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And in the context of this website gog, Gog, GoG and GOG are all easily understood. Why is it necessary to create a rule?
No new rules are being created. "GoG" is simply wrong no matter what country you're from. I'm guessing people just mindlessly type it like that because they've been conditioned to by so many titles with "of" as the second word. World of Warcraft. League of Legends. Knights of the Old Republic. Master of Magic. King of Fighters. Game of Thrones. Etc of etc.

People would easily understand what was meant by "sY5t3m SH0cK" too, but holy fuck would that be annoying if someone wrote it that way every time.
Just noting here that by the same rule et cetera would actually have to be abbreviated as EC. And SOS would be SoS. And the iPhone would be an IPhone. And I'm not sure if any journalist ever correctly capitalised TAfKaP. The world of abbreviation capitalization is a wild one.


This is about acronyms/initialisms, not abbreviations.
  • etc: An abbreviation, not an acronym
  • iPhone: A brand name, capitalized however the marketing department wants (and not an acronym or even an abbreviation)
  • SOS: Morse code doesn't have lowercase letters (and "our" isn't an article or a preposition, so it would be capitalized anyway)
Thank you voodoo, renaming ext_cam to something random has fixed my FPS. It's silky smooth now and now I can play the game with the latest bug fixes with good FPS! Totally solved my problem.

Funny how my thread got turned into a discussion about abbreviations though lol.

Thanks again, really awesome community SS has. I'll definitely be spending some time here.


it would be interesting to know which settings were slowing things down. the GOG version only has a couple of tweaks that could affect this when compared to the default cam_ext, namely;

d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames 1 1 (originally d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames 1)
multisampletype 8 (originally ;multisampletype 8 )
fogging 1 (originally not set)
render_weather 1 (originally not set)
use_d3d_display (gets disabled when you rename cam_ext, can be also disabled by changing to ;use_d3d_display)

the default cam_ext can also be extracted from the raw 2.45 update if you want to compare/try that. so feel free to experiment - basically, you want as much of the new stuff without having a negative impact on the FPS (I'm guessing that running 32bit would have next to no influence, and hey, it's a V5, better put those extra bits to good use).

my money is on d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames.
« Last Edit: 15. May 2016, 16:04:13 by voodoo47 »
Voodoo I found the culprit, it was single_display_mode 2. I commented it out and bam, smooth as silk. This also fixed the UI filtering, before it was all blocky like software rendering but when I commented it out everything became smooth like it's supposed to be.


so a buffering issue, most likely - bit odd, I don't think this should affect the actual game. anyway, you'll probably want to restore the original GOG cam_ext.cfg and do just this one edit to it.
A different perspective:

Quote by voodoo47:
it would be interesting to know which settings were slowing things down. the GOG version only has a couple of tweaks that could affect this when compared to the default cam_ext, namely;

d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames 1 1 (originally d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames 1)
multisampletype 8 (originally ;multisampletype 8 )
fogging 1 (originally not set)
render_weather 1 (originally not set)
use_d3d_display (gets disabled when you rename cam_ext, can be also disabled by changing to ;use_d3d_display)

the default cam_ext can also be extracted from the raw 2.45 update if you want to compare/try that. so feel free to experiment - basically, you want as much of the new stuff without having a negative impact on the FPS (I'm guessing that running 32bit would have next to no influence, and hey, it's a V5, better put those extra bits to good use).

my money is on d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames.

What I find interesting is that while Zylonbane is the biggest fucking technical Nazi (which I'm sure we can all appreciate in some form - when he's accurate and not rude at least) and often points out the most minor of mistakes in a post, his close (?) friend and modding partner simply does not give a fuck about the concept of capitalization. I just love that contrast. 

Not picking on you, voodoo47. I see your lack of fucks there in direct correlation with your personality, e.g "I aint got time for that shit/too old for this shit". But I wonder how ZB feels about it. He's either ready to burst a vein at any minute or you get a free pass and he just likes to prey on the newbies and those he is less fond of.

Well...I think we all get a free pass actually after being here for some time, so long as we know his standards. Newbies however always get it bad.
« Last Edit: 26. May 2016, 19:07:56 by voodoo47 »


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It's almost as if I can tell the difference between people who know perfectly well how to do something right and people who think they do but fail at it.
Yeah, I considered that may have been your modus operandi too.
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