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Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. October 2018, 17:48:54 »

first one - no. second one - post your ss2bmm.log or mod loadout screenshot at the Helpdesk.
Posted by: Silversharp
« on: 26. October 2018, 17:45:40 »

This mod seems like a must have for me, since this game is too easy for me, even on impossible difficulty. Hybrids dying from 3 pistol shots even in the beginning of the game or destroying cameras with single pistol bullet...
I would love ss2 to be extremely difficult so I can enjoy this masterpiece game for longer.
So my question: is this mod somewhat compatible with SCP? They are both gamesys mods, so that mod manager warns me about incompability.

Second question: I carefully collected and installed over 40 mods, but I'm not sure if I put them in the right order. Could anyone help me with that just looking at my load order?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 31. December 2015, 00:12:16 »

knock yourself out.

anyway, updated install instructions in the first post.
Posted by: x-tECH
« on: 30. December 2015, 19:34:29 »

I can try repair some shit in that mod so it will be more - multi class handy
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 30. December 2015, 17:44:46 »

My suggestion
there are no plans for updating this mod anytime soon (and the original author is MIA for years), so if you want things fixed, feel free.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 30. December 2015, 15:06:01 »

Please step away from the mushrooms.
Posted by: x-tECH
« on: 30. December 2015, 11:30:55 »

My suggestion for self-repairing cameras - very interesting will be if cameras self-repair in standard time of reaction will repair-self in all locations at the moment when player will be spotted by any of cameras in game or in quik cameras time reaction like 0.1 second - cameras which are destructed could repair-self after some dose of time.
Posted by: x-tECH
« on: 30. December 2015, 11:26:29 »

I think useless are some limiattions for item. I dont get sense for so much requirements for anti-toxin suit. This kind of thinking force player to use some classes and only them to be able survive in standard line of game- this is over idea of ss2 - to by able beat game in only one way so modules goes away for only one specific class -navy class - hacking and research (!) Anti-Toxin suit should be for all not for only researcher. So yeah - Camera should be destructive (and even self-repair after time), weapon should not break when in good shape and yeah some item requirements - other things super and should stay at is but these things force player to use only some specific classes to survive i guess....Not class man with gun cause gun breaking all the time...This mod is only for hacker/researcher class and other things is broken by elements which i mentioned - repair them and it will be perfect mod.
Posted by: x-tECH
« on: 30. December 2015, 02:12:49 »

My final conclusion for this mod to be more multi-class handy and more enjoyable and playable...
Remove this weapon degradation which not cooperate with mainetance tool. Weapon break chance not based on weapon state is not good idea i guess it makesplaying fast tired. Another thing is - camers which are not destructive - force player to play as hacker...not good i think. Instead of cameras which are bullet proof - change cameras reaction to 0.1 second instead of standard cameras  but bullet-proof - or another thing. make camera reapair itself after some time so any class could handle them not only a hacker.
Posted by: x-tECH
« on: 30. December 2015, 02:12:37 »

My final conclusion for this mod to be more multi-class handy and more enjoyable and playable...
Remove this weapon degradation which not cooperate with mainetance tool. Weapon break chance not based on weapon state is not good idea i guess it makesplaying fast tired. Another thing is - camers which are not destructive - force player to play as hacker...not good i think. Instead of cameras which are bullet proof - change cameras reaction to 0.1 second instead of standard cameras  but bullet-proof - or another thing. make camera reapair itself after some time so any class could handle them not only a hacker.
Posted by: x-tECH
« on: 28. December 2015, 18:50:36 »

This mod changes game for me for almost impossible XD I stuck on engineering deck. This is hard cause all the time you must hack camera systems and cant destroy cameras. Hack level for everything is more hi so in this modification priority is to have hack skill at first glance otherwise i guess this gonna lead you to game over quickly if you not invest in hack skills which so expensive here. Anyway i like enemys but robots which are impossible to avoid cause they start to running - is ultra hardcore. This mod is sick in good way but can make you tired from itself fast and when you start playing original difficulty of System Shock 2 game happen to be super easy xd
Posted by: Midaychi
« on: 12. January 2014, 06:57:06 »

Would be nice to take this mod, fix the turret/camera problem, stick in some randomizer for spawns and map improvements from UARMM, then add some secmod toys and ideas for replicators and modification/combination/tinkering/new items/new mobs in a balanced manner.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 10. January 2014, 08:46:15 »

well, that's the common problem with mods, it's easy to start working on one, but maintaining/getting out of beta/completing it.. not so much.
Posted by: Midaychi
« on: 10. January 2014, 04:58:48 »

A shame, really. The mod's pretty good despite being a little glitchy, but the cameras/turrets being able to detect you in common circumstances despite security being down makes me wonder if there's really even a point to being an early-game hacker besides defending yourself from protocol droids and getting at those hidden small bits of cyber modules in crates.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. January 2014, 18:15:07 »

the author hasn't been around for more that 3 years, so yeah, it's probably dead, with close to zero chance of any remaining issues being fixed.
Posted by: Midaychi
« on: 05. January 2014, 23:27:54 »

Development on this project is probably long dead but cameras still seem to have some sort of hearing of sorts. At least on maps besides medsci 1. Cameras will often trigger alarms based on some sort of non-visible detection even if the security system has been hacked offline, and sometimes will re-trigger it if you hack the security while an alarm is going and the camera is red on cooldown, even if you're not in line of sight.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 17. August 2013, 09:27:45 »

I have deleted your old account and attributed its posts to your new account. Next time please use the password recovery function. You'll find it when you enter a wrong password.

Posted by: jkdfgsl3298
« on: 17. August 2013, 07:40:31 »

(new account, lost my password)

i guess, the 'load_schemas' is meant to be a console command. Tried it, didn't work. No weapon sounds at all. It's a pity, there's something i really like about this mod.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 15. August 2013, 20:00:51 »

Try the command load_schemas
Posted by: jkdfgsl3297
« on: 15. August 2013, 19:09:13 »

Can't find an option to reload the sound schemas  in 'Object Hierarchy'. I did 'Extra\Schema\Reload Schemas' saved the GameSys and the game immediatedly crashed.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 14. August 2013, 06:50:53 »

I think reloading the sound schemas should do it.
Posted by: jkdfgsl3297
« on: 13. August 2013, 23:59:30 »

I would like to play this mod but i don't like that 'Weapons can and will jam at all condition levels'. So i used the ShockEd to change the 'Break Threshold' values back to the original ones. It worked, but now all weapon sounds are gone. What could be the cause? How can i fix it?
Posted by: nayoz
« on: 17. May 2012, 21:53:15 »

i see that in this mod implants and psi hypo can be duplicated, any idea what populism did to make this possible ?

i opened his shock2.gam and checked metaproperties and physical goddies

but in both cases couldnt find the modification...

i tried adding psi-> fabricate cost and amount to an item, but still get message: item cannot be duplicated...

thank in advance for who does know the answer :D
Posted by: psikoticsilver
« on: 12. March 2009, 16:29:59 »

I will have to give that a try... it's possible that for some reason there are .mis files overwriting the default ones.

However, if I remember properly we tested Pops with a clean install... also we have tried replacing any mission files which a mod installs.  Even using the default mission files, we still get desync'd.  Your mod is the only one which does not.
Posted by: Rainalkar
« on: 11. March 2009, 12:56:19 »

I really couldn't tell. It is very odd in case of Pops, since it's gamesys only mod. There was a hybrid en masse in Eng bug present in earlier versions of it, but it was fixed afterward for sure. I can't think of what Populism did so that loading first mis of Eng causes desynch. Sounds odd to me. Are you sure you have no leftovers from other mods? You could try to make a clean install and then extract pops only, and try to pass to Eng. If you don't manage even then, all left is to contact the author. Or Miracle can fix it, it seems he has FE devices in is sleeve for such stuff ha ha ;)
Posted by: psikoticsilver
« on: 11. March 2009, 07:45:18 »

Not with your mod :)  We've been messing with the beta you gave my brother to test and I can say that it does not encounter the same problem. 

Upon entering deck 1, the two computers desync in multiplayer.

Posted by: Rainalkar
« on: 10. March 2009, 13:30:28 »

Could you elaborate? You get a crush on Eng?
Posted by: psikoticsilver
« on: 10. March 2009, 05:32:57 »

I have the same problem with my brother and I.

The only mod we have been able to get working in Multiplayer is the Alya mod, and we can only get that to work if we overwrite it's maps with those from the Unified and Revamped maps package.

We think it's something to do with spawn point syncing.
Posted by: Rainalkar
« on: 10. October 2008, 12:33:03 »

I can't really help you, I didn't encounter that, and Populism isn't around any more, sorry.
Posted by: Ceph
« on: 09. October 2008, 23:40:11 »

Sorry for late reply, but yeah. Engi1. As soon as the level loaded we were desync and couldn't progress.
Posted by: Rainalkar
« on: 30. September 2008, 08:29:46 »

Are you sure it is the 1st eng level, or the part with the Many animation? I experienced the latter only.
Posted by: Ceph
« on: 30. September 2008, 03:23:01 »

Myself and a couple friends were trying to play version 2.5 in multiplayer. At first, we found out if one of the explosions in the beginning of medsci1 kills someone, it will completely desync the game. Id never had the explosions prior to leaving the cryo area hurt me before so we found out the hard way on that one.

Another issue is that we could get through all of the medsci areas fine, but as soon as we'd get to engineering the game would completely desync no matter what. We tried using multiple saves and no matter what, the first level of engineering desyncs us and we can't progress further. Is this still being worked on? I hope so we really loved the mod and want to play through it together.
Posted by: Rainalkar
« on: 19. August 2008, 19:26:02 »

I comply, please disable weapons can break at all times option in the next revision. It may make sense, but it's killing for those kind of builds and makes Maintenance useless compared to Repair, and especially to Anti-Entropy.
Posted by: m3450
« on: 19. August 2008, 16:30:07 »


    I've played the single player a few times all the way through but I've always enjoyed multiplayer more and I know a lot of people will disagree with that statement. But if it's late at night with no lights and I'm playing the game with your mod over the network with my brother I stilled get scared shit less. The game of course got way to easy without any mods. I stumbled upon this site looking for ways to make the game harder and I came across your mod. But I always thought of your mod as geared towards multiplayer since it was extremely tough with increased spawn, lower weapon effectiveness, less ammo...etc. you know something to counter having 2 players running around :P So when you said that in your mind you considered your mod only in the single player aspect I was a bit surprised. But I guess I'm just here to tell you that your mod is also beyond single player and a few other multiplayers like myself are die hard fans of this mod because it really gives us a challenge again and brings back the fear of 5 hybrids chasing me down the haul or hiding in a corner when those alarms go off :( LOL since when would someone ever do that in regular multiplayer?
     It might make people mad but when I look at other mods I always find myself judging them based upon your mod. In my view your mod is at the top which a lot of modders look to for inspiration. I saw your thoughts of what you would like to see happen for your final version of the mod and I have to tell you that I really like those idea's. I hope that you are able to accomplish all of them or at least most of them. Keep up the great work populism.
p.s. take out the weapons breaking at any time ;(. Oh, and one more thing. we should play your mod together sometime
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 07. August 2008, 09:52:04 »

Hey Pops, it's ok, I was suprised myself, you're welcome.
First I was suprised that I've found solution for most of your extraordinary problems while modding. They helped me understand ShockEd more deeply.
And secondly I was pretty surprised when Kolya made me a moderator all of a sudden some time ago. lol
Posted by: Rainalkar
« on: 07. August 2008, 09:13:38 »

I'm having troubles following your thoughts :P, but here goes:

No, the problems in Multiplayer aren't caused by AlyaMod. There was one problem when choosing spawn type, but is now fixed in UARMM and AlyaMod.

I can't tell 100% sure, but I think shodan's vulnerabilities/stims are fully definable in gamesys.

I don't recall from which of your gamesys version I started building mine, but surely not 2.5. I think I included some of your future changes I liked though. What random stuff are you refering too?

Ambient lighting isn't hard to do. But light brushes and object lights are quite time consuming, I redid them only for BotM. It wasn't ugly, it is now DARK.

Posted by: Populism
« on: 07. August 2008, 00:58:22 »

LOL I accidently hit the report to moderator button instead of reply...sorry if you or me gets an email.

Didn't you say you were having problems with multiplay due to the mod changes in your letter? I just assumed you were talking about the changes I made. If shodan is a map asset then it very well could be, things that are placed on the map don't seem to check the .gam file or our independent. Changes I want are listed above, just stuff that can't be altered through .gam file like all the placed weapons and gear on the maps themselves and redistributing CMs through out the game. Everytime I've played with the map editor in the past I've screwed up my game. Either things would be saved that I did in the editor (without saving) or there would be giant colored lego looking place holders in the actual game itself...once again I never saved anything I did.

Oh btw which version did you use? (for Alya)...cause 2.5 is alot better then 2....if nothing else the random & explosive stuff is worth it..plus its just easier. If I can I'll do ambient lighting as well...did you try increasing the standard light settings at all? If so was it hard or ugly?

Edit: Damn MiracleFreak, I just noticed you were a moderator here. Untill now I figured you were a very insightful/helpful lurker, oh and btw if I never said it before I'll say it now....THANK YOU FOR FINDING THE PROBLEM WITH THE DAMN OVERSPAWN BUG IN THE CARGO DECKS. I was clueless, and for all the other insight you gave me into the goings on of the various game files and what not, thanks Bro.
Posted by: Rainalkar
« on: 05. August 2008, 17:43:44 »

I think that he played your mod with his brothers :), we played UARMM and AlyaMod so far.

You can't make the mistake with what weapons affect Shodan, just check it's vulnerabilities for stims that affect her.

What do you have in mind with 2.? Creating new weapons?
Posted by: Populism
« on: 05. August 2008, 04:26:01 »

M3450 you the one playing muliplayer with Miraclefreak and Rain? Please post problems, that goes for anyone. However before posting make sure that the problem is due to the D&E mod itself.  Still curious about what weapons are effecting Big head at the end.

I never really intended to make a mod for mp but hell if I can just tweak a few values and it works for you, why not.

Eventually I'mma have to buckle down and learn to use the map editor so I can finally squash all the remaining bugs. I've been busy with RL and work, but recently got the mod fever and worked on mods for Diablo 2 LOD and Freelancer. When I get back to SS2 and if I can learn how to work the map editor I'll make the following changes.

1. Redistribute CM (more early on, less later)
2. Replace all placed (built into the map) weapons, gear and mobs with updated versions
3. Correct all the bugs on each level (this is huge but thankfully Straylight has already done it)
4. Possibly redue Vending machine costs
5. Lower ambient lighting
6. Place a few items

This means that map files will be needed, which I'll keep in a seperate download. Really thats all I can think of that needs to be done, those few things would make a huge difference in game.
Posted by: m3450
« on: 29. July 2008, 04:15:15 »

there is a possibility that the pops 2.0 and 2.5 mod is broken in terms of multiplayer use. When we access the Engineering level both players are unable to open doors. each player appears to lose connection but I'm not sure if they actually do. Has anyone else had this problem? I've tested regular ss2 in multiplayer.. and it works perfectly. pop's works in single player perfectly.
Posted by: Populism
« on: 12. July 2008, 05:28:42 »

Hello all, When I get back to playing SS2 again I will do some boss tests with the brain and shodan...please report what weapons if any are hurting shodan ,as I never really tested this with the natural in game shodan only a summoned version. She should be hurt by Incendary, explosive, Psi, Laser and especially Emp damage. I'm thinking from Silencers post that either she might be placed on the map itself like an object which wouldn't allow me to alter her (like a placed weapon). Or that its' another mod thats is interfering with this one.

Robatsandwich if you uninstall and reinstall SS2, add this mod (only this mod) then check the psi in game it should work fine, take it from there. I don't really remember all the ins and outs anymore sorry.

Has anyone else had a problem with the hazard suit not working? Again I tested a summoned version only.
Posted by: robotsandwich
« on: 30. June 2008, 21:58:52 »

I have the same problem as ste0 and Barrciak, but I'm pretty sure  I have the folders and files in the right places. 33 files are in strings, correct? All the data is in psihelp, however the ordering of the psi abilities is random and doesn't match the numbering; should they go together? Every other file in strings looks perfect. Also, where are the psi icons for each ability located? This is my exact problem: the icons do not match the ability. I'm at Recreation and I've been using Psychogenic Endurance thinking it was Psychogenic Cyberaffinity! Please help me.
Posted by: Silencer150
« on: 29. March 2008, 06:42:11 »

I think I'm stuck on the final boss now. :p
Head: Can only be affected by weapons that give off some type of energy (EMP, Lasers, Psionic, Explosives, Heat, Cold)
Avatar: Added lighting, weakened and slowed projectiles (speeds weren't raised)
According to this, SHODAN's head can be damaged by psionics, as well as heat and cold.  I've played through to the end with an OSA agent, and I have every offensive power available (except Psi Mine) but nothing I throw at the head seems to do anything to it.  Neither Cryokinesis or Pyrokinesis seem to work.  The only thing I've found that can damage the head is anti-personnel bullets, but they do so little damage that it's impossible to win using those.

Edit: Okay, I did find a way to damage SHODAN.  It turns out the Psi Sword is able to slowly chip away at the head, possibly due to the lightning damage that was added.  I was finally able to win by standing behind it and hitting it repeatedly with the Psi Sword.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 23. March 2008, 03:58:05 »

2) Is a bug that was introduced via ADaoB. It will get fixed.
Posted by: Silencer150
« on: 23. March 2008, 00:10:40 »

Thanks, I'll have to try that.  I hope it lets me edit the gamesys file that comes with Pop's mod.  Would anyone happen to know the values Crion used?  If not, I'll try looking at his file.

BTW I found a few more bugs recently.

1) The Hazmat suit doesn't work!  I put it on and it didn't confer any toxin or radiation protection whatsoever, and the +75 TOX +75 RAD signs didn't show up like they used to.  I walked into an irradiated room and still got damaged the same as if I had no suit on at all.  Did these accidentally get removed when the item properties were changed?

2) There's a bug with the ejected bullet casings feature.  While the feature itself is pretty cool, it doesn't seem to distinguish between the player and any slug turret you've hacked.  Whenever a slug turret I've hacked fires on an enemy, Goggles starts 'urinating' bullet casings even if he's in a different room (which is actually pretty humorous to see).

3) Several projectiles seem to have disappeared, including laser bolts (from turrets, midwives, etc.) cryokinesis, and pyrokinesis.  AFAIK the cryokinesis projectile still shows up when you fire one yourself, but when monkeys use it, it's invisible.  I haven't tested whether this is true for the player's own pyrokinesis projectile.
Posted by: Rainalkar
« on: 21. March 2008, 08:24:04 »

It's pretty hard to balance random loot CMs, and many players don't really like this kind of luck factor (yet, oddly, they love it in Random mod, including myself). The original game, as I remembered, had a 0,75 no loot (75%) on Impossible (I don't think it's different in this mod), say that you want to add CMs to Once-Hybrids, how much chance would you like, 1 in 20, 1 in 40... (1/80, 1/160 Impossible)?
If you install ShockEd you can easily add the desired amount yourself, and change the skill costs according to your wishes. It took me several days to figure out a balance I would be happy with... yet I'm crazy when it comes to SS2 ;) 
Posted by: Silencer150
« on: 20. March 2008, 18:54:20 »

I have to say I'm quickly growing fond of this mod.  It puts the challenge back in the game and plays more like a true survival-horror experience.  There are just a couple of things I wanted to comment on.

First, I don't know if this bug was in the original game or if it's a spawning error created by this mod, but I somehow managed to get an intangible hybrid to spawn when I set off the alarm on MedSci.  I can't shoot it or connect with my wrench, but it can beat my head in just fine.  It even ran right through a closed door to get me.  :confused:

Second, while it's not strictly an issue with this mod alone, there's something I've been wondering about regarding any of the gamesys mods.  Is there a way to use a mod like Crion's CMJ mod in tandem with this one?  His mod, which raises upgrade costs but lets you get CMs (and other cool items) off of slain enemies, has always been one of my favorites.  Given the tendency of large swarms of enemies to appear whenever the alarm is set off (and my tendency to set the alarms off with every move I make) I thought it would be the perfect way of balancing out the gameplay.  Since the different gamesys mods aren't compatible as far as I can tell, would you consider adding this feature?

Edit: Nevermind what I said before about the Psi skills.  They seem to match okay now that I've done the strings fix.
Posted by: Populism
« on: 27. February 2008, 00:54:20 »

VERSION 2.5 is now available for download....small changes mostly tweaks

Removed charts from 1st page..still available in the readme
Posted by: Rainalkar
« on: 12. February 2008, 11:34:32 »

Worked out really well with the lower deterioration rates making repair a must have for gunners, guns can jam up at anytime...some more than others. The only thing I might do is make each one able to  break at different condition levels...Higer numbers (7,8) for Energy since there high tech and lower (4,5) for standard...with heavy being a mix of the two.

Hm, this is really nasty, I have to check the numbers to see how you pulled it off, at first sight I don't think I like the idea of weapon breaking all the sudden anytime, but if it works well for you...
Posted by: Populism
« on: 11. February 2008, 19:51:27 »

Removed version 2.0 for minute...fixing a couple of things...brb

Edit: There Just tweaked the Assault rifle a bit and reduced Adrenalines effectiveness
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