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Topic: SCP Issue Reporting Read 50289 times  

error  bulkhead 1.1

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The door doesn't look right.

What's the purpose of the security access card and the ring buoy?
yeah, that one is slightly less than perfect (but still better than a bathroom without door). ah well. ring buoys can be recycled, and if you mean the extra card on ops4, it's there for those who have somehow forgotten to loot the one on eng1.
error  bulkhead 1.1
I have tried to zoom, adjust brightness, I don't see anything. and I'm going to say it one last time - you need to include simple descriptions, like SOUND BAD! TEXTURE BAD! DOOR NOT OPEN! or something. I hate to say this, but next time there is no description, the post will go to the trash bin.

anyone speaking russian? if yes, do translate that last part for him, so we'll be sure he understands.

so, anyone find the easter egg on earth yet?
SHTUP-ND_beta0.  SCP_beta1. bug textures:

[dump006.png expired]
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but look at that, a proper bugreport, a picture that displays the problem, description and everything. *sheds a tear*

just to make this very clear, mixing old mods and installs with the new stuff is a bad idea™, and may result in random and unpredictable issues. the best thing you can do is to create a completely new install of SS2, preferably with ss2tool 6.0, get the latest versions of mods, and load everything with the blue mod manager.

also, there is a small compatibility issue with SCP and ss2tool 5.x - if you are using a ss2tool 5.x SS2 install, delete the misdml folder before you launch SCP.
« Last Edit: 01. November 2014, 19:26:05 by voodoo47 »

665c0243d93edSystem Shocked

Here's the start of my feedback reports. Some of these may have been reported within my previous feedback reports. Better to be safe than sorry. I'll be providing ALL that I find, regardless of how miniscule, akin to those listed in the SCP readme.  I'm running SS2 with mods as recommended by voodoo47, in the priority suggested. Along the way, I'll make some suggestions that I see as needing attention. Brightness of screenshots has been increased in order to better see the issue/problem.

As I've stated before, and as expected, the final decision for what gets accepted and denied or at what point accepted changes are implemented, remains with the SCP Devs.

These feedback reports take a lot of time and effort. All I ask is that adequate tracking of these issues be strictly maintained so that nothing gets missed or overlooked. Thank you in advance.  :D

1. SUGGESTION - Cig butts below grate is a nice touch http://i.imgur.com/aup20XQ.jpg. How about some on the platform and in the tram.
2. Difference in lighting when two red lights are NOT blinking Image: http://i.imgur.com/2o98BJ7.jpg and other one http://i.imgur.com/3rm3krZ.jpg
3. Ceiling niches illuminated but no light source http://i.imgur.com/x0Ekpf6.jpg
4. SUGGESTION - Extend cables to wall terminal http://i.imgur.com/w7ko3v3.jpg or place junction boxes at cable ends http://i.imgur.com/8oOoiNF.jpg
5. Junction box doesn't contact column http://i.imgur.com/7k9Pgr9.jpg
6. SUGGESTION - Center wall lights on their walls/columns http://i.imgur.com/BOvEEt5.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/SvuFCgc.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/cRShxxq.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/lNSJi3E.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/GUd7syh.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/YRYRHqL.jpg
7. Support brackets don't contact the wall http://i.imgur.com/yCuEjUy.jpg
8. SUGGESTION - Center speaker on wall http://i.imgur.com/r8K7hEl.jpg
9. SUGGESTION - Raise height of speaker to same height as other speaker in area and center it between corner and light http://i.imgur.com/uE0KkJi.jpg
10. SUGGESTION - For better/larger illuminated area here http://i.imgur.com/NevSP1r.jpg move these lights back to the corners http://i.imgur.com/9XgwdQf.jpg
11. SUGGESTION - Lower wall signs and light so rear of light makes full contact with wall and not angled window edges http://i.imgur.com/GZ4F3nO.jpg

Outside UNN Building & Lobby/Training Areas:
12. Floating lights here http://i.imgur.com/kOqTHha.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/9df3m1B.jpg
13. Sandman Audio sign floating http://i.imgur.com/1dxgBIt.jpg
14. SUGGESTION - To thwart vandalism, consider raising the height of these speakers http://i.imgur.com/cP2dpXX.jpg
15. SUGGESTION - Center lights between pillars and wall edge http://i.imgur.com/Xv2Z6Us.jpg
16. Move droid back from window - hands clip booth wall http://i.imgur.com/cEdPUk7.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/uqj2quy.jpg
17. Plant leaves clip side walls http://i.imgur.com/69NCPAC.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/WqArIFf.jpg
18. Training entrance door frame missing texture here http://i.imgur.com/UQCjHUt.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/EPPTtSz.jpg compared to exit door http://i.imgur.com/nBnZ2eq.jpg
19. Left handrails to Marines hallway http://i.imgur.com/Pu5t8xN.jpg not contacting wall http://i.imgur.com/GyXYjfp.jpg
20. SUGGESTION - The three room cubicles in this area http://i.imgur.com/hMZvDsV.jpg at least need doors http://i.imgur.com/flpp4ob.jpg
21. SUGGESTION - Lower area needs a door, light sources and some props http://i.imgur.com/0zf7RWW.jpg

At this point, player takes space shuttle to Earth Station One.

« Last Edit: 01. November 2014, 23:36:02 by System Shocked »


If you could limit your observations to just things that are actually wrong, that would go a long way toward us paying any attention to your posts.

And holy crap that protocol droid mod is hideous.


couldn't agree more. but I have to say told 'ya on those blinken lights.

I don't mind the crazy detailed reports, but I also have to note that I won't be commenting on everything, and (of course) not everything will make it into the mod/patch.
turret bug:

key card bug:

lol   door   open  ???   
[dump008.png expired]
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« Last Edit: 01. November 2014, 22:03:15 by Kolya »
I'm sorry but I do not like the mod rebitch


don't worry, we do not like the AI model mod you use as well (Bronson in white shirt, high heels and miniskirt, how so very NOT cute), and your bloom settings are eye raping.

anyway, on picture 012, you have managed to squeeze yourself somewhere you shouldn't. don't do that would be a proper answer, but I guess we could just jam a giant blocking object into that passageway.

picture 009 - those doors should indeed be locked by default, and they appear so in the editor. will have to be checked.

picture 008 - yeah, that shouldn't be happening. will be fixed.
« Last Edit: 02. November 2014, 18:02:40 by voodoo47 »


turret bug:

key card bug:

lol   door   open  ???   
Learn use IMGUR. Pictures as attachments only last few days/weeks.

665c0243da637System Shocked

I don't mind the crazy detailed reports, but I also have to note that I won't be commenting on everything, and (of course) not everything will make it into the mod/patch.

Thanks voodoo47, I'd rather continue with my crazy detailed reports, so that everything is accumulated together.

I certainly don't expect your comments on everything that I submit. Just ensure that my submissions are properly assembled/cataloged for your current/future reference. There are still two floating lights in the area outside the UNN building, that I distinctly remember listing in a previous feedback, submitted a while back, not to mention the floating Sandman Audio neon sign. These have just been re-reported again in my FEEDBACK REPORT #1, as items #12 and #13.

I know you guys have been churning through a LOT of stuff, but its frustrating when issues are reported and not corrected, especially when they are clearly legitimate.   :what:  :stroke:

And yes, I appreciate and understand that not everything I report will make it into future revisions of the SCP, just give them due consideration and thought.   :happyjoy:

Back to the reporting trenches ! 
« Last Edit: 01. November 2014, 23:08:31 by System Shocked »

665c0243da8b0System Shocked

do try to split off bugs and suggestions into separate parts.

New scheme - items that are suggestions will begin with the word SUGGESTION colored in orange, otherwise it's a bug.

Take a look at my FEEDBACK REPORT #1 - I've reworked it using the new scheme.
« Last Edit: 01. November 2014, 23:33:53 by System Shocked »


ok, about that security room on ops4 - unlocking any one card slot will unlock both doors. this is probably deliberate, but we may change it in the future. anyway, if the player does not have the keycard, he is not getting in, so everything works as it should.


Here's the start of my feedback reports. Some of these may have been reported within my previous feedback reports. Better to be safe than sorry. I'll be providing ALL that I find, regardless of how miniscule, akin to those listed in the SCP readme.  I'm running SS2 with mods as recommended by voodoo47, in the priority suggested. Along the way, I'll make some suggestions that I see as needing attention. Brightness of screenshots has been increased in order to better see the issue/problem.

As I've stated before, and as expected, the final decision for what gets accepted and denied or at what point accepted changes are implemented, remains with the SCP Devs.

These feedback reports take a lot of time and effort. All I ask is that adequate tracking of these issues be strictly maintained so that nothing gets missed or overlooked. Thank you in advance.  :D

1. SUGGESTION - Cig butts below grate is a nice touch http://i.imgur.com/aup20XQ.jpg. How about some on the platform and in the tram.
2. Difference in lighting when two red lights are NOT blinking Image: http://i.imgur.com/2o98BJ7.jpg and other one http://i.imgur.com/3rm3krZ.jpg
3. Ceiling niches illuminated but no light source http://i.imgur.com/x0Ekpf6.jpg
4. SUGGESTION - Extend cables to wall terminal http://i.imgur.com/w7ko3v3.jpg or place junction boxes at cable ends http://i.imgur.com/8oOoiNF.jpg
5. Junction box doesn't contact column http://i.imgur.com/7k9Pgr9.jpg
6. SUGGESTION - Center wall lights on their walls/columns http://i.imgur.com/BOvEEt5.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/SvuFCgc.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/cRShxxq.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/lNSJi3E.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/GUd7syh.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/YRYRHqL.jpg
7. Support brackets don't contact the wall http://i.imgur.com/yCuEjUy.jpg
8. SUGGESTION - Center speaker on wall http://i.imgur.com/r8K7hEl.jpg
9. SUGGESTION - Raise height of speaker to same height as other speaker in area and center it between corner and light http://i.imgur.com/uE0KkJi.jpg
10. SUGGESTION - For better/larger illuminated area here http://i.imgur.com/NevSP1r.jpg move these lights back to the corners http://i.imgur.com/9XgwdQf.jpg
11. SUGGESTION - Lower wall signs and light so rear of light makes full contact with wall and not angled window edges http://i.imgur.com/GZ4F3nO.jpg

Outside UNN Building & Lobby/Training Areas:
12. Floating lights here http://i.imgur.com/kOqTHha.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/9df3m1B.jpg
13. Sandman Audio sign floating http://i.imgur.com/1dxgBIt.jpg
14. SUGGESTION - To thwart vandalism, consider raising the height of these speakers http://i.imgur.com/cP2dpXX.jpg
15. SUGGESTION - Center lights between pillars and wall edge http://i.imgur.com/Xv2Z6Us.jpg
16. Move droid back from window - hands clip booth wall http://i.imgur.com/cEdPUk7.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/uqj2quy.jpg
17. Plant leaves clip side walls http://i.imgur.com/69NCPAC.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/WqArIFf.jpg
18. Training entrance door frame missing texture here http://i.imgur.com/UQCjHUt.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/EPPTtSz.jpg compared to exit door http://i.imgur.com/nBnZ2eq.jpg
19. Left handrails to Marines hallway http://i.imgur.com/Pu5t8xN.jpg not contacting wall http://i.imgur.com/GyXYjfp.jpg
20. SUGGESTION - The three room cubicles in this area http://i.imgur.com/hMZvDsV.jpg at least need doors http://i.imgur.com/flpp4ob.jpg
21. SUGGESTION - Lower area needs a door, light sources and some props http://i.imgur.com/0zf7RWW.jpg

At this point, player takes space shuttle to Earth Station One.


Wow, Dadster.  Your MO is unchanged! New name...same insanity.

665c0243dc550System Shocked


Aboard Earth Station One:
1. In this room http://i.imgur.com/VYz5ARl.jpg
a) SUGGESTION - Remove light on floor in front of large roll-up door - makes no sense http://i.imgur.com/WFX0yn6.jpg
b) SUGGESTION - Do the same with this one http://i.imgur.com/6a4e6et.jpg. Would get in the way of moving stuff around.
c) SUGGESTION - Move these lights against wall, out of way http://i.imgur.com/6a4e6et.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/5P1FWrv.jpg 
d) What's the deal with these two white strips? http://i.imgur.com/ANPsyeu.jpg
e) Eight ceiling lights throw different light - five have white-ish light and three have yellowish light. Example http://i.imgur.com/5iVLJml.jpg - left is yellowish, right is white-ish. Change light's yellowish lens to white type - looks better.
2. Shift junction box/cables http://i.imgur.com/NFDSdtP.jpg slightly right so end junction box contacts wall http://i.imgur.com/R1zJexC.jpg
3. The same with these ones, so they look tidier http://i.imgur.com/7SOEjqG.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/85dgKd7.jpg
4. Here http://i.imgur.com/ifYGvRH.jpg worker types on top of crate (no screenshot) then types beside crate http://i.imgur.com/LlnzAIk.jpg then drops down to lower floor and leg clips upper floor http://i.imgur.com/6Ba0r9O.jpg
5. In this room http://i.imgur.com/5A6RMcm.jpg lower right crate clips into wall http://i.imgur.com/1qIXwqx.jpg
6. In room with macarena dancing droid http://i.imgur.com/nqfwe0z.jpg security bot's foot clips crate http://i.imgur.com/XNCpx7c.jpg

At this point, player travels to Tau Ceti V aboard Von Braun/Rickenbacker spaceships.

Aboard Von Braun Spaceship:
7. Here http://i.imgur.com/YFFqcI4.jpg support brackets don't contact walls http://i.imgur.com/sgB6Vhr.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/OYvIojH.jpg
8. Support brackets don't contact wall http://i.imgur.com/YILLOyK.jpg. Prevalent throughout game. No further reports.
9. Damaged junction boxes have door flap over door flap http://i.imgur.com/BwxpAlB.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/dFjN1T4.jpg
10. Here http://i.imgur.com/Uw1hviy.jpg
a) Player can mantle and clip through computer terminals http://i.imgur.com/uA4tCjp.jpg
b) Ceiling light clips into dropped ceiling structure http://i.imgur.com/b0oyIpr.jpg
11. In this room http://i.imgur.com/qtcbMM6.jpg
a) Crouched player can clip through handrails, here http://i.imgur.com/oWJBoHj.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/0ebCBN9.jpg  and here http://i.imgur.com/UKZegCI.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/1Q2bjge.jpg
b) Handrail with gaps and distinct texture difference http://i.imgur.com/nYiJzrc.jpg
c) Lettering on machinery reversed/mirror imaged http://i.imgur.com/IkDn3Hg.jpg
12. SUGGESTION - Make this exterior wall http://i.imgur.com/DNh7Z1u.jpg a little more robust http://i.imgur.com/fjtYbf9.jpg
13. In this upper area http://i.imgur.com/Il4bmW5.jpg some of the lights are not centered on their doors.
14. For consistency, lower light above door http://i.imgur.com/V5dE2ZE.jpg to match others in same room http://i.imgur.com/Q1EfCl2.jpg
15. In this room http://i.imgur.com/rG2aADZ.jpg
a) Upper texture for ceiling light niche doesn't match sides http://i.imgur.com/d5vYuoJ.jpg like here http://i.imgur.com/Tqdyyc4.jpg
b) Reposition body - fingers and foot clipping http://i.imgur.com/P4sb5UI.jpg
c) Light switch niche rear texture doesn't match sides http://i.imgur.com/IynecGE.jpg
16. In this room http://i.imgur.com/dW8DNdV.jpg
a) Upper texture for ceiling light niche doesn't match sides http://i.imgur.com/4IICVVu.jpg like here http://i.imgur.com/Tqdyyc4.jpg
b) Player can mantle computer terminals http://i.imgur.com/y93vLsJ.jpg and clip through them http://i.imgur.com/ZkoiR06.jpg. Problematic model?
c) Crate clips into computer terminal http://i.imgur.com/vSQYH3t.jpg
d) Desk's corner clips into wall http://i.imgur.com/njSsKpE.jpg
17. It's impossible for this table to be in this position without tipping over - it defies gravity http://i.imgur.com/OgNjP7Y.jpg
18. Here http://i.imgur.com/ACQhZDJ.jpg light doesn't contact wall http://i.imgur.com/BvFY1mj.jpg
20. SUGGESTION - Due to raised door frame and low ceiling, light too big to mount on wall http://i.imgur.com/4eaVzw2.jpg so use a fluor light as was done here http://i.imgur.com/0v00oYD.jpg
21. SUGGESTION - For consistency, add fluor light to the pillars here http://i.imgur.com/U1LLbMq.jpg and here http://i.imgur.com/eoFxO1v.jpg to match the dual fluor light third pillar nearby. To not affect lighting, use defective ones.
22. Ceiling textures misaligned here http://i.imgur.com/8bNuoNI.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/l6MGTgE.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/U6bqOqV.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/L7g6Cr2.jpg
23. Bench seat mis-oriented - needs to be rotated 180° http://i.imgur.com/43rOnPf.jpg

At this point, player enters Medical and Crew Quarters bulkhead.


« Last Edit: 02. November 2014, 12:57:44 by System Shocked »
Please never stop, System Shocked.
Acknowledged by: System Shocked


about that clip through computer terminals - can be fixed by adding extra physics objects that mirror the terminal shape better, but it needs to be manually done for each individual terminal. something I'm not looking forward to.

misaligned textures and floating lights (I can't bloody believe that some are still around after 50+ medsci1 builds) will be fixed (good stuff btw), some of the item positions as well. as for adding stuff, official SCP policy is NOT adding anything unless absolutely necessary.

665c0243dcd75System Shocked

Please never stop, System Shocked.

Thanks Marvin, I'm trying my best - still a ways to go yet.


Thanks Marvin, I'm trying my best - still a ways to go yet.

Your enthusiasm is almost certainly required for a beta like this. So don't let others get you down.
Acknowledged by: System Shocked

665c0243dd36eSystem Shocked

about that clip through computer terminals - can be fixed by adding extra physics objects that mirror the terminal shape better, but it needs to be manually done for each individual terminal. something I'm not looking forward to.

misaligned textures and floating lights (I can't bloody believe that some are still around after 50+ medsci1 builds) will be fixed (good stuff btw), some of the item positions as well. as for adding stuff, official SCP policy is NOT adding anything unless absolutely necessary.

Sorry voodoo47, but clipping through the computer terminals is a biggie - you know what ya gotta do.

Concerning my bug reports, thanks for the thumbs up (keep em' comin'). The fact that some still exist after so many builds isn't a detriment to you Devs. The massive amount of bugs and changes that you've made already is staggering. You Devs should be VERY PROUD in what you've accomplished. SS2's never looked so good. But to attain this achievement, you've had to look at the same repetitive SS2 stuff for OVER two years, which can understandably dull/hamper your senses. Sometimes all that's needed is another set of eyes and a different level/method of scrutiny (queue me singing famous James Taylor song "That's Why I'm Here" .  .  .)

Concerning adding stuff, my concerns mostly revolve around maintaining level design consistency regarding props placement/position. That and changes that just make common sense. My take is that if the LGS Devs weren't rushed and had been afforded more time, a lot of what we've found wrong or missing would've been corrected, and then some. In any case, I'll keep chucking them and let you Devs decide what sticks. Just give the suggestion a fair shake. 

665c0243dd6b7System Shocked

Your enthusiasm is almost certainly required for a beta like this. So don't let others get you down.

I really appreciate your words of encouragement.

My take is that when a moment to help improve a classic, ground-breaking and under-appreciated game like SS2 presents itself, one needs to take full advantage of it and do their utmost to improve it, while the window of opportunity exists, because it may NEVER occur again.

Rest assured, I'm focused to the MAXX   .   .   .   .   .  Hey . . . YOU!!! .  .  .  .  .  . get away from that window ! ! !  :lordy:
My take is that when a moment to help improve a classic, ground-breaking and under-appreciated game like SS2 presents itself, one needs to take full advantage of it and do their utmost to improve it, while the window of opportunity exists, because it may NEVER occur again.

As long as the development tools are available (ShockED namely) then that opportunity is always there.
You're very pedantic with the details...perhaps you'd make a good modder?
deck 5 bug textures:

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If I have to release my infected children to stop you, so be it.
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