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Topic: Citadel - System Shock Fan Remake
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Are there any videos showcasing this mod/remake?


A playtester was kind enough to provide this, albeit pointing out bugs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1onXeWRwxch7GWyb7UksnZxem5sE3685W/view?usp=sharing

I'm close to finishing another project for a mod team I'm the lead programmer on so haven't had much time for this the past couple months.  Hoping to have that wrapped up this week though to switch gears back to fixing this.


This is insane!
Looks so faithful, yet works like it was made in SS2 engine, I'm kinda more interested in this remaster than the official Remake!

I presume you can play it like SS1 plays or switch to some SS2's-like QoL improvements?


I'm kinda more interested in this remaster than the official Remake!
This isn't a remaster. This is a remake. It literally says "Remake" in the thread title.


I know, but it's more of a engine/sourceport remake, while the game (gameplay, graphics...) is being "remastered".


Acknowledged by: icemann


Content made from scratch:
Code for entire game including UI and all systems
3D models of all items, weapons, and general misc (e.g. barrels, debris)
3D models of all walls, floors, and level geometry
3D models of all enemies including animations
2D textures for all 3D models (excluding wall/floor chunks)
Shaders for cyberspace, automap, and other effects
Particle effects for all explosions, death animation effects, sparks, etc.
Level layout with all wall, floor, ceiling, item, enemy, and light placements by hand
Level triggers, I/O, logic setups, mission states, door locked, ajar, and keycard states, vmail triggers, email triggers, ambushes, ladders, gravity lifts, etc.
Menu backgrounds
Weapon UI icons
Biomonitor graph
New Game page graph
Postprocessing for lighting, colors, and screen effects

Content reused:
Audio (however, music is converted from midi snippets and ran through soundfont)
Wall/floor textures (mostly for color patches) and some other icon sets such as held objects (temp for now)


so technically, not a complete remake, but for all practical purposes, yes.


The whole "remake vs remaster" debate in gaming is largely pointless anyway.

I've seen remasters that basically redo the graphics engine of a game (and all the assets) completely. I've seen others that do virtually nothing.

I've seen remasters that change a lot more than remakes do.

Not to mention you've got ultimate editions, sequels, definitive editions, goty and collectors editions, regional releases, and sometimes even patches that can completely change a game almost entirely. Warframe is so different from release (even in terms of graphics) that it's essentially been remade multiple times already, despite never getting a remake or a remastered version. World of Warcraft changes significantly with each expansion, both in terms of gameplay and graphics. Do you have to update graphics to be a remake or does gameplay count? If a company calls a product a remake but it still technically uses the same engine is it one? What about engines that have multiple iterations? Is half life source a remaster of half-life despite the only change being the engine? Does Dark Souls Remaster even count as a remaster if it's just the original game with a community patch added? Nobody knows because nobody has defined any of this stuff. We just call a game a remake or a remaster based on what feels right.

Is Citadel technically a remake or a remaster? The only intelligent answer is "who cares?". It's both and it's neither because the terms are meaningless.

Now can we put this stupid debate to bed?
« Last Edit: 05. July 2023, 00:34:33 by sarge945 »
Acknowledged by 2 members: Chandlermaki, bombum


@JosiahJack where are the config settings stored, so I can delete them? I tried to change the resolution and set the window to fullscreen, but first the window was set extremelly small and when I managed to set it to fullscreen everything (in settings) is unreadable. This is on Win10 btw.


If it's standard unity, look in


I assume the product name is Citadel


I don't believe in AppData or Registries (but haven't found a way to force Unity to not put stuff there so I just ignore it).

Config (and saves) is inside Citadel_Data/StreamingAssets/Config.ini with Citadel_Data/ being a folder next to the game executable wherever you installed it.  I believe depending on the OS, StreamingAssets folder is put elsewhere (e.g. Android does this) but for Windows and Linux it's located here.  At some point I'll have debug log files go here too, but for now they are in the automatically created AppData/LocalLow/TrioptimumCorporation folder.


  • Company: Social Worker by day, Night Dive Studios-Discord Moderator by night
I just tried the new beta. It is a huge improvement over the last build. Very nice work. :)

I did get a crash to desk top when I tried to take a screen shot of a mutant the fell through the floor after I killed it.
But other than that I have not encountered any bugs so far.

Adding music and sound from the classic version of the game works this time. I don't think it did in the previous build.
I did notice  when you are starting a new game it only lets you type 1 letter in the name field if you have not imported the audio.
Acknowledged by: JosiahJack


Having not played any of the releases (as was waiting for the final or 1.0 release), watching that video was quite interesting. Looks like great work done on the remake.
Acknowledged by: JosiahJack


  • Company: Social Worker by day, Night Dive Studios-Discord Moderator by night
When loading a save the bio monitor augment (I turned on) is running but is not visible. You have to turn it off and start it again for it to display. After reloading a save the small doors are half way open but you can move through them.

The force bridges appear as a narrow single red line. The mutants I killed in the rad trench stay standing even when dead. Not sure if this happens anywhere else. It did not happen with mutants near the med bay and the cyberspace terminal and did not happen with cyborgs or assassins.
Acknowledged by: JosiahJack
While I undestand the premise behind this project to be as faithful to the original as possible, why not add some quality of life stuff in the interface and user experience aspects? For example, ability to throw grenade with a dedicated button, and ability to cycle grenades with another hotkey to choose which one to quick throw. Also, does it have a reload/change ammo type hotkeys?


I did.  Pressing G (by default) puts a live grenade in your hand.  T and B cycle them up down (indicated by the yellow one).  Patches can be cycled and and apply the highlighted one as well from a hotkey.  And ammo change and reload have hotkeys as well.  Reload has both a quick load option for modern reload or with it disabled pressing reload once unloads, then again loads.
Acknowledged by: Toaste


My wife had her baby this afternoon.  Our third kid.  A little girl.  Both mom and baby doing well.

Still been working hard on Citadel when I have time.  Lots of bugfixes and polishing behavior of certain features.  Not there yet, but getting ever closer to a 1.00.  Those who pay attention to the Github will see both all the commits and those with Github accounts (free) are more than welcome to checkout the Citadel Main Build artifacts in the Actions tab which have the latest dev builds available at the bottom of the page for each successful run.

Not sure when I'll have my next official version what with all of life happening these days.  Life is good though!
Congratulations, JJ! And don't worry about Citadel, when it's released, I'm sure it will be worth the wait.


I'd help out but I just adopted a puppy which I know isn't anywhere near as much work but it's still a handful

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