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Topic: SS2 to appear on GOG.com soon?
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Some credit would have been nice.
It's my thinking that someone who brings back System Shock officialy should be an enthusiast for this game. And enthusiasm should be combined with aknowledgement for the people who showed and show their love for this game for so many years. Hell, 14 years!
I always considered it a pity that there are still people out there who advice others to use compatibility mode, not knowing (or caring?) about this great website. For my part, my daily life would be a lot more boring without it. So thanks! :)

Well, besides that a look at the numbers of guests here gives a valuation for esteem and interest. So that's a positiv thing.

Something else: is there a online statistic about how often the game was purchased today (like this statistics for kickstarter)? Would be interesting to see.
About the forum situation: Earlier today when I was at work the forum got slammed and nearly did not react anymore. It wasn't the number of people online by itself, but the fact that they were all downloading. Many of our attachments are rather big too.

To get the forum back into a working state I disabled registrations and disabled guest browsing. It was the only thing I could do quickly from work. At the same time Al_B fixed a threading issue on the server that had led to some weird bugs under heavy load.

When I got back home I dined with my girl and gave her sweets. Then I installed a mod that allows to limit the number of guests that can browse the forum at a time. This is better than locking them all out of course.

Currently Al_B is looking into ways to limit the number of simultaneous downloads per user. This would be the best solution, because then everyone could browse and read and download mods.

On an unrelated note: I would like to thank the two people who donated to our site today. Cheers guys, you know who you are. :)


I should have seen this coming - making mirrors at google docs would have prevented this. they are finally all up, so I don't expect any more heavy traffic.


no need to. there are absolutely no additional bugfixes, I've checked the GOG build. it's just the classic game patched up with ss2tool 4.0, nothing more, nothing less.

Classy... and it seems that anyone capable of downloading and running ss2tool is a techninja or w/e they call their button clickers.


Apparently this (using community tools or user-made hacks to remove DRM for games) to is a standard procedure for GOG, I'm not that surprised. Still, it means more people playing this game. Many thanks for you fellows for your work on patching and modding this classic title.


Edit: Apparently everyone beat me to this epic piece of news. I hope I'm not dreaming.


I'm having fun reading all the comments in the GoG Forums. It reminds me of my first time playing the game.  :D
Apparently this (using community tools or user-made hacks to remove DRM for games) to is a standard procedure for GOG, I'm not that surprised. Still, it means more people playing this game. Many thanks for you fellows for your work on patching and modding this classic title.
As has been stated a 1000 times already: It's common for them to use fanpatches, it's NOT common to not ask the authors of those fanpatches for permission. They've only ever tried to cover up things when the fix was of questionable origin (like the Arcanum Skidrow crack).
So the question is why do it now? Would there be legal trouble? I mean I doubt it just trying to figure reasoning.


it's NOT common to not ask the authors of those fanpatches for permission.
and claim that their patches are inadequate, while actually using them, and proclaiming them as their work, I might add.

666ea18b69e8dLambda 00

and claim that their patches are inadequate, while actually using them, and proclaiming them as their work, I might add.

This sort-of sets a worrying standard if no-one brings it up to the general public.


If you guys are pissed about this, that Stephen Kick guy from the RPS interview isn't use a pseudonym. I say go ahead and bug him about it.


666ea18b6a26dLambda 00

If you guys are pissed about this, that Stephen Kick guy from the RPS interview isn't use a pseudonym. I say go ahead and bug him about it.


Oh dear...It appears he lives in the same city...
If you guys are pissed about this, that Stephen Kick guy from the RPS interview isn't use a pseudonym. I say go ahead and bug him about it.


I thought you Codex guys are the most professional angry mob on the internet. :)

Anyway, made a thread and asked the GOG devs using the contact form. I'll write here if I get an answer.


As has been stated a 1000 times already: It's common for them to use fanpatches, it's NOT common to not ask the authors of those fanpatches for permission. They've only ever tried to cover up things when the fix was of questionable origin (like the Arcanum Skidrow crack).

Oh, I retract my statement then, apologies.

666ea18b6a8d2The Watcher

For those that may not have seen it yet, there's an official response over on TTLG.


Pah! What scumbags.
Thieves and liars.

For those that may not have seen it yet, there's an official response over on TTLG.

That reply was rubbish. They do not admit their lying outright. Oh, focused too much on the negative? That's because the positive is disingenuous flattery that still doesn't admit the theft. They should certainly credit the SSTool at the very least.


they've messed it up and they are going to fix it. that's ok with me.
Acknowledged by 4 members: Kolya, Enchantermon, The Watcher, muncadunc


Oh dear...It appears he lives in the same city...

Flaming shit bag with a headshot happy face on it.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


Go figure that I RAN to here the minute I read about SS2 going from legal-wrangle hell to released on GOG.com of all places...only to find out I'm late to the party, lol!

I'm gonna have to fire up DromEd again and make some tutorials for amateur editors like me. Because this is a bright new day for the long-time fans like me, not to mention the geniuses like Koyla, Icemann, and Christine. We have a whole new fanbase a-comin.
Way to take the high road man. Also credit due to the GoG marketing monkey for going to the community forum to try seeing what can be done to sort things.

Edit: Re: Voodoo's comment. Sorry.
Way to take the high road man. Also credit due to the GoG marketing monkey for going to the community forum to try seeing what can be done to sort things.
Careful, the fucking forum boogeyman will get you  :happyjoy:

It's low what they done, I agree. Kolya has been the main man behind keeping SS2 alive all these years until New Dark & this wonderful release on GOG, as far as I can tell.

"No fucking respect"  :headshot:

Never mind, Shock 2 is now finally getting some widespread attention that it truly deserves and is available to legally download and play, at least.
I myself acquired the game three years ago at a car boot sale, just sitting there on the table in clear view. The price tag read "50p".  :happyjoy:
Kolya's SS2Tool was the only reason I could play the game after that, so know that the community appreciates you, you douche. (hey, I can appreciate and have respect for you all without having to like you all fully. :sly:)


I may have to lay off the GOG SS2 forum, the stupidity there is just grinding me down. Latest affront-- the guy who claims that SS2's RPG elements "added nothing and made for a considerably worse experience". Sigh.


good thing I'm immune to stupidity.
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