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Topic: SS2 taller player Read 1723 times  


so, as you may, or may not noticed, Goggles is a short guy, his eyes being roughly at the level of a (orig lowpoly) woman's shoulders. this small experimental minimod moves them a bit (+20%) higher (and nothing else, that means while the eyes are higher, the player dimensions are unchanged). would move them even higher, but this would cause them to clip out of the world at certain places (crawlspaces, mostly). +20% seems to be safe enough, but some testing would be nice before maybe moving this to the mod subforum.

install as any other mod.

also, in case you have missed it, this is experimental, ye be warned.


Does this affect multiplayer, so that you don't seem to be so much smaller than your co player (chest eyes)?


didn't check specifically, but I see no reason why it shouldn't.
So, you do have something against short people?


I don't hate them any more (or less) than the regular ones, if that's what you are asking. I mean, a stupid annoying person is stupid and annoying, doesn't really matter how tall or short he is.

though admittedly, a short annoying person is easier to punch in the face, so they are more practical, if nothing else.

665c266b19d14Primitive Primate


I don't listen to hip-hop.

665c266b19f7aPrimitive Primate

665c266b1a2a0Yankee Clipper

I wondered whether this would affect game play at all... Would you be a bigger target for enemies? Would it be harder to hide behind something to avoid detection or to avoid getting shot? Would you still be able to fit everywhere you did before? It looks like the answer to the last question is a big N.O. There is an area in Cargo Bay 1 with all the monkeys. Up on top of some boxes is a security crate. Above the crate is a hole in the ceiling that lets you mantle up onto level 2 (you can sneak up on that L2 monkey better if you come up behind him through the hole than if you go up on the lift). But, with the taller player mod, it is no longer possible to get on top of the crate so that you can mantle up to level 2.

Advantage: Monkey.


You might want to re-read the second sentence of the first post.

665c266b1a553Yankee Clipper

I read the 2 sentence (and all the other sentences as well) of the first post. The fact remains that the player can no longer get on top of that crate.

665c266b1a730Yankee Clipper

I take it back. I just tried a new game without the taller player and I can't get on that crate anymore that way either. So, did someone change the dimensions of the crate in another mod?
That's unlikely, but which other mods were you using anyway?


that sounds more like new_mantle getting disabled somewhere on the way.

665c266b1aad6Yankee Clipper

voodoo47 is right. It must have gotten disabled when I upgraded NewDark to 2.43. I upgraded when the link was first posted here, per the instructions in the package. Would it have mattered if I had used Kolya's tool, or would it have been disabled either way?


new_mantle is disabled in the "raw" NewDark package, but enabled when you install it with the tool, so yeah.

665c266b1ad71Yankee Clipper

Any other differences? I have already re-enabled the new mantle, so is there any other change with running the tool?


d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames 1 1 (default is 1), and shock_quicksave_slot 13 and shock_autosave_slot 14, I believe.
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