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°shtup°Schatten Shmup°Vurt's hires space°Secmod
Drew and Kyle (Zafod IsNotMyName), modded still going on

As I have yet to see anyone do a let's play with SECMod, I am correcting this defficiency. Or rather, Kyle does, while I make fun of the choices I have him make when they lead to him dying over and over again. While not spoilerific, it's about the farthest thing from a blind playthrough you'll ever see; you won't lose out on anything by watching this as your  intro to the game but this does play rather  different from the original. Also we  sequence break by rading the Deck 2 subarmory early; as you'll see, it was kind of necessary. In addition to SECMod and the latest SS2Tool, we also use SHTUP, SHMUP and whatever the star thingy is called. I'll probably nudge Kyle to add 400 for the next recording if it won't break anything, and if you can convince me Rebirth (or whatever else) is worth it I'll consider that as well. To be honest, though, I don't really care. The link to the first part and playlist is here:

I encourage anyone annoyed by the ads to  get Adblock. This will enhance your life by over9000%. Hope you all enjoy this!

Used mods:
Schatten Shmup
Vurt's Hi-Res Space Textures
ThiefsieFool's Secmod 3
« Last Edit: 16. April 2015, 19:02:47 by unn_atropos, Reason: added lamp sign »
Acknowledged by: ThiefsieFool
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