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Re: System Shock mouselook/key mapping/high resolution mod
Mouselook one axis bug steeps to repdroduce in DosBox 0.72:
simply rotate around axis in one direction. Repeat until you get a bug. You can fix this bug by rotating around axis in another direction.
Re: System Shock mouselook/key mapping/high resolution mod
Hello, folks!
I'd like to post a link to my custom System Shock modification, but I don't know whether this is the right thread or not. I'd like to create my own thread, but I couldn't do it.
By the way, my system shock executable adds configurable keys, mouse look support and multiple resolutions as well. The link to download it is http://www.4shared.com/file/213837094/e7da2dc1/XCDSHOCK.html . Thanks!

Hello, i would like to play ss1, all is ok (i've got cd enchanced version) but absence of mouse look blow my mind, so i would like to play via this mod.

Is it the latest version? no updates? i can unpack and playwithout problem?


I found one issue, player walks forward slower then strafe, and when i move forward it moves with some slowdowns. What that is?


Re: System Shock mouselook/key mapping/high resolution mod
just get SSP, everything you need is there.


Re: System Shock mouselook/key mapping/high resolution mod
Wow, I can't believe it! Is that you? You know, if it weren't you, I would never have had this crazy idea of using IDA to figure out the inner workings of System Shock. I'm glad you're back! I'm going to release everything I've got, but I'm making some adjustments before I release my stuff, or else no one will understand it, except myself (ever heard of write-only code? it's something like that).
That's it for now. Maybe I'll upload all my files before the end of this month.

So...whatever happened to that source code release? :)

666b6f256a3f0Malba Tahan

Re: System Shock mouselook/key mapping/high resolution mod
I'm back. After 4 years struggling to juggle work and study, my classes are finally over (I'm going to be a Bachelor of Computer Science). I'm on vacation now and will travel for 9 days. When I'm back (in 2015), I'll finally clean up the source code and upload it. Besides that, I plan to keep working with the hacks. Merry Christmas to everyone!  :D
Acknowledged by 2 members: Briareos H, Colonel SFF
Re: System Shock mouselook/key mapping/high resolution mod
That's awesome! Welcome back Malba. :)


Re: System Shock mouselook/key mapping/high resolution mod
what he said. also, best xmas present this year.


Re: System Shock mouselook/key mapping/high resolution mod
Well, Surprise Surprise! I got 1024x768 to run in DOSBox with some lags but it runs! just not as laggy as before.
Re: System Shock mouselook/key mapping/high resolution mod
What's the surprise? Is it in the cake? Is it a stripper girl? With a machine gun? That shoots kittens and lollipops?
Re: System Shock mouselook/key mapping/high resolution mod
One small bug (probably relating to dosbox vesa modes). Changing resolution ingame (eg: loading a savegame with a higher resolution) while in fullscreen dosbox in linux in the standard output (surface) does not redraw the whole screen until you alt+enter to a window and back again to fullscreen.

I don't know the reasons, but i can suggest a possibility. Maybe it would work better by changing the resolution once while the game is starting. Coincidently i also find it weird that resolution is not a config file setting instead being stored in savegames. I guess the original game was like that probably.
« Last Edit: 22. August 2015, 20:39:55 by SCO »
Re: System Shock mouselook/key mapping/high resolution mod
I also wish Terra Nova had a mod like this...
And Archimedean dynasty for that matter.
« Last Edit: 30. August 2015, 08:04:32 by SCO »


Re: System Shock mouselook/key mapping/high resolution mod
I'm back. After 4 years struggling to juggle work and study, my classes are finally over (I'm going to be a Bachelor of Computer Science). I'm on vacation now and will travel for 9 days. When I'm back (in 2015), I'll finally clean up the source code and upload it. Besides that, I plan to keep working with the hacks. Merry Christmas to everyone!  :D

Congratulations! I know how much time university eats up, well done on getting through it without getting completely devoured.

Now, about that source code... :P

(Seriously, don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good here. It's better to have messy code than no code at all.)

I also wish Terra Nova had a mod like this...
And Archimedean dynasty for that matter.

I actually briefly investigated TN:SFC after my work on SS1, and as I recall (which may be incorrect, this was years ago), a similar approach might work on it.

That said, SFC has a much more complicated HUD; I wouldn't be surprised if the HUD broke completely or the FMVs melted down when running at high resolution. (Although by the same token, I also wouldn't be surprised if it worked perfectly. Looking Glass's work is surprisingly robust.)


Re: System Shock mouselook/key mapping/high resolution mod
I played around with the settings file and tweaked the controls a bit. I made it so that keys Q & E are used to cycle weapons back and forth. Though not as versatile a mouse wheel cycling, it will probably be easier than only having Q to cycle. Also, I moved the enable/disable mouse look key to tab. Since the only true reason you need to disable mouse look with this mod would be to access your inventory and the inventory key for most modern games is tab, I felt it fits better. Other than that, I also re-enabled keyboard looking (and center cam) via keypad as well as fixed a glitch that prevents you from running and jumping at the same time.
The settings file is attached below if anyone wants to try it.

Also, a word of advice, you should set the mouse to left handed in the game settings. This will allow you to attack/shoot with the left button and activate things with the right, similar to Minecraft's controls.
« Last Edit: 17. January 2017, 22:10:51 by Moderator »


Re: System Shock mouselook/key mapping/high resolution mod
This will allow you to attack/shoot with the left button and activate things with the right, similar to Minecraft's controls.
Of all the hundreds of FPSs that control this way, Minecraft is your point of reference?  O_o
Re: System Shock mouselook/key mapping/high resolution mod
Sounds like some good ideas, thank you GFG.


Is it possible to modify additional real space keys that do not appear in the current XCYB.CFG?
The keys I am particularly interested in are the stand <R>, crouch <F> and prone <V> keys.  There doesn't appear to be any bindings for those.

For example (I'm guessing what the real space method names are for the bindings here):

Code: [Select]
bind r rs.stand
bind f rs.crouch
bind v rs.prone

How could we identify what the additional bindings are?  How were the current ones discovered in the first place?


Found them.  I just had to look at the original bindings for those keys  :rolleyes:

Code: [Select]
bind r cmd.setheight default 0
bind f cmd.setheight default 1
bind v cmd.setheight default 2

bind f cmd.centerview

bind r rs.pitchup
bind v rs.pitchdown

... just working out the differences now.


So I realize it's been several years since the original post created this but I've been using it for some time and want to play through System Shock again.

I was wondering if anyone ever got around to fixing the mouselook sensitivity in cyberspace for this?

Also is there a reason or a fix for not being able to bind the enter\return key in the XCYB.cfg file? You can save the bind but it doesn't apply when the game is launched in DOSBox.

Thanks in advance.


..uurgh it's been a while since I've poked around this - at this point, I'd probably just recommend checking out Shockolate, the demo is here (can upgrade it to full really easily as long as you have the full game resources, either cd or the classic game from GOG/steam).



I already have the most recent remastered version done by Night Dive on the KEX Engine that they put out just a short while ago.

I'm seeking a DOS solution this time around. I can manage without the binds being perfect but when I played through the first level the day before last cyberspace was nearly unplayable because the mouse sensitively is cranked up so high with no option to adjust it.

In the first post the guy that created this stated he was aware of the problem and was going to fix it but I'm assuming that never transpired. I was hopeing that someone else maybe took up the task.


very sure the file attached to the first post is the latest DOS version. also sure this has been resolved in the latest windows version (see the linked demo if interested).


Appreciate the suggestion but I'm not looking for another source port. I already have the "Enhanced Edition" and Kex Engine versions.

Just looking for proper mouselook implementation for DOS.
« Last Edit: 19. May 2021, 16:32:16 by Avenger »
Does Shockolate have any advantages over the official Enhanced Edition of System Shock? The website doesn't exactly go into details about the program.


there are a few, see the details of the linked demo.

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