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Topic: Beneath a Steel Sky [adventure] Read 3621 times  


Beneath a Steel Sky

A 1994 post-apocalyptic cyberpunk point-and-click adventure game
developed by Revolution Software, published by Virgin Interactive


Quote by Abandonia:
Beneath A Steel Sky (BASS) is set in a post-apocalyptic Australia where you're an orphan living with a tribe in the wastelands the 'gap' when a helicopter comes to take you to the enormous Union City. The game starts with the helicopter crashing down in the city and you making your escape into one of the large tall plants. Your goal? To discover who you really are and why you were taken to the city.


In the end this is one of the best adventure games you can try. Revolution made this freeware a few years ago so you have absolutely no reason not to play it! While it's a little on the short side, it's filled with quality from start to finish. I can't recommend this any more!

Read more at Abandonia (spoiler free).

Download from ScummVM. You will need the ScummVM loader itself and the game image (at page's bottom). Get the CD version, with speech and music.

EDIT: when running BASS for the first time, be sure to NOT skip developer's logo screens as they are followed by comic-style intro!

If you like it, you may also be interested in Call of Cthulhu - Shadow of the Comet. This one is abandonware, though.
« Last Edit: 20. April 2011, 15:18:45 by gaspalorz »
Re: Beneath a Steel Sky
A classic, played this on AMIGA first and lost myself in the amazing scenery. On top of that it's very funny. :)
Re: Beneath a Steel Sky
Got the original box right here. :)
Re: Beneath a Steel Sky
Great game, my favorite adventure game. Got the box too.


Re: Beneath a Steel Sky
On top of that it's very funny.
Too bad the humor diminishes when you get underground... Anyway, probably the funniest scene happens when you ask Joey if he is eager to do some welding, and he replies "who's the victim?". Then they move to Asimov's laws of robotics and how they were made up "by some guy". This always cracks me up. :D

Have you ever thought about showing up on some dress party in a welder's outfit, with a mandatory mask and a mean tool like lead pipe, machette or blowtorch?
I realise it is a great game but I could never finish it.
It was way too complicated for me. Most of the time
I never had a clue what I was supposed to be doing
and I think this game caused more keyboard breakages
than i care to remember. I think the reason I have
qwerty embossed on my forehead is cos I headbutted
the keyboard in frustration while playing this
Played it through within two days, it's pretty good, but too linear to me. I need more crap that misleads you or wastes your time and is funny.
Too bad the humor diminishes when you get underground...
Yes... BaSS is a fantastic adventure game, and one of my favorites, but the very sudden and drastic shift in mood from the game to funny to incredibly dark confounds me to this day. The only game I know that can be accurately described as a "dystopic comedy".


I can't recommend that title to anyone other than diehard dystopian sci-fi fans. The setting is cool, visuals are okay and you have to be thankful for any dystopian adventure game. But puzzles were frustrating and no fun. All lines repeated quickly and you couldn't do anything that wasn't absolutely necessary.


a great game! very funny! too bad I couldn't get very far...
I remember this game well, although I was a bit too young for it. Old enough to play it and solve some of the early puzzles, but too young to understand the English and the story well enough. It had some.. interesting ways to die, if I recall correctly.


This game is FREE on GOG, I will play it sometime, given it is a cult classic and all :rolleyes: (But then again, SS2 is waiting).

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