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Topic: 451 Read 2013 times  


451. Its in system shock 1 and 2, and i swear i've seen it elsewhere as well in sci-fi things. A rapid google only reveals the novel fahrenheit 451, which doesn't seem applicable. Is it from anything?
It was the doorcode on the Looking Glass HQ. And yeah, it's taken from Ray Bradbury's novel. Scifi fans will do such things.
It also appears in Deus Ex, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Bioshock, Bioshock: Infinite & Dishonored.
Still haven't read the book myself, but will one day.

Speaking of nods to other works, Bioshock: Infinite has an achievement called "Strange Bedfellows". Coincidence? I think not.


Image: http://www.xbox360achievements.org/images/achievements/1594/1594-31.jpg
Strange Bedfellows: Killed 20 enemies using allies brought in through a Tear.

Date: 11.JUL.14
From: Marie Delacroix
To: Cortez, Enrique
Subject: re: Friends and enemies
Mon petit, there is something you should know about. I have received information from some form of artificial intelligence that is calling itself SHODAN. Yes, SHODAN. Wherever this intelligence actually came from, it has a terrible grudge against these Annelids and has saved my life more than once. SHODAN has told me that there is a UNN operative aboard the ship, armed to the hilt and equipped with R-grade cyber implants. Strange bedfellows, eh?
@unn_atropos: Oh. Still could be a nod to this site also.
"Strange Bedfellows" also is the name of a Thief 1 mission.


Still haven't read the book myself, but will one day.

I don't want to be that guy (because there are a TON of good books I haven't read), but WHAT?? Why not? It's not very long, a super fast read, and it's great. It's one of my favorites. You could probably finish it in one or two sittings, especially if you like dystopian future type settings (although one of my favorite aspects of it is that it's not super-dystopian, just enough so that it's unsettling, but still entirely plausible....which actually kind of makes it more unsettling).

I'm a gaming nut, but Fahrenheit 451 has been in my sights for a while now because of LG.
Call me naive, but books cannot achieve what games can, games such as SS2.

You could probably finish it in one or two sittings, especially if you like dystopian future type settings (although one of my favorite aspects of it is that it's not super-dystopian, just enough so that it's unsettling, but still entirely plausible....which actually kind of makes it more unsettling).

Shock 2 doesn't have a dystopian setting but it is entirely plausible, unsettling, immersive, entertaining, interactive....When you read a book your imagination has to fill in the gaps. With games such as Shock 2 there are few gaps.

Take Deus Ex for example, it has books within it, granted, only snippets, but it could easily feature whole novels if the devs wanted to. I'm sure there are plenty of writers out there wanting their novels to be noticed. Text is nothing in file size.
« Last Edit: 09. May 2013, 22:55:27 by Join usss! »



I'm a gaming nut, but Fahrenheit 451 has been in my sights for a while now because of LG.
Call me naive, but books cannot achieve what games can, games such as SS2.

Shock 2 doesn't have a dystopian setting but it is entirely plausible, unsettling, immersive, entertaining, interactive....When you read a book your imagination has to fill in the gaps. With games such as Shock 2 there are few gaps.

Take Deus Ex for example, it has books within it, granted, only snippets, but it could easily feature whole novels if the devs wanted to. I'm sure there are plenty of writers out there wanting their novels to be noticed. Text is nothing in file size.

I wouldn't say it isn't dystopian...just because it isn't Warhammer 40,000 doesn't mean it is even at the half-way mark for semi-utopian. Everything you see and hear implies a semi-dystopian techno-world full of really bad things.

I'm against novels showing parts of any game's world. They are often pointless money-makers, that add very little to the overall stories. Learning about the edgy past of a villain for instance can happen in game, and SHOULD. But for the sake of money making they go all crazy with it in novel form...this should be in the game I PAID FOR already, in a probably less detailed but more informative way, I suppose for the sake of money, time, and content amount.

About the only game connected novels I've heard that are somewhat good, though I haven't read them, are POSSIBLY that Dark Templar Saga or Trilogy, whatever, that is connected to StarCraft. The one where that [SPOILER ALERT BEGINS]Terran guy gets this Protoss woman downloaded into his head[SPOILER ALERT ENDS]...

...I can't make this stuff up. It actually looks pretty good from the story parts I skimmed in it, but to go along with what I just said, it honestly is still mostly not worth it I suppose.
I'm against novels showing parts of any game's world. They are often pointless money-makers, that add very little to the overall stories. Learning about the edgy past of a villain for instance can happen in game, and SHOULD. But for the sake of money making they go all crazy with it in novel form...this should be in the game I PAID FOR already, in a probably less detailed but more informative way, I suppose for the sake of money, time, and content amount.

This is a shitty, ill-informed opinion.

...I can't make this stuff up. It actually looks pretty good from the story parts I skimmed in it, but to go along with what I just said, it honestly is still mostly not worth it I suppose.

What, Deus Ex? Lol, ok.


This is a shitty, ill-informed opinion.

Just because you believe YOUR "opinion" is "superior" doesn't mean I'm wrong. Most novels that are extensions of games are crap, and not worth putting down the money for to get.
The example I gave was just that, ONE example of the concept itself. Also why do I need to know every detail about say, a squadmate's high school life, or what obscure generic factory was destroyed that caused a particular thing to happen in a game. It's like a bad expansion pack...without the pack.

What, Deus Ex? Lol, ok.

Err...not sure what you're upset about here, I wasn't talking about Deus Ex, but...let me rephrase...I didn't mean it was necessarily stupid, I meant that basically it falls into one of those, er, "tropes" I guess you could say that most people don't really get the mind DL thing it seems. I worded it that way for the sake of those that generally would find that aspect unusual since we are not talking about an AI here. I didn't mean that I don't think it is just another neat sci-fi thingamabobber xD . That probably is in a lot more cyber-punk than anything else, which I think is why you mentioned Deus Ex.

[SPOILER ALERT BEGINS] I think it was one of those crystals she was stored in, the one like in SC2's Terran Campaign that Zeratul gives Raynor.[SPOILER ALERT ENDS]

Personally I think you maybe got mad at my post in the first place because you felt I insulted Deus Ex...which I didn't...and are having a nerd rage. Which of course adds +50 to your reason resistance. Also, I gave an informed opinion, all you did was cuss and basically say, "NO, you're wrong because I SAY so!" Now please stop trying to start a flame war just because you don't agree.

Can't we all just be friends? ;)

After all, this world is made of...LOVE AND PEACE! LOVE AND PEACE! XD

*gets shot for singing*
"Look at You, Hacker

Killed 50 enemies using only hacked Security."'
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