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Topic: SS2 Blaydes99 RttUNN
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Yeah, would be great. A really nice FM!


if we are collecting ideas, new audiologs and also texts would be great, as the current ones are a bit on the rough side - voiceacting is the achilles heel of most FMs, and this one is no exception. unique log portraits would be nice too. //played a bit, and they are (mostly) not as bad as I remember.

pretty sure it would be possible to yank a bunch of voiceactors from TTLG, some Thief FMs have voiceacting on almost professional level.

//updated the patch, 5 people managed to download - the new version adds audio to the gallo3 log 835 instead of removing it from the game, and fixes some z issues on a couple of objects.
« Last Edit: 08. February 2015, 13:07:09 by voodoo47 »


patch 1.03 is attached to the first post.
- overhauled the ecologies (again). now they should work (somewhat).
- added patrol paths where necessary, and made AIs patrol accordingly (prevents spawned AIs from standing at the spawn point, doing nothing)
- implemented ADaoB hybrid shotgun fix. bye-bye single slug unloading.
- implemented SCP hybrid shotgun flash and eject casing. because I can.
- fixed orig screwups with muzzle flashes and casing ejects, also added the SCP shotgun muzzle flash to keep consistent with the new shotgun hybrid effects.
- grenade hybrid now throws grenades from his right hand.
- overhauled quests, broken things fixed and subquests added to maps with no quests.

the ecologies almost made me cry. patch 1.02 has been downloaded 20 times.
« Last Edit: 01. April 2015, 16:59:50 by voodoo47 »


Thanks for putting all the effort into polishing these FMs!
In three days I will finally have some time again. Then I want to go through all the FMs and see if I can find something to contribute.


quick reupload - realized that now that the hybrid has the extra shotgun effects, the player should as well to avoid inconsistency, so copy-pasted the effect from SCP. also fixed minor muzzle flash and casing eject screwups on the pistol and AR while at it. and, most important, forgot to bump the version in the ini.


aaand still doesn't work properly. had to bite the bullet and manually retest all ecologies again, and surely enough, they weren't doing what they should in half of the levels.

now they finally should work as intended - I can now guarantee that the normal ecologies will repopulate the levels, and alarm ecologies will send AIs to bash the player, as I hammered on them and then just sat there waiting until they bloody did.

those four people who have managed to download the previous 1.03 version are encouraged to redownload (or face no normal spawns on earth, gallo1 and 3).

//and just realized that the first level is missing proper spawn points, meaning alarms basically do nothing. kill me now.

//ok, it's fixable. new upload in about half an hour. //done

//daamit, hybrid shotgun flashes not working properly because of an orig RttUNN bug. fixed again - everyone who got 1.03 before april01 is recommended to redownload.
« Last Edit: 01. April 2015, 02:27:08 by voodoo47 »
Acknowledged by: krist2


yeah, one more reup, now the ecologies were making things too easy (which is no good as well, RttUNN is supposed to be difficult). also fixed the grenade hybrid while at it (now throws the grenades from the right hand instead of his abdomen), and overhauled the quests as well.

I think I've had enough RttUNN for a while.
« Last Edit: 01. April 2015, 16:59:25 by voodoo47 »


Did you make changes to spawning? Because I'm just in the main hall of the facility and I can't progress because there are hybrids respawning constantly every few seconds. I just had four shotgun hybrids in a row. The muzzle flash looks cool, though.^^


yes, the orig ecologies were completely broken. anyway, that shouldn't be happening - normal spawning is set to spawn max 6 AIs for the entire level, and it works, I've checked. also, the spawn interval is two minutes, so no way they could be spawning every second, unless something went horribly wrong.

share a save if you can.

//rechecked again, working properly - no way the ecology can spawn 4 AIs at the same place and time. will wait for that save.
« Last Edit: 02. April 2015, 21:51:55 by voodoo47 »


Here you go.
[hall_quartet.jpg expired]
[save_0.7z expired]


as that place has pre-placed AIs and spawning points, you can get ambushed by multiple AIs when you enter the place for the first time. the point is, there is no way the game will spawn another wave right under your nose and send it right at you - loaded that save and waited, and nobody came. so unless there are multiple AIs converging at your position at ALL times for no reason, everything should be good.

this FM is supposed to be tough, so toning down the spawning to almost nothingness is not a good idea. I'm actually still fearing that I've lowered it too much (3-6 for the larger levels, 2-4 for the smaller ones), and the levels will end up empty and unchallenging - you really have to wait for quite a while for the levels to repopulate completely (or at least I had to, when I was testing the ecologies, again and again).
« Last Edit: 02. April 2015, 23:52:01 by voodoo47 »


When I find stuff in the game it has to be obvious, or else I will fail to notice. So here is some minor stuff.

gallo_spook_space.jpg: Couldn't replicate, but one time I jumped onto the bed at the spook room on the Gallo (the one with moving tables) and I was suddenly outside. Besides, when you have been to this room, the whispery voices will be everywhere on the deck, not only in this area. It's really annoying and loud as time goes by.

whats_that.jpg: These things are lying around in some places of the FM. Is there a connection to the grenade hybrid? If so, this isn't in System Shock 2 right? Can't say that I have seen it there...


saves would be nice.

also note to self - at one place on gallo1, there is a scream and some body parts fly out of a shaft. the parts are female and the scream is male.
« Last Edit: 09. April 2015, 20:21:06 by voodoo47 »
there is a scream and some body parts fly out of a shaft. the parts are female and the scream is male.

How about that?


also, the first post suggests that an update has been in the works at one point - if that's the case, it would be nice to have any extra resources that hopefully still exist (orig log portraits are mentioned) available here in case someone would want to pick this up for a serious overhaul (lets hope Blaydes99 still drops by every once in a while, and that he still has the files somewhere).
« Last Edit: 18. May 2015, 22:56:17 by voodoo47 »


new patch is up.
version 1.04:

- made sure all picture art is positioned properly

- fixed physdims on the hangar 1982 shield so the player would not be able to fall out of the level
- fixed the maintenance tool 1793 near that shield so it wouldn't fall into the nearby crate

- fixed teleport trap 1275 not working because of an invalid link (the rumbler would never teleport in)
- fixed trigger teleport rumblers (1273, 1271) so they would start to patrol after teleporting in

- timed the gibbing sequence 108 better, and also changed the scream to a woman as the parts flying out of the shaft are female

- fixed that annoying issue where the ghostly ambience (1260, 1915) would stick to the player once activated and not go away until a level change

1.03 has been downloaded 20 times.


tried to play a bit, and after seeing the object dimensions, I had to bite the bullet..s, and weapons, and armor too, and resize them appropriately, SCP style. also fixed some more minor stuff. patch 1.05 is up.
version 1.05:

- made ammo, weapon and armor dimensions consistent with SCP (the origs are way too big)
- some weapons show as modified, but in fact aren't. removed the false status for now

- removed a rogue prop that made pre-placed spent ammo casings in this level delete themselves after the game has started
- fixed sign 1210 z issues
- fixed egg 947 not opening

- changed door 1345, 628, 74 open position a bit to avoid z issues
- teleported the arachnids out of their holes where they are hopelessly stuck
- fixed some junk objects that were deleting themselves upon level start

- changed door 719, 936, 597, 632, 631 open position a bit to avoid z issues
- set the railings around obj 1166 to not block AIs to make sure they won't get stuck

- teleported arachnid 134 off the bed where he is hopelessly stuck
- the final quest will complete properly now (not that anyone cares)

only 3 downloads on 1.04. also, one note about mods - if using Rebirth, make sure you have version 04 or newer.

//added the previous patch versions download counts to the latest patch download count, I'd like to keep an accurate record.

//silent update of 1.05 - the final infoscreen had more text than supported, had to cut it down to display properly. not a functionality fix, so no version bump. if you were one the first three 1.05 downloaders, you'll maybe want to redownload. also removed the (pretty much redundant) pistol hand model to avoid conflicts with the Tacticool mod.
« Last Edit: 28. July 2015, 19:05:52 by voodoo47 »


1.06 is up;
version 1.06:

-cigs now add one psi point when smoked, SCP style
-fixed physdims on some object archetypes
-hybrid organ now falls to the side when dropped, SCP style
-included grammar fixed logs and emails (by unn_atropos)
-shrank down the ridiculously oversized arach. organ

no game/level restarts required after patching (when going from 1.05 to 1.06, that is).
« Last Edit: 12. September 2015, 19:35:55 by voodoo47 »


1.07 is up;
version 1.07:

-added DML stubs to allow modding
-shrank down the ridiculously oversized midwife organ
-turrets now vulnerable to stasis
-turret ports now can be repaired after an unsuccessful hack attempt
-nerfed the AR to SCP level
-boosted the fusion cannon to SCP level
-disruption grenades now deadly as they should be
-fixed the O2 meter being always displayed on the first map
no game/level restarts required after patching (when going from 1.06 to 1.07, that is).
« Last Edit: 14. December 2015, 21:57:42 by voodoo47 »
Acknowledged by: Colonel SFF
Please add a proper multiplayer so each player will start in an intro section of the game (let it be a separate map), and then meet eachother in the game. It's fun in mp.

Also, where's the code for a storage room on deck 1 (I think you know which one I mean)?


it's on the todo list, but it will take a while, as I have no idea how the MP stuff works (just that you don't need the startup levels anymore because NVscript can supply the functionality). I'm still kinda hoping Blaydes99 will get back to this FM so I won't have to do it alone (also it'd be great if he could find the extra resources that were supposed to be added in v1.1).

if you mean the Gallo1 storage, the coordinates of the log are -105/96/60. if you are not big in Shocked, just find it the hard way, the level is not that big.

//tried to reprocess a level and got a lot of errors, the transition from simple dml fixing into hard edited maps will not be easy. or fun.
« Last Edit: 14. December 2015, 19:03:41 by voodoo47 »


did someone actually try a multiplayer game? if yes, what seemed to be wrong?
I've played the multiplayer several times (a modified version of the first map, sent privately probably by you), and it worked well. The only thing that would be cool to have is the intro section (the closed armory, tram travel).


sounds unlikely (that I would keep it private). anyway, if it's just the first map that needs a fix, I'll probably have a look before 1.08.

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