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Topic: SSR: System Shock Kickstarter
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Fader: Combat is a thing you’ll do, but there will be LOTS of other options to take as you play. We know some players will walk to just run and smash a lot of faces, and they’ll be able to do that, but for the thinking player, they’ll have a diverse set of gameplay tools to tackle situations in hackery or stealthy ways.

Not one to bitch about semantics often, but this implies combat is mindless. Even for Doom combat this is not true, let alone thinking man's shooters like the System Shock games.


Combat: Not Mindless, But #1 With Mindless Players.


I do have to say that things have been quiet for quite a bit on this reboot.


Kickstarter update with some new concept art.
Also an article by PC Gamer.


I feel like i should resist the urge to go in the discord, criticisms blazing.

But man somebody needs to complain about the poor contrast, the fact that the elite cyborg is fat, and that the reactor level needs red.  And I don't recognize the last area.


Just be sure to watch the video of the mutant done in-game. Some good work by Night Dive there.

I quite liked the concept art this time round. My main concern so far, is that they are still focusing on the concept art at this stage when the Kickstarter ended a year and a bit ago. In the updates I've not heard much about actual coding of the game yet, or of how things are going on the development of the game as a whole. That's the stuff I want to be hearing about.

I've backed quite a few projects now, and comparing what I see in the updates from the other projects compared to this one is quite major. Though it varies obviously from update to update. They just need to focus more on telling us how development is actually going.
« Last Edit: 21. October 2017, 08:08:02 by icemann »
What's with the Pringles- ad? I don't get it. The rest is fine. Good to see some life signs from the project.
His personal mantra is: "Once you pop you cannot stop."

Also he's fat because of too many chips.


I know they are changing the game to be more horror oriented, but I think it lacks contrast.  It's too evenly gloomy.  The dark areas are not dark enough (a downside of global illumination and bounce lighting).  The light areas are too dim.  There isn't enough contrast like in the original.

Medical isn't cheery at all...what happened to the lovely turquoise/teal/light blue color?

Engineering is brown!  Not orange and teal.

Sorry, I shouldnt be all negative.  I wish them luck.
« Last Edit: 22. October 2017, 00:51:49 by JosiahJack »
My main concern so far, is that they are still focusing on the concept art at this stage when the Kickstarter ended a year and a bit ago. In the updates I've not heard much about actual coding of the game yet, or of how things are going on the development of the game as a whole. That's the stuff I want to be hearing about.

This.  I guess I haven't been following close enough, but this update seemed like mostly concept art and fan boy pics.  I laughed to go back to kickstarter and see that the original expected release was in 2 months.  Have they given an updated estimate?  Or is it in the 'it's done when it's done' phase at this point?  I actually don't mind that attitude in theory, just get tired of so many of these Kickstarters doing the ole bait and switch on estimated delivery.  If you think it will take time, just say it upfront.


Having a "when its done" attitude is completely fine when actual damn work has been done. If they've done not a line of coding in a year and a half, then that is completely unacceptable. I think that Night Dive just took Kickstarter as free money without the need to treat backers as like share holders, and so have been slacking off.

I quite worry about the company as a whole really. Until this they were predominately just relaunching other peoples work (some of which was poorly handled), with next to no work of their own put in. This time round its all them. We expect actual work be done and not at a snails pace.

Whats everyone elses thoughts? How do you feel about still only getting concept art after this long?
Acknowledged by: fox


they seem to be doing a decent job if they manage to get their hands on the source code as far as I can tell (Turok).


Question for you lot freaking out because it's been a year and you don't have a game in your hands: did you watch any of the live SS2 streams they were doing? They had question time about the project at the end of every stream.
Question for you lot freaking out because it's been a year and you don't have a game in your hands: did you watch any of the live SS2 streams they were doing? They had question time about the project at the end of every stream.

Don't think anyone here is freaking out about not having a game in their hand.

I did back the project, but don't remember if I watched any of the streams.  Tell me, what did I miss?


I did back the project, but don't remember if I watched any of the streams.  Tell me, what did I miss?
They got drunk, played SS2 coop, and at the end of each stream answered questions about SSR. I didn't pay much attention because SSR doesn't particularly interest me.


Shouldn't this information have also been provided to backers in the actual updates? The fact that it was not puts Night Dive look like they lack organization / good management.


I'm pretty sure we've already established that the classic mode is off the table. which may, or may not be a good thing in the end.


665d10f517ce8Nameless Voice

I'm not really sure what to think of that.

I kind of like it but most of it doesn't look like System Shock 1 at all.
It looks like it would be an interesting new game, but as a remake?


Looks interesting.  Doesn't look like System Shock.  I can agree with the concept of grounding areas in believable real world environments, and I don't mind some changes to layout either, but this is way too drastically different on every front.  Shatter? Dismemberment?  Some unrecognizabke new weapon (might be a dart cannon).  Not System Shocky.
The less it looks like old SS1, the easier it will be to accecpt it as its own game and the better everyone will be for it.

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