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Topic: SS2 TF's Secmod 3
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Zip the save folders that have all the "area".MIS and CAMPAIGN files?

Just an interesting observation - not sure it really helps anything other than to watch inventory more carefully, or if it somehow led to finding the source of the bug (I assume that's not known). Was also curious if the original bug was exacerbated by Secmod or just a weird string of luck/coincidence, but I realize that's probably not answerable.

While checking the saves I noticed I forgot my med hypos were also reduced to 1 in the first timeframe. Chance it was an accidental recycle based on the position, but fairly certain I would have noticed.


yes, all the folders that begin with save_ are the saves.

hard to tell whether mods make it worse, all I can say is that I'm very sure it also happens in pure vanilla.


This is the initial state with everything.
[save_12.zip expired]


And last. I tried playing for a little bit again from the initial state, but didn't encounter any disappearances.
[save_6.zip expired]


Can cyber modules on bodies/containers vanish due to the hard/impossible loot hose? My limited tries into the intro section indicate yes, but I'm not sure if it's just loot being randomized.


So I've run into the local feedback loop issue on Ops that I found Lieste mention on a much older thread. Did the wire puzzle, broke the consoles, saved, reloaded, moved through a bulkhead, tried removing Ops1.mis from the save folder (which incidentally seems to have made the wire puzzle unusable now, even after restoring the file), and no dice.



just played SS2 with Secmod. Entering 15061 to the TechnicControl Room on Technic Deck didnt open the door. Secmod deactivated, new start of the game and it works.

If u could fix this I could reactivate it and play again. Unfortunately u have to start a new game, but i would appreciate.

Other mods i have activated:

Turret and MuzzleFlash
Security Door Retexture
Improved Water
Impact Blood
Hi-Res Space
Flora Overhaul
Dripping goo
Black Egg



Entering 15061 to the TechnicControl Room on Technic Deck didnt open the door.
that's because the code is not 15061 in Secmod. very sure the proper code will let you in.


You have SCP and SecMod activated at the same time? The hell?


I'm thinking it's just the DE translation (meant for SCP primarily, but will work with vanilla/other mods, with some of the texts not being accurate of course).


Ok, that the codes are changed i didnt know and expect. Til that point all codes were the same. But the german Audio-Translation is that good, i dont want to change to english. I deactivate the scp german mod and try again, i hope its just a bug. Later i thought, in an earlier version i played decates ago, i had the same prob i think, but not sure if it was smth else or exactly this bug. Btw i inserted the 2. german mod cause in the description was  that a few translation issues were fixed. I overread the SCP. But ok, i deavtivate and try again. On walls it says "MEDIZEN" e.g. anyway, even if its "MEDIZIN" in german on deck 2 e.g., but ok, i am not that strict. Are u sure about that code to this room on deck 1, technic-control room with fluidic-whatsoever-Computer that its a different one in Secmod? Cause then i would save, deactivate translation mod, open the door and do what i have to do and reactivate it, hope i dont have to restart then.

The interior changes and the cards and stuff / loot at other places is very nice, love that. The puzzles at the doors could highlight the wire u choose to change, but thats optional. The empty needles dropping when using stims and other new items u cannot use are strange but ok, I just hope i dont get stuck somewhere else.

So far its definetly a different experience, appreciate the love and hard work for that.

Btw, love the new demo of SS1 Remake, already pre-ordered it.  :sly: Muahaha...  8)

Thx guys and maybe gals.


yeeah, I think the translation will show the vanilla codes, and that might be a problem. I guess you will have to deactivate it when checking codes.


Got an elevator bug that's stalled out my current playthrough.
Using the elevator to go to Med/Sci crashes the game; while annoying, you don't need to go there to progress so it's survivable.
However, now when I go up to Recreation, I spawn in the void a fair way outside the map and fall through the skybox indefinitely.
Anyone else gotten this problem? Any ideas what it might be?


mid-game (Sec)mod activation can do that. anyway, at this point, you can only share the save and hope we can fix it.


"By making the player spawn in an endless void, we really solidified the feeling of helplessness and dread that the final survivors were going through on the recreation deck, and we feel we nailed this atmosphere perfectly" - System Shock 2 developer notes.
Well I die immediately from Shodan.  I don't even know what's killing me.  I have a Psi/Cyber build but a decent amount of AP Bullets and a Pistol. 

I read about the rebound but I just don't even understand the nature of what is killing me, and I die immediately. 
Played secmod once more, this time with v3. Impossible difficulty. Best shock 2 mod I've ever played but I have to criticize because I want it to become the perfection it has the potential to be.

-Taking a look at RoSoDude's Scary monsters to fix AI melee problems should be a priority (and if done so, then tone down monster run + attack speeds somewhat to compensate). So many of my encounters involved exploiting the AI, and it's not like I had any other choice when there is so many of them, very little ammo on impossible and they're all incredibly fast.
Well,, Scary monsters would be built into the game as standard (SS2 Tool/New Dark) if it were up to me.
-the new level is kinda cool but also does have an amatuer feel (e.g primitive boxy level design, poor performance, a visual glitch or two) and is somewhat out of place design-wise (it's reminscent of Half-life and also features no enemies outside of two turrets). I liked it regardless, cool challenges and cool secrets, but feel it detracts from the authenticity of the mod in the same way a fart button or blue irradiated zones do. I'd scrap it or spend a long time overhauling.
-Please cut down the audio files for eating and drinking. these should be 1 second long max, like absolutely any professional game. It's immersion breaking.
-Plasma pistol should be set back to plasma effects (then said effects updated in secmod fashion). the laser has visual glitches at times, doesn't really look appealing, and is yet another hitscan weapon really needed? 
-I didn't get a plasma pistol until Ops. was this intended or did I miss one? Imo you should find one deck 1 or two like vanilla for energy builds.
-rename "Cracky" hybrid to something more tame and following the convention of the vanilla game. Since it is the Cybernetic rig that is labelling targets, just call it "hybrid" like every other hybrid and let the stims/hypos sticking out of him do the explaining as to why he is beefed up, or something more formal like "Enhanced Hybrid" or "Overdosed Hybrid", or even "Hyper Hybrid". Not to mention crack is not an injectable but rather is smoked.
-The impossible difficulty (as with vanilla, but even moreso here) necessitates frequent save scumming due to extremely tight resources and is as a result rather lame. It is what it unfortunately is. Unrestrictive saving is retard-tier design but I doubt there's anything that can be done without native access.
-There's quite a few locations on impossible where the rewards are not worth the cost of entry. Some floors in engineering cargo bays, numerous hack or repair containers (yielding a juice or literally nothing. Why waste player's time going through the mini-game for nothing?), and perhaps most notably each of the Love Sim unit's rooms.
-Music in rec only plays in the athletics sector? definitely didn't play in the crew annex. Please fix.
-I could not find any numerals for the transmitter code in any painting. Possible bug or blind?
-I could not beat Shodan even with the EMP rifle and saving/loading every successful move. Might want to adjust that or do I need to get good/have a more optimal build next time?
-Recommend bumping up a few more researchable items to higher skill level requirements.
-fully modded  6 energy 6 maintenance Plasma Uzi would let me kill literally one mid-tier enemy before depleting. Waste of time (I understand it can't be powerful for balancing purposes, but it's just not worth the inventory space as it stands). all the new weapons stand out in some way (e.g modelling, texturing). I'd scrap them personally if they cannot be brought up to the standards of the vanilla game, but am totally behind the intent you have by adding them.
-Holy shit the rick laser turrets requiring splash damage weapons to destroy. I was fine as I had EMP rifle and grenade launcher, but I can imagine that being brutal for any build that doesn't have the EMP rifle.
-Mantling sounds should be randomised to not always play. constant grunting for moderate physical exertion is immersion breaking and annoying
-Upgrading rate of fire on the pistol doesn't seem to effect burst mode: not the speed of the three shots nor the delay between being able to fire another burst after.
-Shotgun base capacity being 4 is probably slightly crossing the line. May I suggest 5?
-move more upgrades to higher modify levels. It's just not worth investing to level 5 or 6. Or perhaps make the third modification require level 6 investment. also the "modification level" text doesn't display "level 3". Perhaps you're aware and couldn't solve it.
-Midwife projectile speed is extremely fast. Alongside high damage and lightning fast attack speed it just makes AI abuse the go-to strategy (e.g baiting her to corners/melee range and ambushing with melee or shotgun). recommend slowing it down a bit.
-please remove blue radiation field effect. It was obvious vanilla what was irradiated and the fog just looks ugly and impacts performance. Only one instance I can see it justified and that is the leaking pipes in Ops 2, so perhaps just keep it there only.

All this aside, best mod, really great design for the most part and thank you once more.
« Last Edit: 15. May 2021, 20:16:22 by Join2 »
Acknowledged by: ThiefsieFool


pop saves for Rec codes missing and Rick turrets requiring splash to kill, those do sound like bugs (especially the turrets) - possibly not patching up with the tool recently enough (this was causing the problem with turrets) and not using the latest Secmod?

same goes for the guy dying for no apparent reason in the Shodan chamber.
Was a new install, latest Secmod, SS2 tool. Other mods used were mostly everything under newbie modding guide + R&R&R EMP Rifle (secmod compatible).

attached is save file in Rec (save_1). I don't have one in Rickenbacker unless you can teleport back from Botm, in which case I'll attach that too.
[save_1.zip expired]
« Last Edit: 15. May 2021, 19:32:48 by Join2 »
body of the many:

[save_0.zip expired]


no problem with the Rec codes, but confirming the Rick turrets. will have to investigate, as this was supposed to be fixed a few builds ago.

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