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After the List of attempted SS1 remakes , here are some attempted SS2 remakes and levels. Looks a bit meager right know. Mabye its hard to find something because the source remake is the most prominent thing that shows up on my searches. Or there just aren't any more attemps...

icemann - Old Habits Die Hard, unofficial quasi System Shock 3 / Shadowrun take on the Dark Seed Chronicles story

System Shock 2: Med-Sci Remastered by AcidWorksAnimation

Thebard - in GoldSrc Engine

Mark Valentine - in Source Engine

Remember Citadel- System Shock 2 in the Source Engine (using Mark Valentine assets)

"System Shock 3 Half-Life Modification" from 2001 - Changed to a Deuy Ex mod later: Old habits never die

System Shock 2 rebooted

Leadershinji Digital Hell -similar to Sshock 2 -via- HL2 Engine

This game*

Mine Shock II - A Sample Minecraft Re-Creation of a Portion of "System Shock 2"

*(just a joke^^)
« Last Edit: 16. October 2017, 17:56:17 by unn_atropos »


the first one is technically not a remake (attempt), as the author has clearly stated he did not have any intention to go beyond partially recreating the medsci level just for fun.

the second one is news (or is it? feels like I'm forgetting something //yep, completely forgotten about it. even went full smarty-pants on steam). seems like they were smart enough to try to avoid c&d as much as possible, but we know all too well how it's going to end anyway, don't we. also, they didn't seek systemshock.org's blessing, tisk-tisk. and, as mentioned by the top post on moddb, with the NewDark engine and the currently available mods, recreating the game on a not exactly new engine such as source feels kind of.. unnecessary.

and maybe add the original source attempt; http://www.pcgamer.com/system-shock-2-source-restoration-mod-abandoned-assets-released-to-the-public/
« Last Edit: 10. October 2014, 21:35:52 by voodoo47 »


We didn't have this one yet?!

A recreation of the System Shock 2 Medical level in the Half Life engine GoldSrc by Thebard made in 2009. No download sadly.

I have seen (at one time or another) on forums, topics about doing some kind of System shock 2 (SS2) conversion to the HL engin.
It always ends at a moot point since SS2 was a full priced game with a full set of copyrights etc.

However i (long ago!) decided to have a crack at this (even if only as a short demo lvl)

For 2017 CryoKeen & Thebard announced System Shock 2 Co-op
Building on the materials thoughtfully extracted by Thebard and with the spirit and using of some of http://scmapdb.com/map:systemshock This System Shock 2 Co-op Project hopes to Bring a semi-accurate System Shock 2 Co-op Experience to the masses, with hopefully some "free use" protections.

I have built the first part of the training and main levels, they work very well so far but I need some help like other mappers pledging to start on Level 2 Engineering and other Levels would help a lot. The main goal of the project would be to keep as much as the SS2 Architecture as possible with some creativity and co-op centric leeway of course allowed and probably helps our freeuse case.

Another factor in the freeuse case is, the games very old now, and the co-op feature sucked donkey balls it was buggy as fuck. If we could get the first Level or 2 done (not a huge amount of work, 6 months max) I think we could get a feel of if we would be asked to shut down, or if a blind eye might be turned our way so in hopes that anyone who has ever purchased this game in the past and would like to have tried co-op, could now theoretically do so.

I will be working myself on Level 1 and/or Training every couple of days/Once a week and can get that done myself in 6 months - 1 year. As for the whole inventory system and leveling up the player and giving them specific skills, well, I'll need a w00tguy or a nico or a gigabyte or a TuesdaysAvenger to guide me through the intricate Angelscript system and what could work and what couldn't.

So there is the Tram at the start of System Shock 2 that reminds everyone of the beginning of Half Life...
Now here is a screenshot from Half Life showing the System Shock 2 Tram.


//Also, doe the character in this shot remind any one else of Gul Dukat?

[225840_screenshots_2016-01-27_00031.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 22. March 2017, 09:43:44 by unn_atropos »


We really need a thread that lists all the medical level remakes. So many.

This ones a remake of the SS2 Medical for a change. Ok scratch that. I demand more screenshots.


We really need a thread that lists all the medical level remakes. So many.
Like this or this?


yep - will merge in a sec.

//done (will kill the now redundant few posts a bit later)


And to be technical that screenshot is from the station level, not Medsci.


System Shock 2: Med-Sci Remastered WIP by AcidWorksAnimation

THIS IS NOT INTENDED TO BE AN ACTUAL GAME. Blocking out the first level of System Shock 2, first step, the scale using basic brushes. Currently close to a 1:1 ratio, assuming that every 2 floor tiles in the game is one Unity Unit, so far seems about perfect Just a portfolio piece, I'm not exactly sure how much of the level I want to make, hoping to come in with some next gen lighting, meshes and materials to bring this classic to life.



« Last Edit: 19. October 2017, 20:17:06 by unn_atropos »


UNN feel free to add to the top post:

Old Habits Die Hard, my unofficial quasi System Shock 3 / Shadowrun take on the Dark Seed Chronicles story series:

Episode 1 (fully completed, about an hour of gameplay):

Episode 2 (about 3/4 done, I've just been lazy and let this drag on for years, roughly 8-9 hours of gameplay):

That looks very interesting iceman. Any updates on that port for DF:DC would be much appreciated!


Converting it over to Dragonfall shouldn't be that hard in theory. I already had it working fine in the standard version of DF.

The goal is to get it 100% finished, then port everything over to DF, then do a big play through to check for bugs, then set as finished. I had planned an episode 3 originally but I dunno. Time shall tell.


well what do you know, something has made it beyond medsci1 geometry after all.



On one hand that's quite impressive. On the other it's quite amateur and needs some extensive work to get it more in line with SS2.

The lighting needs work is everything was all just too bright for the majority of it. The guy in the video spends too much time being scared by wall textures. You only see an actual enemy about 3 times in the whole video.


a rather odd engine choice as well - Arma's engine is meant for large outdoor environments, and is quite awkward for rather confined SS2 levels.
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