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Topic: System Shock Enhanced Edition released on GOG
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Yes - I know the floppies were not expected to work and it was fortunate that they were still readable.  My point was that it's premature to assume that data on old media is dead.


  • Company: Night Dive Studios
Stop being such a downer Zylon. Seriously that's all you ever seem to do is try chopping people at the knees, belittle, berate, and use the fact you've been here forever to not get thrown out on your face.

I'm personally in favor of pointless personal attacks like this quote to earn the offender a ban for a week or longer. If you don't like someone, that's fine. Keep it to yourself. We don't need your random outburst of hate because some text on your screen offended your delicate sensibilities.
Text on a screen is all we are to anyone here. And offending each other is the tenderness of the internet, so get with the program. Besides I'm in favour of no one's backseat driving รก la XYZB should be banned banned banned shriek!

Motherfucking Stephen Kick, you lucky individual. The system sucks. Just a randomer with connections, he now owns the System Shock IP and has one-on-ones with Paul fucking Neurath. Not to discredit his work getting System Shock on GoG and such (IP theft of SS2 Tool aside), and the guy may even be responsible for a really great sequel one day, but fuck do I try not to be bitter about many aspects of life and fail at that miserably.
Good for you, Kick. You must be very happy with your good fortune, and I'm not one to want to destroy happiness.
I had dreams of buying out the rights to the Shock franchise because tired of how impossible it was to legally get.

Stephen Kick managed it. Sure I'm mildly bitter at the lack of apology to Koyla and others for the whole stealing credit thing but then there were other games gotten, their hiring the guys from chocolate doom to get Strife out of legal limbo, and doing exactly what theri company name suggests. Diving into the night and pulling out those things from limbo.

It can always be better, but dude has made the impossible happen.


lack of apology to Koyla and others for the whole stealing credit thing
that's been worked out, so lets call it water under the bridge.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Kolya, Hikari
My bad, I hadn't realized that was resolved, my bad.

Anyway, even with any fault that could be lain at NightDive's feet, they did what we had long wanted done. For that I am pleased.
that's been worked out, so lets call it water under the bridge.

Bullshit. You don't steal someone's decade-long dedicated non-profit work, sell it, then apologize and all is good. I'm not calling for a lynching either but it should remain a long-term mild stigma for any future interactions with Night Dive. This will happen by default for those that know of the events, the damage is done in that respect, but I wouldn't say "it is water under the bridge". That implies there should be little to no consequences for such actions, all is forgiven, and that it was an offense of minor significance. 
I'm open to this viewpoint being opposed. Perhaps Kolya was in the end compensated. Perhaps there is more to the story (doubt it, the whole thing was quite public). Either way it painted a picture of how one should view Nightdive/Kick. Even if it seems he has got everything right with this recent release.
Well consider Koyla himself 'acknowledged' the post, so apparently is agreeing with the sentiment who are we to hold a grudge when the person directly wronged doesn't want to? Best to move on and learn from the experiance without growing bitter to the point of it coloring everything I suppose.
Well consider Koyla himself 'acknowledged' the post

I'm not blind or without consideration.

who are we to hold a grudge when the person directly wronged doesn't want to?

Individuals, with individual judgement.

If I see someone take your personal possessions when you weren't looking, possessions you worked hard to create down to the pawn shop, I personally wouldn't want anything to do with that person. It's a little different because it is a copy that was taken of course, regardless it was taken, sold and initially not even credited to the original creator.
Fair enough man. I'm just choosing to let go since i know what holding on to being angry does to me and isn't nice by any strech. Man seems fine with how things are, time to move on.

I won't fault you for holding Nightdive in a bad light though.
Acknowledged by: Join usss!
"Best to move on and learn from the experiance without growing bitter to the point of it coloring everything I suppose."

It shouldn't color everything, it just shouldn't be forgotten. Kick can very well make amends, earn reputation points by practicing honest business in the future, and so on. Forgive, perhaps, but don't forget. Always keep it in the back of your mind until change is truly apparent, much like how you wouldn't let your guard down around a real life thief unless repentance and a change of character is obvious.

Edit: according to Kick on the twitch stream he actively pursued the rights to SS2 and it wasn't a case of nepotism and randomness (I remember around the time of the SS2Tool theft debacle people saying he had blood ties in Star Insurance), so apologies to Kick there.
« Last Edit: 27. September 2015, 00:05:19 by Join usss! »
Acknowledged by: Hikari


I'm also curious about sound/music support.  Does it have any?  Is it any good?
Yes, the version of SHLINK that is included with SSEE supports music. It already supported sounds before.
From what I heard, music support still relies on Microsoft General MIDI, as it did with SSP on DOSBox. So music enhancement tips still apply.


I suppose this EE has almost the same keybinding feature as mentioed in another thread with the difference it is set in controls.cfg in EE. I was hoping someone would share their AUTOHOTKEY script and quickguide how to use it to map middle-click, wheel-down and wheel-up to use in binding as those keys are otherwise unused by game. Imagine how useful they could be for changing weapons or stand/crouch or the middle-click to switch mouselook instead of E which could be used otherwise then.

Looking for some perfect key-binding e.g.:

Wheel up/down - Switch weapons
Ctrl+Wheel up/down - Stand up/Crouch down
e/Middle-click - Mouselook toggle

Tab - Switch inventory tabs
R - Reload gun
F - Switch ammo type
G - Use grenade
T - Switch grenade type
H - Use patch
Y - Switch patch type
Home - Stand up
End - Crouch to ground
M - Map

Still trying to figure out how to read newly acquired logs in quick manner like single-key in SS2.

Perfect controls would allow for much enjoyable higher difficulty settings.


Nevermind, after spending up to 10 minutes reading AutoHotKey tutorial and experimenting I figured out myself...
...and I will share for those who have whatever reasons not to spend 10 minutes to learn very useful skill themselves.

How to get Enhanced controls work in SSEE:

1. Google up and install AutoHotKey application
2. Backup your controls.cfg file located in your SSEE installation folder
3. Download the attached EnhancedControls.zip and extract files into your SSEE installation folder overwriting controls.cfg
4. Use double-click on sshock.ahk to run SSEE with extra mouse key binding
(Optional) 5. Raise your difficulty level as you're macho now

The archive attached basically contains:
sshock.ahk script which will execute sshock.exe and make mouse keys usable for binded keys... upon exiting sshock.exe the script will terminate itself as well.
controls.cfg configuration which will bind the EXTRA keys as specified above. Only keys which were REPLACED are r,f,v for controlling stand/crouch pose others were left included.

Alt-tabbing out of the game and using scroll wheel will type letters as the script for doing that is still running while the game is running!

It is possible to ignore the autohotkey script and use just the controls.cfg for the mouse-unrelated key-binding.
« Last Edit: 01. October 2015, 14:48:30 by miracle.freak »

665c653b4da78Nameless Voice

You can wrap all of your keybindings in #IfWinActive blocks so that the bindings will only apply to SS2 (and not cause havoc if you alt-tab out.)


Code: [Select]
#IfWinActive System Shock
   Send, e

(Note: Replace "System Shock" with whatever window name or ahk_class SS uses.)


Thanks, NV, that really works nicely. I was hoping someone would come exactly with something simplistic and effective like this.


As far as future games in the SS-verse go, I imagine SS3, at least, would include SHODAN as the central 'theme', if it is ever made. As far as games afterwards if they were made, well, SHODAN would either be a lore character or possibly cameo character unless she is destroyed in 3. The most likely reason this could happen is because Night Dive probably wouldn't want to keep rehashing the same character over and over, but move on with things. Although SHODAN was the central premise for beginning the SS series, she isn't absolutely needed for it, like say Kane is for the Command & Conquer Tiberium series (that EA killed :carnage:).

System Shock's world-a-verse is pretty much a 'generic sci-fi cyberpunk world' like Deus Ex's world, of course with DE's being less advanced for the most part. What makes them both good is the stuff in them going on overall and on the smaller scale.

To be honest, I hope the Many isn't completely gone...that is one big chunk of stuff gone from potential future games. Having a free roaming sandbox game in this world with various human factions(corporations, nations, etc.), the Many(can there be factions?), and the machines(factions in service to individual Godhead leaders like SHODAN saw herself, hive-mind collectives, think-tanks, other types of groups maybe?) would be interesting(not to mention the individuals separate from groups). But this would all have to be setup by an earlier game or games first, or else it would just be horribly forced.

Basically I'm thinking of all the varied locales of Deus Ex combined with free form choice like Skyrim(or any game that is sandboxy, really).

I'm kind of rambling. :smurf:

P.S. I just said this stuff because of earlier stuff in the thread, wasn't trying to be random really. Really. :kekeke:
It requires more than owning the rights to make a game. And if you can get others to create it for you, you're still not likely to kill your cash cow by offing the main antagonist of your second hand franchise.
SS1 took place on a space station. SS2 took place on a star ship. SS3 could take place on a space colony, and take some inspiration from the first Deus Ex and have some nice, wide open environments with a lot of solutions to problems.


SS1 took place on a space station. SS2 took place on a star ship. SS3 could take place on a space colony
"Colony" is a purpose, not a thing. What are you talking about?
Sounds like Aliens. Which was covered by System Shock more than enough already. I suggest to have it take place inside of an asteroid where the atmofarmers have gathered in the juke dome that night, when there's a knock knock on the door. So we send the police officer. Who is it? It's Shodan! And she huffed and puffed the house away and ate up the little pig.

665c653b4e760Yankee Clipper

No, it is not a purpose, not at all. If someone said they were going to colonize a planet, that would be a purpose. But, the colony would be the place and people who did the colonizing.

Full Definition of COLONY
a :  a body of people living in a new territory but retaining ties with the parent state
b :  the territory inhabited by such a body
:  a distinguishable localized population within a species <a colony of termites>
a :  a circumscribed mass of microorganisms usually growing in or on a solid medium
b :  the aggregation of zooids of a compound animal
a :  a group of individuals or things with common characteristics or interests situated in close association <an artist colony>
b :  the section occupied by such a group
:  a group of persons institutionalized away from others <a leper colony> <a penal colony>; also :  the land or buildings occupied by such a group

Here comes an unexpected blow from the lower left, executed with a ten pounds copy of Merriam Webster's finest. ZB stumbles for a second, he looks around, brows clenched and then ...
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