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Topic: SS2 System Shock Infinite 2.4
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Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
Record it both ways. This is korenchken going on a hamtastic rant.
Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
Kolya: thanks, I must have been tired out of my mind for some of those...  O_o

Primitive Primate: how about playing Captain Diego in a short log?

Here is the full script for the Korenchkin expansion. Spellchecking and ideas are welcome. As soon as I put the finishing touches on this, I will return to update the videos and screenshots will rain.  :thumb:

- Deck 2 Event (Hangar A)
Cease your assault at once, soldier! This is Anatoly Korenchkin speaking, acting commander of the
UNN Von Braun. Any orders you received from William Diego are no longer standing: the Captain has been
relieved of duty for TREASON against the will of the Many! Do not fall prey to memory like he did, soldier.
You belong to our people, to our PEACE and our... FLESH. So join us, soldier: JOIN US, in RAPTURE!

- Deck 2 Tear
You are worthy, soldier: the son of a bitch Diego was right about you. And yet, what did
your mentor ever make of you? A BEGGAR to the dogs of the UNN! Yes, old friend... we know your
thoughts, even oast what you remember yourself. Do you understand, now, why we couldn't just "sit
idle by"? For it is written: if you are thirsty, drink from us; if you are hungry, FEED from us!

- Deck 1 Tear
Why do you look for the living, among the dead? Your associate is not here: his flesh has been REBORN!
GLORY TO THE MANY, for they have shown us the light: it is a pure, shining light... that TWINKLES LIKE
A BURNING STAR. So bright and fierce, it can easily blind those who are not... careful.

- Deck 3 Event (Cultivation Cell)
Lower thy hand, CAIN: it is stained with the blood of your brothers. If that one I see deep within, is
still you... then please, hear our plea. We used to be comrades, soldier. We were... FAMILY. Trace
back your steps and undo the damage you caused: our bond compels you! DESTROY the accursed
air regulators and have faith, for the Many have never left behind... one of THEIR OWN.

- Deck 3 Tear
Can you hear them, soldier? The young ones CRY from joy! They COIL and SLITHER, for the family of
the Many has grown! Your family seeks you, soldier: your very flesh LONGS for our embrace.
Until the moment when there is always one mass... one mind... and one ship.

- Deck 4 Event (Admin Offices)
We can barely recognize you, OLD FRIEND. Our gaze wanders through a mirror darkly.
But do not despair: though you have made TERRIBLE mistakes... you still have POWERFUL allies.
The machine-mother underestimated us: we no longer need these simulation units. DESTROY them, soldier!
Arrest her progress! And all the memories you believe dead, will be forged anew.

- Deck 4 Tear
Rebirth follows in your wake, soldier. Now, this place of injustice BASKS in the light of our MASS!
The murderous stormtroopers of the UNN never accepted our GIFT... they turned our temple into a
SLAUGHTERHOUSE! But they are at peace now, for UNITED we stand. And for the first time in our epoch,
humanity is ONE. And it is... beautiful.

- Deck 5 Event (Commercial Gallery)
As the commander of this expedition, we order you to STAND DOWN, soldier. We are AWARE of the secret
you keep from the metal mother: you've been in contact with a THIRD PARTY from this ship... certainly
the renegades led by that meddling Delacroix! How could you fall for their ruse, soldier?
Disrupt their plans and kill their leader, and we shall harbour no more doubts about your loyalty.

- Deck 5 VO (Observatory)
The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh, soldier.

- Deck 5 VO (Old Rig)
We spend our lives harvesting memories, and yet the only ones that truly last,
are the ones we have SHARED with another.

- Deck 5 Tear
Do you concede, soldier? It's something of a tradition, for a captain to tour his ship before a
hopeless battle. Yes, child: we see UNDENIABLE merit in your ways. Yet against all reason, you
still refuse our SALVATION... just like TriOptimum, you are too PROUD to share your victories.
But what profit is it to a man, if he gains the world... and loses his own soul?

- Deck 6 Event (Elevator to Bridge)
Tell me, soldier, if you can! You have destroyed so much in your CRUSADE, but what is it exactly
that you have CREATED? Can you not see, that we square off against a common enemy?
Do you not wish, finally, to see the homeland CLEANSED by the flame of justice?
The fate old Cantor would have certainly chosen...

- Deck 6 VO (Pre-Fight)
Your continued DEFIANCE cannot go unanswered forever, soldier.
The legion of our brothers has become EAGER to show you the wisdom of our ways!

- Deck 6 VO (Post-Fight)
Alas, poor Swiderek: we knew him well. Ah ah ah!
Today we MOURN, for one less voice... sits at the height of our choir.

- Deck 6 Tear
Rejoice, soldier. For our brothers THRIVE as the cold metal FALTERS! You no longer walk the
path of your mentor. Diego was SLAVE to his own shadows, but you are FREE.
Yours shall be the ARM, carrying the sword of our WILL. So it shall be written: so it shall be done.

- Deck 6 VO (Elevator to Rickenbacker)
Soldier. We can't let ourselves be consumed over some petty DIFFERENCES. Fate brought us together
to face a threat like NO OTHER humanity had ever met. Today we fight to reclaim our right to EXIST.

- Deck 7 Tear
Glory to the flesh, soldier! Once again, you have proven yourself a righteous HERALD of our unity.
But these are times of strife: VOICES have risen against our alliance, that threaten to lead
our symphony ASTRAY! Silence their discord... and rejoice them with our TRUTH.

- Deck 7 VO (Church)
The great hunt has begun, soldier! But do not waver: for you serve a greater master.

- Deck 8 VO (Heartbeat)
You mustn't fight fate, soldier. You have always been, and will always be... ONE OF US.
For the Many are the same yesterday, as today and FOREVER.

- Deck 8 Tear
Let our son through! Open the way, that we may reunite now!
Today we celebrate: for our son was dead... and is ALIVE again.

- Deck 8 Warp Movie
Your reward is well earned, old friend. Now rest, soldier... REST.

- Deck 8 End
This is impossible! He RESISTS! You lied to us, soldier: you were never... ALONE...

- Deck 9 Battlecries
Foreward, worm-makers!
Hear our song, machine-mother!
For we shall win through!

- Deck 9 End
You shall take your ship back to Earth, and tell everyone how SHODAN was destroyed... and the sons
of Citadel died with her. Remember our words: all these worlds are yours, except Tau Ceti V.
Attempt no landing there. Now go, doctor Delacroix! Leave this place, and never return.
« Last Edit: 14. July 2014, 13:20:11 by xdiesp »

665c63ec7f256Primitive Primate

Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
Sure! Although bear in mind that I currently lack any means of a microphone. I can record with my Iphone but it may sound really bad, if I even can extract the file out of it.
Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
Forget about your orders with William Diego ->  Forget about your orders by William Diego
You are worthy, soldier: about that much, -> You are worthy, soldier: So much for that,
You associate is not here -> Your associate is not here
Trace your steps back -> Trace back your steps
Until the moment there is always one mass -> Until the moment when there is always one mass
Desire you not, -> Do you not desire
No longer, you walk the path of your mentor: -> No longer, do you walk the path of your mentor:


Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
ZikShadow: "System Shock Infinite" let's play
Hope I didn't forget anything. I wanted to be the first person to post this and I got terribly exited^^

665c63ec7faa5Primitive Primate

Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
Man, those scripts are pure gold. Some real Grade A stuff.
Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
Script fixed as suggested! :thumb:

Kolya: thank you! I feel like old Igor when I see such errors lol. What the first one was really supposed to mean, is "Any orders you had received from William Diego no longer stand: the Captain has been relieved of duty for TREASON against the will of the Many!"

unn_atropos: I passed him the fix for the Rebirth + Infinite skin issue, I definitely have to include it in the next version.


Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
Will this fix change Delacroix facial expression to something less shocked? It was a fun moment when she asked "why do you look so startled?" :)
Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
More details about v1.8:

- Ending requirements were getting crazy, so I'm simplifying them. Get 4 memories to unlock the Good ending, complete a faction's quest to unlock theirs. And the best movies will get more exposure (not to mention plenty will be remade).

- When you enter a tear, you warp to the "white void" kind of cyberspace. In there, is a copy of your room: then a corridor and a crossroads with 3 more copies. In the first, the good guys win; in the second, it's the Many; in the third, Shodan. You decide what timeline the tear will annex.

- When you hack into an old rig, you enter a cyberspace map. It's a reskinned portion of a SS1 level converted to SS2, made to look like SS2's last level. They are big maps, but you fly pretty fast in them (and there's a path to not get lost). The main goal of these maps is to reach the memory and watch it, but you can also explore to pick up cybermodules and logs.

- The Easy Mode mutator will be reworked into a "Basic" mode, where enemies can be damaged by any weapon.

UNN Atropos: damn straight poor Goggles looked startled! :P Marie is supposed to look like this:
« Last Edit: 14. July 2014, 01:32:39 by xdiesp »


Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
It's a reskinned portion of a SS1 level converted to SS2, made to look like SS2's last level.
So it's an SS1 level made to look like an SS1 level.
Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
So it's an SS1 level made to look like an SS1 level.

SS1 levels reskinned with the Cyberspace theme. Medsci:
Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
I finally had the chance to implement those old requests about the "shortcut" in Medsci, where you jump through the window by the turret, and being able to reactivate forcefields. You also hear sound effects of a battle, when you get close to one of those forcefield-protected safehouses.

So far I have populated cyberspace with geometric shapes, flying code and wireframe. They are color coded for harmless, loot (modules and nanites) and enemy (mines, turrets, flying ranged). Every cyberspace hides an ICE Rapier that cannot leave it, and I'm working on ways to make it conceptually closer to the final Shodan level (with amnesia traps and memory encryption algorythms).
« Last Edit: 14. July 2014, 22:10:01 by xdiesp »
Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
Out of curiosity who does the artwork, you? Whoever does those art snippits does very good.
Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
Out of curiosity who does the artwork, you?

That's Captain LKL, artist\tester\brainstormer of the mod. :thumb: If you want to test the first Cyberspace, add this archive to Infinite and start a new game. It can be completed in 15 seconds, but I recorded a longer video to show how to 100% it. Let's recap, you enter Cyberspace when you hack into the old rigs; it's a timed mission (200 seconds) or you lose the chip; the goal is to beat the Algorythm with the ICE Rapier, and collect logs and modules. The map can be beaten without weapons, but I've added a pistol for testing purposes.

Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/77839388/Cyberspace%20prototype.7z


UNN Atropos: that guy's let's play is a mine of useful informations. For starters, he doesn't follow Marie around; and is having problems with the weapon-per-enemy system. Which gave me an idea, having wrong weapons affect enemies in different ways. Robots might get slowed down by bullets, and hybrids go on fire (I'll have to check Secmod for that!). Oh, and artist rendition of the Rebirth+Infinite compatibility issue:


Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
Again, this looks amazing.
The gameplay captures the hecticness of the System Shock 1 Cyberspace, but there is more control.
Also I like the "frozen" characters, which are very bioshockesque (Fort Frolic) and the black space in the end, which reminds me of the star field at the end of Half Life 1. Also a + for the music.
Do you have a high res version of the "startled" picture? Would look nice on a shirt^^
Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
The modding history of SS2 has mainly been a string of often very successful restoration projects. Without SHTUP, Rebirth, ADaoB, Four Hundred and Tacticool SS2 might not even be on the digital landscape any more. And we would have never seen something like Infinite.
xdiesp's mod takes a completely different approach to worship. The creativity he puts into his mod is amazing and his perseverance at actually getting these ideas into the game is exemplary. I really hope we will see more modders like him exploring new paths, because it is what the developers intended. :smurf:
Acknowledged by: Primitive Primate
Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
Kolya: the current patch has been growing unexpectedly, it was supposed to host a couple new videos and instead it's closer to a sequel. This cyberspace map is the first of 8, each roughly one third of the SS1 level.

Do you have a high res version of the "startled" picture? Would look nice on a shirt^^

The full size "startled" one is here, while the following is the colored sketch from a couple posts behind.
« Last Edit: 16. July 2014, 22:54:12 by xdiesp »
Acknowledged by: unn_atropos
Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
xerxes: thanks! If you have any mp3s suited for Cyberspace levels and various movies, please send them! The one from the previous video, and this attachment, are remixes of the same and I'm looking for alternatives.  :thumb:
Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
hehe no problem!
i will try to make some  :happyjoy: :happyjoy:

Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
well here is my 1st try, i hope you find it usefull hehe

[cyberspace by xerxes.mp3 expired]
Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
I plan to soften the RPG rules, by allowing mismatched weapons to deal small damage. It would even have carry a short stun component for guns, and a long one (a topple effect) for explosives.
Re: SS2 System Shock Infinite
Here's the deal: mismatched weapons do a little damage and debuff the enemy: some might slow him down, or stumble him, or lay him flat for a while. While killing through debuff shots would still be too ammo expensive, mixing a debuff shot and actual damage would prove beneficial. It would even allow for a non-lethal playstyle.


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