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Topic: SS2 Blaydes99 RttUNN
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In the original fm players don't see eachother. So the multiplayer mod added a custom level which all players start with, and it's changes to the first level of the actual game, right after falling from the tram, where all players meet.

Here's the modification: ftp://ftp.valet2.com/ss2-cool/RttUNN%20multiplayer.zip

The same was done with Christine's Ruins - all players start on the top of the map where the crates are, and when they fall into a well the level transition occurs, and everyone come to the same game.


ok, so the earth hack moves all the start points to where the tram ride normally ends? anyway, the 1.07 patch should be universal enough to work with your hacked earth version of RttUNN.

also, was this created from a regular 1.01 archive? the cutscenes have different size.

Exactly, and I wonder is it possible to move the start point to the beginning of the level? There are also 4 wrenches, don't sure there were 4 in the original.
Yes, it's an old version.


moving them to the beginning of the level is not a problem, but my guess is that the tram ride only works for one (host?) player. pretty sure making the tram wait for all the players, and move them all around once they are in, and drop them all properly would not be trivial.

the extra wrenches are an addition, normally there is just one there.


yeah, not going to be easy. anyway, what I can do is fix up the MP enabled earth map and add it to the first post as a separate download. the extra wrenches are now in the containers, and players don't spawn at the same location clumped together anymore.

that will have to do for the moment.


time for another update, just a rc for the moment as some new type of work has been done (basically start of the full NewDark conversion).
version 1.08:

-the tram ride is now a small separate level so that the FM would be multiplayer ready (each player will have to go through the ride alone, once the ride ends for everybody, the players will synchronize and the original full level will load)
-closed the door on the destroyed turret near the end of the ride. its placement is nonsense, this is supposed to be where the tram would go, not a random turret alcove
-changed the nonsensicaly textured tunnel walls
-the first level, originally earth.mis, is now titus.mis
-deleted the dangerous leftover player object 588 and relinked the start point properly
-fixed an improper apostrophe in level02.str that would break the text in two emails
-an extra wrench has been added for multiplayer purposes (882)
-fixed physdims on all wormpiles and floored them
-floored and repositioned turrets where necessary
-FM specific movie posters moved from the missing archetype under commercial
-relit all levels to 32bit, a few fixes to textures and room brushes here and there
-protocol droid Xerxes bark has been replaced by a generic droid bleep, as Xerxex should not be referenced in this FM
-the fuel storage area code now logged properly in the pda

this basically means the MP hotfix is not necessary anymore - anyone running 1.08 will have MP compatibility without using the hacked earth level. a dedicated multiplayer tester would be very welcome (I did have a quick look at the mp start points and they look ok, but have no time to run through the entire FM properly. remember to hard save before each level change).

//full patch attached to the first post.
« Last Edit: 15. September 2019, 10:31:24 by voodoo47 »
Acknowledged by: unn_atropos
Thanks a lot for that! I could play co-op later this week.


good - just to make sure, you only need the 1.01 mission archive, and the 1.08 patch. older patches or the MP test patch are not required (and shouldn't be used).
well... doesn't work. the trigger is being skipped during that fall. both in sp and mp mode.

i've used a clean install of the fm - 1.01 from the first post and your 1.8 patch (which includes 3 files with which i replaced the existed ones).



I have no idea how this is possible, but you definitely don't have the correct earth mission file (the destroyed turret being visible is a dead giveaway). redownload the 1.08 patch and extract it to your RttUNN folder, and make sure to overwrite everything. then try again.


Why is there a big wall in the street at 1:41?
Also; Black Mesa cup :awesome:


because you are not supposed to be able to get to that part of the level.

anyway, I know what's going on - I have somehow managed to attach my internal alpha to the original post. attaching the correct patch to this one - redownload and extract again.
« Last Edit: 11. February 2016, 23:08:56 by voodoo47 »
well, nope :(

just to make sure: ftp.valet2.com/voodoo47


WTF? it's the alpha again, ok, trying to attach the correct file one more time, it needs to have more than 2MB.

//yeah, this is the correct file (RttUNNv1.08_patch_rc1.7z ). what happened here is that I have chosen a very dumb filename for the alpha archive (RttUNN_1.08_mp_rc1.7z), and managed to upload it by mistake two times in a row. just one of those days I guess (nights, technically).

anyone who has the 1.5MB alpha version will need to redownload, as the alpha will not work.
« Last Edit: 17. April 2016, 20:56:18 by voodoo47 »
It works! :) Where are two more wrenches you said?


just one for the moment, it's in one of those big crates in the starting area. that means there are three wrenches available in the first level, two at the start and one in the Titus facility. should be plenty. a potential fourth player will have to wait for the laser rapier.


so Valet, any interesting MP stuff to report?

//note to self - gallo1 and 3 have no mp respawn points, might as well add that next time.
« Last Edit: 16. April 2016, 20:38:05 by voodoo47 »
It's boring to play with myself using two computers at once. So I just tested the first level a bit (which was changed). Didn't know the respawn points are absent on other levels.

We can play together and check it out if you wish.


not a chance with my (unstable) internet connection. anyway, 1.08 rc2 is now attached to the first post, finally replacing all the temp stuff. all levels have now been relit to 32bit, few textures (the movie theater will now look proper with SHTUP) and room brushes (sound propagation) have been fixed as well. MP fix is now integrated, all levels have MP respawn points. some turrets have been rotated to watch over their respective corridors appropriately.

while the chances of breaking something catastrophically (by reprocessing the levels) are very low, I did not (re)run through the levels/FM, so someone doing that for me would be appreciated. a new game must be started, obviously.
« Last Edit: 23. April 2016, 07:27:22 by voodoo47 »


It's boring to play with myself using two computers at once. [...]

We can play together and check it out if you wish.

Acknowledged by 2 members: Colonel SFF, icemann
I was really thinking about rephrasing it, then I gave up. :rolleyes:


rc3 is up, fixed physdims on all wormpiles and floored them, and tweaked some tech textures on the bridge (bad offsets, also hid the parts that say Xerxes, as that doesn't belong on the Gallo).

do not update mid-game.


I'm thinking of resetting the sky/space on all Gallo maps to the standard station skybox - currently, all Gallo maps use a custom skybox, which is in fact the (slightly higher res) space+earth station skybox from ADaoB (renamed). resetting it to the standard station skybox would allow the maps to be compatible with all skybox mods (SHTUP-ND, vurt's space), however, this would also mean one would get the vanilla lowres skybox unless one of those mods is loaded.

I'm leaning to doing it though - SHTUP is something everyone should use, and if your mod/FM is not SHTUP compatible, then you are doing it wrong.

//yep, lets do it - rc4 is up, Gallo now uses default skybox. loading SHTUP-ND is now necessary. also replaced the protocol droid Xerxes bark with a generic droid bleep - this FM should not reference Xerxes in any way.

if you haven't reached Gallo yet, it is ok to update mid-game.
« Last Edit: 28. July 2018, 12:12:31 by voodoo47 »

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