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Topic: SS2 Neospring's Difficulty Mod Read 43040 times  

Tags: °gamesys °SS2

This is a game balancing mod to increase the difficulty for the player. (As discussed on TTLG.)

  • All monsters 3x Healthpoints.
  • Weapons: Reduced degrade rate to compensate.
  • Implants require cyber affinty based on there usefulness.
  • Armor requires different statistics making it more necessary to upgrade stats.
  • Most items recycle for more.
  • Wrench / PSI sword / Laser rapier scaled up a little.
  • Viral proliferator and Worm Launcher are alot more worth while to wield.
  • A lot more... play it yourself to find out =)
« Last Edit: 05. July 2014, 21:23:04 by Kolya »

6667757ba21fdShakura Jolithion

How can I alter the enemy hitpoints and damage, as well as weapons damage and statistics? I like the mod, but I want to tweak some things for my own, to kind of balance some stuff out. What tools do I need/where can I find them, because I've searched around both on this site and the net and can only find a level editor.

6667757ba239cNameless Voice

The level editor, DromEd, can also be used to modify the gamesys file, where these settings - and many other things - are stored.

6667757ba249eShakura Jolithion

Ah, thanks. Guess I have to go do some work now to get the game the way I want it ^_^
Should be fun, but first I'm gonna try and play through this mod and see how things feel.
is this mod compatible with multiplayer?
Hard to say without testing it. All players should install the mod then.
If you try this please tell us about it.


It looks like its compatable. I played with four freinds and we all had the mod installed. We only played till the end of Med/Sci though, so who knows after that.


Ehm, did anyone have the chance to list all the changes made by this mod? I would prefer to know what I'm changing in the game, as many things were perfect as they were, in my opinion :P
You're not one for surprises, are you?

That's all the info there is, in the first post. I have some doubts even Neospring would still know what the other changes were since he made this mod in June 2005 and vanished from the scene shortly after that.

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