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I have downloaded the releases and the code, but I haven't been able to find the proper Exporter Tool, compiled. I can see that it's probably the C++ files in the main directory, but I didn't have much luck trying to compile it (not really my area). Can anyone tell me how to compile the exporter tool, or does anyone have the binary? I really wanted to get the sprites for UW2, just for safekeeping and making perlers.

Acknowledged by: hank morgan


A quick message from Spain. You are just AWESOME. Thanks for what you did, a dream come true for UW fans.
Acknowledged by: hank morgan


Brilliant work, thank you for this! And it has an editor. This is what I've waited so, so long for. I'm so happy that it's now possible to play Underworld in high resolution with mouselook.

I really hope people make new mods / missions / worlds with the editor!!

Is it possible to adjust mouse sensitivity? Also, it seems health and mana never degenerate, so we're in permanent god mode or something?
« Last Edit: 22. October 2017, 11:08:48 by blakecasimir »

665bdde85c42chank morgan

I have downloaded the releases and the code, but I haven't been able to find the proper Exporter Tool, compiled. I can see that it's probably the C++ files in the main directory, but I didn't have much luck trying to compile it (not really my area). Can anyone tell me how to compile the exporter tool, or does anyone have the binary? I really wanted to get the sprites for UW2, just for safekeeping and making perlers.


I've just released a new build of the exporter tool that should work for you.

This issue on the github might help with the compiling of the tool.
Acknowledged by: hank morgan

665bdde85c8b0hank morgan

Brilliant work, thank you for this! And it has an editor. This is what I've waited so, so long for. I'm so happy that it's now possible to play Underworld in high resolution with mouselook.

I really hope people make new mods / missions / worlds with the editor!!

Is it possible to adjust mouse sensitivity? Also, it seems health and mana never degenerate, so we're in permanent god mode or something?

Maybe you are playing the speed-start character? That has full 30 attack and defence so the likely reason for not losing health is that nothing in the early game has no almost no chance of damaging you.
As for mana I just checked and I think I forgot to turn off the infinite mana mode before I released v1. Welp. 

I'll look at the mouse issue. I've had a few feature requests around controls so I will look at it then.  I've generally focused on implementation of the data driven structures rather than the polish of the game which has led to a bit of jankiness around controls and things like combat.

As for a general update on the status of the project. After releasing I've moved my focus on to Underworld 2. UW2 is not as well documented as UW1 was. For instance there is a  subsystem in UW2 for plot driven events controlled by a quasi-script file called SCD.ark that was previously undocumented by previous research projects. As such the interactions between game variables, quest flags and conversations are much more complex than in UW1. Not all of this file is fully understood at this point but I have the basic loop of condition occurs and subsequent event happening working in some cases.

Getting to the bottom of all that is a mix of fun and frustration but I'm at the point where I have almost fully documented the UW2 save format, all levels can load within the project and while I may not have complete answers to everything that happens in the game and why it happens I do think I have the foundations to systematically work things out.


Thank you for the update. Keep up the great work.
*Some non-core systems still need work.

I've been holding off playing because of this. How significant are these remaining imperfections? You've since said you've moved on to UW2 so I'm guessing it's for the most part infallible? Has the initial release been updated to resolve the infinite mana issue?


How can I get underworld unity to work? is there any special settings I need to be aware of?
We need a solid website/forum/whatever for this, this is so important, this is so huge

How possible would it be to make a TC/full new scenario for UU1 with this engine? any way to get custom assets in at all?


Hank, I am a streamer for GOG's Twitch channel, and I will be starting a playthrough of Ultima Underworld VERY soon. I would love to get in touch with you. Do you have a contact link?


you can send a private message/email once you register.


I would LOVE to get in touch with Hank Morgan about his Unity port. I've tried a PM here and his twitter link, but I've gotten no response. I've been live streaming it on https://www.twitch.tv/gogcom but I've run into issues where save games are being corrupted, making the game unplayable. It's really said because otherwise, it's been an amazing port.
« Last Edit: 21. December 2017, 03:35:02 by Moderator »


try to mail him directly - view his profile and you should be able to do it from there.


I see no e-mail link on his profile. I sent him a PM previously but got no reply.
Hank denied to be contacted via email. Have you tried reaching out to him on his github page?


I did post about an issue there, but got no response. I managed to sort that out myself though. I have just posted concerning this save game issue, so hopefully he'll see it.


Well, I tried and tried to find a way to reach Hank concerning his UU Unity port, but to no avail. I had to finally stop streaming the game at https://www.twitch.tv/gogcom because of issues with save files becoming corrupted. I wish there was some way to to reach him to see if there was some way the issues I'm having could be addressed, but to no avail. This port has so much potential, and I could help to get it a lot of attention, but in it's present form, I just can't recommend it.
Usually hank morgan is quite active. So my guess is that he is just busy with life concerns. Not unusual this time of the year.
Don't be upset, he probably will be back in January.


Hey, no worries, I'm not upset. Still trying to find a way to get in touch with Hank, but still no luck. Hopefully he'll see this, or respond on github  :thumb:


Give it time. He'll reappear on here eventually.

Something like a save game corruption bug is serious business, and something every indie games dev would want to jump in and fix asap once they are aware. I know I'd be on that quickly if it popped up in one of mine.


Ya don't worry about it.  Hank is probably like me, busy with other commitments or simply taking a break from it for a while.  As a lone wolf on a project, you get burned out after a while, especially if there are difficult problems that take time to solve.  It helps to come back with fresh eyes.  He'll probanly be joining us shortly.

665bdde85e3a2hank morgan

Yeah. Followers of the thread will know that I appear and disappear at random. :ninja:

I've sent you a tweet on the issue but if you don't see that then just post a save folder to the github (with steps to recreate the issue if possible) and I can investigate. I want to say that I've put in save game fixes since the last release but it might be something I've missed. Thanks.


Saw the tweet and responded, Hank! Thanks for getting back to me. I'm sure we'll get this resolved!


This is one of those things where testers give devs the good insights. They may find new bugs or break the game in unexpected ways etc.
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