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Topic: SS2Tool Network Error Read 1799 times  

I am running through Wine on Arch Linux. I have placed SS2Tool in the SS2 folder. When trying to launch it for the first time it tells me it's going to go online and search for updates and to enable it in my firewall. Then a message comes up saying Network error (SendRequest Error) Internet Connection Required. The computer is connected to the internet and it's working just fine. I have no idea how to enable something in a firewall. Could someone help me out?
That shouldn't be needed. In winecfg did you change to Windows 7?
For system shock 2, I did. Not for SS2tool. I'll try that and see what happens.
Never heard of problems with SS2Tool and Wine, but if nothing helps, try this and then carry over your installation:
404 page not found. What is that link?
Is there something particular on that page I need to read? I have no idea what "link hack" means and I don't see any reference to that in what you sent me. Could you please explain how it pertains to the problem I'm having?
Sorry, something scrambled the link, here's another one:

WindowsPE is a free, bootable recovery Windows system similar to a Linux live CD. You can either run it directly or inside a VM, and install System Shock 2 there since it has all the necessary components. Then, you can just copy over the SS2 folder to your Arch Linux installation and Wine will take it from there.
I'm not having a problem with System Shock though, it works fine. I just can't get the SS2Tool to launch, which I'm trying to use to patch and install mods.


I believe the conclusion was "patch up on a widows system and move the patched install back to the linux pc" last time this question has been asked.

alternatively, you can just get the modmanager and use it to load mods without patching up - while not recommended, it should be safe enough, as long as you have the steam or GOG build of the game (ideally, the very last steam beta) if you absolutely don't have any other way around.
I'm not having a problem with System Shock though, it works fine. I just can't get the SS2Tool to launch, which I'm trying to use to patch and install mods.
I know.
SS2Tool assumes to be on a Windows machine, as it cannot work on any other system. That's why it warns about needing to go through a firewall. Because on Windows a firewall warning will pop up from the system and the user is supposed to confirm that.
You're running it in a Windows emulation, so the same rules do not necessarily apply.

I would check if other programs within Wine can connect to the internet, to make sure you have a connection at all. Also the gog.com version of System Shock 2 for Mac seems to come with a preconfigured Wine wrapper. This may help if you bought the game on gog.

If that isn't an option, copy the complete game folder to an USB stick, attach to a Windows machine (Vista and up), run SS2Tool there, the copy everything back.
Isn't it that SS2Tool uses some part/function of the Windows OS to create a connection? That is probably missing in wine.
Thanks for the helpful reply, Kolya. I purchased the game on Steam. When I run steam through Playonlinux I am able to download games fine, so the internet seems to be working with wine. And thanks for the usb stick advice. I don't have a windows machine around right now but I'll try this when I find one.
Isn't it that SS2Tool uses some part/function of the Windows OS to create a connection? That is probably missing in wine.

@Olfred SS2Tool is based on the NSIS installer system. It uses an NSIS network library (inetc) for the initial connection, to check for updates (including content updates). Later it uses Rsync to connect and download asymmetric file chunks.
Inetc uses the WinINet API, but my understanding was that it's compatible with Wine, which comes with its own wininet.dll implementation.
« Last Edit: 06. December 2018, 21:35:05 by Kolya »
I successfully patched my game on a windows system, problem I have now is BMM "can't extract mod archives." After selecting my archives it shows that is is extracting for a few seconds, even showing a progress bar and naming various files it's opening, but then shows that error message. Is this a permissions issue, perhaps?
Silly me, answered my own question. All I needed to do was run my graphical file manager I used to launch BMM  with root permissions.
Acknowledged by: Kolya


Are you sure you're cut out for Linux? It kinda seems like Windows is more your speed.
Are you sure you're cut out for Linux? It kinda seems like Windows is more your speed.
That's a very nice way to call me a big dummy :)
I'm very slowly gaining proficiency, gaining troubleshooting skills with the help of various forums.
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