a ton more quality to find.

Posting another track from the other thread, because around the 3 minute mark onward is very much some good groove therapy:
Universal - Groove Therapy


shogun - Nautilus

Omni Trio - Who Are You

The Invisible Man - Power

Carlo & addiction - Make it Real

« Last Edit: 28. August 2016, 12:51:42 by Join usss! »
Next prestigious drug fix is up. First track is high brow. Depression trigger warning for the two tracks in the middle:

Intense - Only You

Futurebound - Sorrow

Intense - Ecstatic

Motiv One - Loop Progression

« Last Edit: 28. August 2016, 12:48:18 by Join usss! »
Acknowledged by: icemann
I've been thinking of a way to optimize page loading time other than simply not embedding a thousand youtube vids, and one such solution was to nest them in spoiler tags, yet default SMF software spoiler tags suck and you can't embed media in them as a drop-down window. Shame because I've been using this page as my convenient hub for listening pleasure.


It could use an expandable "+" element. Some forums use that.

So until you click the "+" it's just a title of sorts.
Simply posting the yt-videos as normal html-links is working well enough though. The new tab it opens for the video shouldn't be much of an issue really. Often I want to do that anyway because I want to like, comment, bookmark or whatever.
Alright, as it seems there is no other solution I'll go back and edit them to hyperlinks.

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