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Is it true that the source code for System Shock 2 has been found and put up for download? If so, how complete is it? And what would this mean for the modding community? Even if modders don't incorporate any of the downloaded code into future mods, the source code would  show what would need to be directly altered in existing, official binary game code, to obtain new changes to the game.


What the hell are you talking about? If you're going to make a thread like this, at least link to where you've seen such a claim being made.
I can't remember where I read it, I just *think* that I read something about it maybe a few days back and (since I can't sleep at the moment), I'm on the 'net trying to kill time, and I thought I would search for it. I seem to remember someone saying (on a forum, not a video or in real life) that the SS2 source code had been found, and could be downloaded from pirate sites.


  • Company: Nightdive Studios (community Discord Moderator)
If it were, this place would be lit up with posts about it.


  • Company: Social Worker by day, Night Dive Studios-Discord Moderator by night
Not yet. Night Dive apparently found part of the source code I think. But have said that they need to clean it up and reverse engineer some of it. I imagine Kaiser is doing the main reverse engineering work. Stephen did say that the cleaned up/reverse engineered  source code would be released on github just like was done with System Shock.

Unfortunately, I dont have source link for the information. I believe Stephen was talking about it on Discord.
Acknowledged by: Briareos H

665b1d78e1cdcBriareos H

Interesting. Is that the original source code or is there any chance that they could have gotten hold of the NewDark source?


they were asked about what code they have, but did not respond, so we do not know whether they have the Dreamcast leak, one of the packages that have been sent to Eidos in the 2000s (they promptly lost them again, iirc) or something else entirely.


JDoranUnfortunately, I dont have source link for the information. I believe Stephen was talking about it on Discord.
Such is the trouble with Discord compared to forums. Conversations get lost "like tears in rain" into the ether.


Hello everyone, this is Stephen from Nightdive with a bit of an update.

We are currently nearing the end of reverse engineering Shock 2 and wanted to reach out to the various authors and content creators that have worked diligently for so many years on some of our favorite mods to see if there was interest in including your work with the official release.
the original message about (some) SS2 source code being found was indeed posted on discord or twitter, some 3 years ago.
Acknowledged by: Berathraben
Yes, I might have read about it on a Discord server (I hate Discord, BTW), but if so it was only fairly recently. I've not been sleeping much recently, so I've been on the 'net a *lot*, half asleep and not taking in much of what I was reading, hence why I don't properly remember what I said, and why I didn't immediately follow up the "SS2 source code has been found/released" thread/topic/post (if indeed it did actually say that).

Sorry if I got anyone's hopes up  :/


  • Company: Social Worker by day, Night Dive Studios-Discord Moderator by night
I have experienced the same. It is a topic that just came up when chatting on Discord recently.
We all miss the forum structure for finding information. Discord is terrible for that unless you pin it. And even then you need to sift through the pins. There is little in the way of any actual topic thread preservation.

It is more a service for direct chat and in that it serves it's purpose. In the moment conversation. But, it often leads to an influx of every one talking all at the same time and drowning each other out. Twitch often has the same issue.  XD


Thankfully, forums such as this one won't be going away.
« Last Edit: 02. October 2022, 14:36:10 by Berathraben »
I think chats and forums each have their own advantages, it really depends on the situation. But I think we can all agree by now that MS Teams sucks. And not least because it's trying to play both fields at the same time and losing each game. Oh how I wish my company would go back to Slack. Sigh.
Acknowledged by 2 members: icemann, Berathraben


  • Company: Social Worker by day, Night Dive Studios-Discord Moderator by night
Briareos H
From the way Stephen was talking about I think it is the original but not entirely sure.


which original is the important question - iirc, there are 3 at least (2x handed over to Eidos, 1x incomplete leak).
Acknowledged by: Berathraben


  • Company: Social Worker by day, Night Dive Studios-Discord Moderator by night
Interesting! It makes me wonder if Nighdive received the code your are talking about directly from Eidos. It seems possible considering THQ Nordic bought Eidos Montreal and the entire Thief franchise. And NDS does have a working relationship with Prime Matter.

So, I would not be surprised.


I think chats and forums each have their own advantages, it really depends on the situation. But I think we can all agree by now that MS Teams sucks. And not least because it's trying to play both fields at the same time and losing each game. Oh how I wish my company would go back to Slack. Sigh.

Oh man. Had to use MS Teams for a job earlier in the year, and it sucks bigtime compared to Zoom on the video end, and slack or discord on the quick chat end. I had to fight for several years for one of the units I teach to use slack rather than email and phone communication (how old school).

And I hope Night Dive release their completed source at some point. Think of all the sourceport possibilities :). It's done wonders for numerous other games.
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