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Topic: Help With MOD Load Order? Read 2209 times  


Hi All!  So, I have 39 mods loaded and the vast majority of them seem to be working correctly with a small exception or two.  I was hoping someone could help me trouble-shoot this, as perhaps my load order is incorrect or perhaps I am missing something (I am sure I am, in fact).

Two things are going wrong.  First, I have to use SCP_beta2.7 as opposed to SCP_beta4.0 or I get a crash error when I click door access code panels.  I am sure some expert here will know why or what the conflict is, but SCP_beta2.7 works perfectly.  The other issue I have is I do not get the correct ammo graphic for the Ball Lightning Rifle v1.0.  When the energy ball fires, it looks like the old graphic and not the graphic in the mod screen shots.  I messed with the mod order and nothing seems to change this...

Thanks in advance for any help!


there are some duplicates and old stuff that definitely will not work properly. anyway, first things first - disable everything, load SCP b4 and lets see whether we can get it working.

are you on win xp by any chance?


This is on a really new Windows 10 gaming laptop and also an older iMac.  Does the same thing at the same spot.  Tried disabled all other mods and with SCP 4 it still crashes when I try to access a key pad at the beginning of the game.  So, does not seem to seem to be related to a conflict with other mods...  Hmmm...


ok, create a completely new SS2 install, patch it up with the latest SS2tool, load SCP b4 only, and see whether it crashes again. if it does, zip up crash.dmp and ss2.log (both found in your SS2 folder), upload the zip to gdrive or similar and post the link here.


Will try to do that tonight as I had did the fresh reinstall attempt last night and was the same result.  Will try a new download of SCP.  Maybe it's the download?  Thanks for the help.


corrupted download is not impossible, but very improbable. if you try to unzip the archive using 7zip or similar, it should display errors if that's the case.


Jesus, someone's been Pokémodding.

Also, there is no SCP Beta 2.7. The hell?
« Last Edit: 12. January 2022, 03:14:21 by ZylonBane »


the 7zip extension has become part of the folder name for some reason.


LOL...  Sorry, it is what my manager called it, but it is just an older version of SCP...  haha

In any case, I got the issues with SCP sorted out last night.  Seems multiple issues - a corrupted unzip was the 1st issue.  Re-unzipped with 7-zip and it worked on the Windows 10 system.  On Mac, there was another issue...  I had to reinstall.  Apparently, there is a newer version that plays better with Wine from GOG. 

So, here are the mods I have loaded.  Given the previous screenshot and this one, can you guys help me determine what ones to load and what order to load them next?  Thanks so much in advance for any help!

[Screen Shot 2022-01-12 at 6.02.04 PM.png expired]


the most important part to remember is SCP needs to be at the very bottom, then you go obj fixes, then SHTUP-ND. follow with Four Hundred, then the latest Rebirth, and the last RealSG_Rebirth. Repairman and Droid Immortality are next.

once you have that set up, you can go nuts with the visual/audio enhancements, just make sure they all have higher priority than the mods you have already loaded. well maybe don't go completely nuts, less is usually more here, but visual/audio mods are very unlikely to cause issues, if multiple mods that modify the same resource are loaded, whatever has the highest priority will end up being used.

anyway, if the number of active mods is starting to go above 20, then maybe you should consider slowing down a little.


Thanks very much.  This helps a lot!  Here's my latest attempt with a clean slate.  Unfortunately, even with Ball lightning set as the top priority, it still isn't showing an ammunition graphic that matches what is shown.  The sound matches, but not the graphic.  All other mods appear to be working correctly, but I do notice if I am too fast, the audio logs do not play for the area they are supposed to.  Almost like it skips them if I am too fast for the game, lol.  Is this a "feature"?  lol

Anyway, any theories on why balllightning is doing this?  This is with a fresh install and fresh mod downloads just now...


8  SHTUP-ND_beta1
9  obj_fixes
10 SCP_beta4

no need to use 3 emp rifle mods, and especially not the one meant for Secmod. post a screenshot of whatever you think the issue is. and no idea what you mean by audiologs not playing, they play, or not. they can get interrupted by another piece of audio playing though.


Thanks.  Reloaded all mods - latest version of each from the OP, and balllightning is still behaving this way.  See screenshot.

[Screen Shot 2022-01-13 at 7.09.59 PM.png expired]


some other mod is overriding it. move the lightning rifle mod to the top/give it max priority.


I have it loaded as the number #1 priority.  Tried disabled all other mods and only loading this one.  Still does the same thing.  I know the mod is kinda working because the sound is correct and the damage is correct.  Does something else need done to the files or something to get this to work, graphically?  It is the only mod that is doing this.  Tried everything.  Reinstalls, redownloads, different unzippers, and everything.  :-(


Would someone who has it working mind posting a list of files and the text of their Gamesys.dml?  I can't put my finger on it, but something seems to be missing from the download...  I truly thought it was my mod order, but it can't be when it is the only mod I have loaded...


tested, works ok for me, SS2tool patched install, SCP beta5, SHTUP-ND, lightning rifle on top.

Code: [Select]
dbmod_log 10to the end of your cam_ext.cfg file (needs to be in its own line). run the game with the mod(s) loaded, post the contents of the freshly generated dbmod.log file.

//the mod is vey simple/small, you should have objicon and SND folders, and a gamesys.dml inside its modfolder.


tested, works ok for me, SS2tool patched install, SCP beta5, SHTUP-ND, lightning rifle on top.

Code: [Select]
dbmod_log 10to the end of your cam_ext.cfg file (needs to be in its own line). run the game with the mod(s) loaded, post the contents of the freshly generated dbmod.log file.

//the mod is vey simple/small, you should have objicon and SND folders, and a gamesys.dml inside its modfolder.

Here's with all mods activated.  See Attached.

[dbmod.log expired]


dumb question - you are not using an old save to test, are you?


Not a dumb question.  I am!  Is that why it is not working, lol?


yes. start a new game, all will be good. remember, mods that change functionality are not guaranteed to work properly if activated mid-game.


yes. start a new game, all will be good. remember, mods that change functionality are not guaranteed to work properly if activated mid-game.

Awesome - thank you!  Did not know that, actually, but I do now.  Thanks again!


hmm.. I think it's not explicitly stated anywhere (this is extremely clear to anyone who has been around for a decade or more, but I sometimes forget that most people actually have a life outside SS2 modding). will fix.


I have it loaded as the number #1 priority.

Dumb question. Is it at the top of your list or the bottom in the mod manager window?

I've confused the order before and I'm sure others have too
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