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Posted by: Jules
« on: 24. October 2022, 23:06:12 »

After putting off playing this FM for months (!), I ended up devouring it in a single sitting during a lazy weekend (it's unhealthy, I know!). Needless to say, my impression was very positive, and I'm eager to finish the rest of the series. I really liked how short and sweet the whole experience felt, while also leaving enough room for customizing your stats before the end (although as a PSI user on Impossible, I didn't unlock as high a PSI tier as I would have liked to). I also really appreciated the many little side-stories conveyed through the voice logs - such things lend a lot to an FM's personality, making it feel like something more than just a compact rehash of the original campaign.

Of course, I've also played with the re-recorded SHODAN e-mails. They might have been a small addition, yet they really helped to immerse myself in the experience more. Moreover, in spite of having complained a little bit about the voice acting in the first FM, I had no issues whatsoever this time around - in fact, I've quite liked  it. Perhaps I was just in a nitpicky mood the last time!

UNN Polaris will be next. Hopefully without another months long delay.
Posted by: Christine
« on: 21. May 2022, 14:02:29 »

 Thank you  :)
Posted by: Stefano
« on: 21. May 2022, 13:55:14 »

ChristineI just finished the mission. Incredible. Even better than Ponterbee Station. WOW!

P.S. I've used the Recycler pretty much everywhere and had no problem with the nanites disappearing, so it was just an inherent bug in SS2, as you and others were telling me.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 18. September 2020, 20:58:19 »

yes, but that one is on a different delay trap. anyway, it looks like one of those rare situations where something just goes wrong, and nobody can find out why.

I'll fix his save and write it off as mysteries of the Dark.
Posted by: Christine
« on: 18. September 2020, 18:43:36 »

He didn't receive the email from captain Weber, but he received the email from Shodan. (this email is sent after the email from the captain) - It's really strange, I never had this happen to me  :thinking:
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 18. September 2020, 18:06:16 »

yeah, it doesn't seem like anything is wrong with the setup, looks like the signal just somehow stopped on delay trap 1373 (confirmed he didn't receive the modules and email).
Posted by: Christine
« on: 18. September 2020, 17:51:45 »

I didn't make any changes at the triggers and traps, I'll take a look at his savegame.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 17. September 2020, 18:58:37 »

@Christine checked his save (attached), and it seems like multitrigger 1372 just didn't fire for some reason, even though it should, as far as I can tell (buttons 668 and 669 have been pressed, the fuel interrupt quest is done).

//actually, I think 1372 did fire, as the fuel interrupt quest is marked complete. so the culprit seems to be delay trap 1373?
[save_3 nw.zip expired]
Posted by: Silverdogz
« on: 17. September 2020, 18:52:40 »

So I think I've run into a bug. When I try to deactivate the engine core, it's labeled as a UNN computer. When I try to interact with it I hear the audio cue "Access Needed" and nothing happens. I've deactivated the fuel, before attempting to turn off the core.

Posted by: Christine
« on: 20. April 2020, 14:44:16 »

 Thank you, it's allways good to get some feedback  :thumb:

I will take a few weeks for Polaris, but the spawn works now like it should. In the old version there are some places where the spawn is out of control. If you don't like a high spawn rate, it would be better you wait for the update.
Posted by: fbr
« on: 20. April 2020, 14:18:15 »

Just to give a feedback, finished the FM and it played great. The respawn rates were on point, and everything worked well. The only minor negative point it's the abundance of items, even in Impossible (never ran out of supplies, besides armor-piercing bullets; same as in Pointerbee). Perhaps were amounts balanced for a higher respawn rates? Nevertheless, great FMs and looking forward to Polaris. Would it be a good idea to wait for the update before playing?
Posted by: Stingm
« on: 05. April 2020, 18:02:54 »

Thank you so much Christine.  I still have and love all your system shock and thief missions.  I eagerly look forward to Polaris and Holiday updates.   
Posted by: Christine
« on: 03. April 2020, 07:49:14 »

I have updated the UNN Nightwalker to V3 Newdark. I hope you'll like it   :)

Kolya has updated the first post :thumb:

Posted by: hal
« on: 15. October 2019, 02:04:07 »

Cheers  man ,i grabbed  the releases i wanted from the attachments here.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 10. October 2019, 20:04:14 »

always download from here, any other site will either have the same files, or outdated ones.
Posted by: hal
« on: 10. October 2019, 19:39:56 »

Hi ,i noticed this and other mods have attachments or "Download via thiefmissions.com" .

It's not clear if the attachment versions are the newest or the versions from thiefmissions .com

Also, for example ,on this page there is 3 attachments but the thiefmissions .com is one file.

What should i be downloading if i want all the latest files for a particular mod?
Posted by: unn_atropos
« on: 18. June 2019, 19:47:02 »

Posted by: Adrian
« on: 17. June 2019, 22:26:51 »

Yes, it solved my problem, much thanks!

Also SS2tool can't be installed within directory which path to it contains 'Program files' phrase. I copied my steam ss2 files to brand new directory.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 14. June 2019, 06:03:33 »

patch up with SS2tool, extract the quickfix into the Nightwalker folder, load any additional mods with the mod manager (make sure to use the Rebirth version of RealSG for Rebirth, if using that), use FMselect to launch. anything else isn't supported.
Posted by: Adrian
« on: 13. June 2019, 21:34:17 »

I have problem with hybrid's shitgun - looks messy. I tried to install various patches with no good results. I'm using steam launcher to play FM's
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. January 2018, 06:27:29 »

why isn't it working?!
all the latest stuff requires a SS2tool patched install of SS2. you probably didn't patch up.
I managed to get it working
how exactly?
there seems to be some issues such as there was a missing powercell in the first level so i had to cheat and spawn one just to keep going, also there's no ladders in the underwater areas in the maintenance tunnels so if you jump in you're stuck forever
again, you are most likely not patched up with SS2tool, this is required for stuff to work properly. you can share a save if you want, I can check it and tell for sure.
I have tried all the fixes in the forum all the download links are either down or require signin up which i really don't want to do.
none of our stuff requires that. can you tell us what is not available?
Posted by: Justin
« on: 23. January 2018, 03:41:09 »

I managed to get it working but there seems to be some issues such as there was a missing powercell in the first level so i had to cheat and spawn one just to keep going, also there's no ladders in the underwater areas in the maintenance tunnels so if you jump in you're stuck forever
Posted by: Justin
« on: 23. January 2018, 01:28:56 »

I just finished Pointerbee today and really want to play this one but I'm having the famous issue of being stuck in the cell and never being able to get out. I have the steam version of the game and installed this mod just like pointerbee so why isn't it working?! I have tried all the fixes in the forum all the download links are either down or require signin up which i really don't want to do. How can I make this mod work?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 01. December 2017, 19:17:54 »

you can't jump when swimming. anyway, as mentioned, a ladder should be available to all that have applied the hotfix, unless we are talking about a different area that I have missed.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 01. December 2017, 18:49:24 »

A leaping midair mantel doesn't work?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 01. December 2017, 16:28:42 »

the quickfix should spawn a ladder.

Posted by: Hardcore
« on: 01. December 2017, 16:05:45 »

My question is how do you get out of the water in security maintenance tunnel? I couldn't mantle out. And yes new mantle is on

While playing this mission that situation made me angry too. But I found an easy way to climb out of the water. Just throw an item (I tested milk and Donut or Burger) into the water. It swims on the surface. Just pull yourself up onto the item and easily jump to dry ground.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 04. October 2017, 16:09:23 »

Oh jeez, Rick!
Posted by: Jackafur
« on: 04. October 2017, 01:35:07 »

I guess cyber modules are too large to smuggle into your ass.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 03. October 2017, 08:49:44 »

well, this time you start in jail, so what'd you think?
Posted by: Jackafur
« on: 03. October 2017, 04:50:01 »

time for me to be a nuisance in this thread now. Is there not a bulk supply of cyber modules in the beginning like there was in Ponterbee? I think there was like 64 modules laying around near the very first upgrade station in ponterbee.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 03. April 2017, 17:34:16 »

make sure you are both patched up if you want to play MP together.
Posted by: Sneaksy
« on: 03. April 2017, 17:30:33 »

Have now :) I was running the steam version - which weirdly worked fine for my mate but not for me. Now patched with the ss2 tool and all running as expected!
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 03. April 2017, 07:26:10 »

patched up with SS2tool? post your shock2.log (should be in your SS2 folder).
Posted by: Sneaksy
« on: 03. April 2017, 07:17:04 »

Hey guys, loved Pontabee, played it all the way through with a mate on multiplayer. Was really looking forward to starting this one but when I start off in the cell it wont trigger the next loading screen. I'm just stuck in the cell for ever! I've tried uninstalling- re-installing, re-downloading the mission everything! Anyone found a fix for this?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 17. February 2017, 16:38:07 »

aand completed (also three and half hours). good fm, but it could do without Shodan. quickfix attached to the first post, mostly the same deal as with Polaris;

-impossible to get from the watery areas on the security level, so spawned a few ladders
-fixed attachments on the drunk woman
-fixed positioning on a few objects
-fixed physics stuff on a few custom objects (donuts, chocolate bar, cigs)
-can eat and drink as much as one wants
-cigarette butts size now matches those in the ashtrays (custom object)
-cigarette packs now sized so they would fit into the cigarette cartons (custom object) properly, also will give one psi point when smoked, SCP style
-tall plants removed physics to hopefully prevent them falling into floor
-integrated appropriately modified versions of RealSG and Shotgun Muzzle Flash minimods (remember, Fixed Objects and an appropriate version of RealSG need to be loaded in the mod manager. SHTUP-ND and Object Shrink are also highly recommended)
Posted by: Vegoraptor
« on: 09. December 2014, 20:59:29 »

Well, I did find a way, even if it's an unconventional and cheaty one: I spawned myself a bed to stand on.
But I really feel like someone who knows what they're doing should code in a pool ladder or something.
Posted by: Stingm
« on: 08. December 2014, 17:30:50 »

Well I guess nobody knows. I just didn't go in the water this time..lol I have finished all the missons once again. If anyone figures out how to get out of the water in the security maintenance tunnel on the first level of Nightwalker? Please let me know.
Posted by: Sting
« on: 26. November 2014, 21:46:03 »

I have started playing this agin as well. I had the unable to eat snack bug myself but a restart fixed it. My question is how do you get out of the water in security maintenance tunnel? I couldn't mantle out. And yes new mantle is on
Posted by: unn_atropos
« on: 10. November 2014, 20:41:48 »

I just checked and neither reimstoff.net or http://reimstoff.myownmusic.de seem to be there anymore, so you cannot get the song that is played on the credits. Luckily I downloaded it at some point, so here it is.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 06. October 2014, 18:19:49 »

Actually the one from the master build is from 5. March 2014, while the version in the TTLG thread is from 15. December 2012.
I'm not sure any more where I got that version (from NV maybe?) but it's definitely not the same as the latest TTLG version.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. October 2014, 06:20:23 »

the very latest (6.0) should.
Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 06. October 2014, 06:15:26 »

Wouldn't using the latest SS2Tool update it automatically for them? At least for people not named voodoo47...  :thumb:
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. October 2014, 06:04:26 »


overwrite the current nvscript.osm with the latest one.
Posted by: nano_machine
« on: 05. October 2014, 22:27:06 »

I am having the same prob as Joseph, how do i update the NVScript file?...Can anyone provide me with the save game which skips the Day 1 thing?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. September 2014, 13:41:08 »

if you are using Rebirth and Flora overhaul, make sure you are using the latest versions, and that your game install is patched to v2.43. you can also share a save, I'll have a look at it, maybe I can figure out what's wrong.
Posted by: Valet2
« on: 27. September 2014, 13:02:45 »

Hmm... Try to disable all other mods and run the fm again, start from the beginning (no saved game).
Posted by: Joseph
« on: 27. September 2014, 11:21:38 »

Thanks voodoo47... I ended up trying tinkering with the fm.cfg file (as some other users suggested) to skip the initial jail cell section altogether, starting on the "second day" in the cell.

However, there are still problems. Some of the game-critical sections have not loaded: for instance, the body with the codes and card on the med-sci deck actually has no items on the corpse. This, understandably, is a game breaker. It's one of a few problems that have arisen. I was going to keep trying to fix it, but I'm resigned to the fact that Nightwalker will need to remain part of a very enjoyable past life. :)
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. September 2014, 12:31:57 »

update your NVScript, that should fix it.
Posted by: Joseph
« on: 26. September 2014, 12:24:23 »

A small problem... I used to love Nightwalker in the old days... but the Steam FM program is causing a bug that other users have experienced. I start in the jail cell on the Nightwalker, the "Day 1" graphic appears... and nothing happens. I'm trapped.

Have tried moving the "earth.mis" file from the mod folder to the primary folder without success. (Yes, of course I backed it up.)

Any hints/suggestions?
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