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Topic: SSR Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
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665b0e94cd6bbNameless Voice

Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
I don't even get who these "ultra-purists" are supposed to be.

Sure, people picked apart every minor flaw in the demo - those are the sorts of things that I would hope beta-testers (or pre-alpha testers) would report, and the demo is basically an open pre-alpha test of the game concept.

Then, there are people who feel that some of the really major changes that have been hinted at and which Night Dive look set to pursue, such as adding RPG elements and making major plot changes, will turn the game into something that they don't want, and are therefore stating that they will not be backing it.
Are those "ultra-purists who will never be happy with anything"?  No.  They are people with very specific complaints with very major changes that they feel are not in the spirit of a game that sets to replace the original (even using the same name.)

And you're saying we're not allowed to pull our funding if we think they are making a product that we don't want (even though that's how capitalism works), and that we're not allowed to complain that the developers have not communicated about these major issues to either confirm or allay our fears (which is the strict truth.)  We're just supposed to sit here and accept everything without question, and then give them our money.

You talk about people obscuring the point and not posting reasonable arguments - but that's simply not true.  The main people who keep derailing all the threads are the ones who reply to every reasonable complaint by calling the people ultra-purists and claiming they'll never be satisfied.  They're seriously clogging up every thread here.
For example, I made a thread asking if people were planning not to back and why not; half of the replies are reasonable posts saying why someone will or will not be backing, the other half are shouting at the other and calling them "purists" for not backing.
Seriously, there's a small handful of people here who sound more and more like shills than anything else.
I'm sure that's an exaggeration - I don't think Night Dive would stoop to that level - but that's seriously what these people are starting to sound like.
Acknowledged by 3 members: ZylonBane, icemann, Tachikoma


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
The best way to combat people that say that is to ignore it, and stay on-topic. Commenting on it only provides them with more fuel to burn as they are given a reason to keep talking about it, you are playing their game unknowingly and you are going to lose it.

If nobody were to reply to such posts, their "moaning" would suddendly be a lot less relevant. Don't make them think they're speaking on behalf of us.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Nameless Voice, icemann
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
Seriously, there's a small handful of people here who sound more and more like shills than anything else.



  • Company: Night Dive Studios
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
>Seriously, there's a small handful of people here who sound more and more like shills than anything else.

Image: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/victorious/images/1/12/Jlaw-okay.gif

This is bordering paranoia. Night Dive had to crowdfund the game. They aren't pulling a Correct The Record with System Shock. It is entirely possible (and probable) that people find some forum goers here to be overly enthusiastic about the past, instead of reducing their complaints down to "paid shills".
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
Yeah, I don't think this actually happened either. Even NV only said that some acted this way. Anyway, let's drop the labels on all sides and get back to discussing factually.
Acknowledged by 3 members: Nameless Voice, Synaesthesia, Hikari

665b0e94ce1dbNameless Voice

Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
By the way, if you want your images to show up inline, you have to link to HTTPS sources.  HTTP images will be converted to links instead.


  • Company: Night Dive Studios
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
I always wondered why this forum does that. Cheers, friend - I've learned something new today. :)

I'm pretty confident that NDS will do this right. Enough of us have access to the developer forums (assuming that it actually does anything) that we can at least raise complaints if the direction of the game changes wildly. I went from SS1E to SSR and didn't notice too many significant changes beyond vastly upgraded art, particles, etc. Most of the game is there. I have to admit that I do take issue with changing up the humanoid mutants into "service workers" or whatever - I hope they keep the original storyline with the mutagenic virus intact. From the ICE Breaker manual:

I've been monitoring viral experiments aboard Citadel, waiting for
the perfect bio-weapon, I finally found a mutagen virus worth selling - Dr.
Brichenbach's vartis agrupolis.
The virus was extracted from an experimental capsule that recently returned from
a tour of Saturn's moons. The lab tech that decontaminated the capsule was
seemingly fine for 8 hours. Then, the skeletal and muscular tissue in his limbs
began to soften. Before long, he was reduced to a limbless torso. Better yet, in
the hours before his death, he spread the toxic, airborne virus to six other people.

I'm hoping that the various mutations we find don't end up turning into "Oh, TriOptimum made these, and SHODAN just refined them." It would take a lot of impact out of the stuff you run into later in the game.

For what it's worth, I've been around for a long time - I'm not interested in slinging mud at people over their preferences in video games. This forum has been a great example of how we can all look at the same thing and see something different in it. Perhaps we can tone down some of the pointless hostility here going forward.


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
Funding slowed down immensely. At this point, I'm very sceptical they'll reach any of the significant stretch goals - so maybe all this disagreement is for naught.
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
Funding slowed down immensely. At this point, I'm very sceptical they'll reach any of the significant stretch goals - so maybe all this disagreement is for naught.
Maybe the disagreement is the reason. Or maybe it's just the way kickstarters usually go. Most likely a combination of both.


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
Maybe the disagreement is the reason. Or maybe it's just the way kickstarters usually go. Most likely a combination of both.

I think it's a combination of Kickstarter fatigue and the relative obscurity of the franchise. If it wasn't for Bioshock, it might not get funded at all.

Just look at Underworld Ascendant. They really struggled to reach the funding goal - even if the original games are considered true classics.
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
UA got successfully kickstarted though. They asked for 600k and ended with over 900k.

It's been a while since I heared news about UA, maybe they should release more information. I didn't actively follow it since I found their initial announcement not very convincing (although the UU games were among my earliest gaming passions, right along with SS1 and U7).

I am also not a friend of Kickstarter-funding and would understand, if people became weary. Doesn't look like that is the case for this SS reboot though - plenty of time left and most of the funding goal already reached. It will pick up towards the end.
« Last Edit: 04. July 2016, 11:02:28 by fox »


  • Company: Night Dive Studios
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
Funding hasn't really slowed down all that much. There's 24 days left to go with $781,000 funded out of $900,000. They're doing fine. We'll probably see one or two stretch goals met, possibly more.


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
Funding hasn't really slowed down all that much. There's 24 days left to go with $781,000 funded out of $900,000. They're doing fine. We'll probably see one or two stretch goals met, possibly more.

I agree, it will definitely be funded - and quite possibly reach the first stretch goals.

But my point was directly related to the 1.3M and 1.4M stretch goals - as they seem to represent the heart of the disagreement.

Based on current Kickstarter funding trends - it's around 50/50 whether those goals will be met, at this point.
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
The problem (for some) is a lack of trust for those goals being there in the first place. They made it perfectly clear that they themselves desire those things in the game. While a KS stretch goal may be like a promise to add some features, not reaching a stretchgoal is not a promise not to do so. Some of it could get added anyway if money and dev time allow for it.
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