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Sounds like they really love SS2 - and they want this to be a hybrid between SS and SS2.

Music to my ears, frankly.
« Last Edit: 11. September 2016, 07:31:21 by Moderator »
Acknowledged by: Hikari


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
We'll have some freedoms involved, but the overall game is going to play more like a hybrid between System Shock 1 and System Shock 2.
I'm really not happy about that. I like System Shock for what it is and I like System Shock 2 for what it is.
It never occured to me why you would slap them together. It's like mixing a funky cake (Sys) and a serious pan of baked beans (Sys2)*

*I should go to sleep, because I cannot come up with better dish comparisons right now  :(
Acknowledged by: Learonys


  • Company: Night Dive Studios
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
>I like System Shock for what it is

So play it. It's not like the game has been deleted forever.


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
Call me crazy but I always thought it'd be more than enough to put SS1 in a new engine and refine all of the assets... which is essentially what JosiahJack is doing.  Night dive is doing some extra cool stuff but they've gone overboard in some areas and changed the game so it's not the same game anymore.
Acknowledged by 2 members: unn_atropos, icemann
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
Article doesn't really have any new info, just repeating what's already been said.
I like this part however

two studios are going to be consulting with one another for quality control and brand consistency.

I think it means reboot will give us a taste of SS3, a vague idea of what we can expect from the sequel.


  • Company: Night Dive Studios
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
>changed the game so it's not the same game anymore.

Yes, that's generally what reboots do. If you want the same exact game, go play it. The Enhanced edition is still quite fun. The fan-made recreation will undoubtedly be almost 1-1 with the original game.
Acknowledged by: Hikari
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
We all know that the original game still exists and yet that doesn't preclude anyone from hoping that the reboot will be what its name suggests.
Acknowledged by 7 members: Nameless Voice, ZylonBane, RocketMan, unn_atropos, voodoo47, icemann, JosiahJack


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
>changed the game so it's not the same game anymore.

Yes, that's generally what reboots do. If you want the same exact game, go play it.

Honestly I feign away from terms like "reboot" because I don't know what the hell it means.  It's just a stupid buzz word to me.  Based on the PR released by Night Dive so far, I have gotten the impression that they intend to stick to the original design except in some areas they wanted to expand.  So far they've "kinda" followed that direction but not completely.  I like many things about it so I don't want to knock it too hard but it just needs to be reigned in a bit.  Whatever you want to call the game, it's not exactly what they made it out to be (SO FAR) and that's all I'm saying.  "Citadel" is a much more disciplined recreation so if I consider playing anything else, it will be that first, then this reboot.

However, as you said, there's always the original, which is fine by me.  SSP was a nice layer of convenience until it got canned and I'm not going to pay extra for that when I never had any gripes with the original from the beginning.


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
SSP still exists, it just needs the orig data now to avoid legal issues.
Acknowledged by 2 members: RocketMan, Hikari


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
Right.  I guess I forgot how it all went down.


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
>I like System Shock for what it is

So play it. It's not like the game has been deleted forever.
Before Night Dive went full auteur, the goal of the "remaster" was to bring the ancient graphics and interface of the original game up to modern standards, NOT to redesign the gameplay. A lot of people were very excited about this, and now we're not getting it. So I guess what I'm saying is, you can take that attitude and fuck off.
Acknowledged by: ThiefsieFool


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
Acknowledged by 2 members: Synaesthesia, Learonys


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
So play it. It's not like the game has been deleted forever.
Well, I do. And I would have liked to play it in an updated version as well, but right now it doesn't seem like I'll getting this but two independent classic games staples together for no apparent reason.
And just calling this new thing "System Shock" is some form of deleting. You wouldn't believe how often I hear people that just played System Shock 2 say/write that they were unaware that there was a part one, even if that should be the most obvious thing ever. Hell, there are people that don't understand that this reboot/remake is a new version of an old game. Search engines will spit out more news about System Shock than the original, obstructing information. The average player who's unaware will get some catered stuff and not be confronted with some challenge and discovery. No distinction to contemporary material. Very comfy and boring.

I'm not one to say that everything was better in the old times, but old stuff should have the chance to remain recognisable and respected.
One can refuse to watch b/w Chaplin films (their loss), but don't reboot "Modern Times" with Adam Sandler because "taste has changed".
Acknowledged by: Gawain


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
All this criticism of NDS seems unfair, at this point.  This isn't Bethesda turning Fallout 4 into Minecraft.  Kick is as big a SS fan as any of us here.  Do you really believe that he spent all that time and money to obtain the rights for some nefarious reason, to make millions?  Seriously.  he will be lucky to cover costs and make a reasonable salary.  All signs point to a very faithful reboot.  There will be some changes (jury is still out on the music, for example), sure.  But really, the NMA wanna-be's here will drive NDS off and they will stop listening to us.


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
In fact, one of the reasons Nightdive is developing a remake rather than an all new title in the saga is because this will be the studio's first time developing a full commercial game from the ground up (even if it's based on an already existing title). Prior to this, Nightdive was a tiny studio that made a living restoring lost gems after their licensing had lapsed. It made a name for itself resurrecting the earlier System Shock titles along with other cult classics like the first Turok game and Harlan Ellison's horrific graphic adventure I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.

"We would not be ready to make System Shock 3 as our first internal project. The pressure behind that would just be so considerably high,"

This pretty much confirms what I said in one of my earlier posts, that they would like to create a sequel just like Otherside Entertainment but don't feel ready for it, so they will cut their teeth on remixing the System Shock 1 formula instead.
This kind of semi-sequel is a lot less interesting as a project than either a) a perfectly faithful aesthetic remaster of the original game b) a proper sequel that does its own research instead of relying on prior material as a crutch

In conclusion,

Acknowledged by 2 members: Nameless Voice, Hikari


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
"Kick explains that most of the new system added will be cribbed from the game's bigger, better and more badass sequel, System Shock 2."

I don't know about that.


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
But really, the NMA wanna-be's here will drive NDS off and they will stop listening to us.

Before we get too carried away about the NMA wannabes that have been contributing to this community for so long, maybe we could have a little chat about why this usually quiet forum has a bunch of people that joined up right before the announcement of the SSR Kickstarter and of Bioshock: The Collection, only to spend their time here arduously propping up Bioshock and the idea of System Shock Remastered turning into System Shock Rebooted.


  • Company: Night Dive Studios
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
One can refuse to watch b/w Chaplin films (their loss), but don't reboot "Modern Times" with Adam Sandler because "taste has changed".

Let's not pretend that this game was getting any more of an audience over time. 1994 was a very long time ago. System Shock would simply fade into irrelevance without someone owning the IP and doing something with the original game's look and feel.

So I guess what I'm saying is, you can take that attitude and fuck off.

I feel honored, you've finally targeted me with one of your Internet outbursts. Perhaps a "your mom" joke is up next while we're discussing things that rustle your jimmies?
Acknowledged by: Hikari
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
In conclusion,

"Levine hype"

Looking Glass hype you mean. While Levine no doubt played an integral role in SS2's excellency, it's a team effort and we're all here because Looking Glass and their legacy, as is SS2.
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
Keep in mind I love system shock 2. Adore it, think it's bloody awesome and wish more content existed for it. However i think trying to turn Shock1/ReShock into Shock2 would be a bad idea. I mean sure taking some elements would be OK I suppose like the ability to repair/modify/etc. However to make stats out of it? No. Please don't. Focus on the implants themselves, the way different patches interact with eachother (trippy beserker pack GOOOO!)


Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
After reading that article, it looks like Night Dive wants to take it even further than even SS2 did. Hmm.

Crafting? Come on. Your a hacker ffs. Why would a hacker craft a med hypo when he could hack a replicator unit to make them for him? If Night Dive is going to shine so much love on SS2, they could at least learn a lesson from it.
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
What's wrong with a hacker bashing and mcguyvering hardware to do what he wants?


  • Company: Night Dive Studios
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
Because he's a one dimensional character, of course. His profession determines what he'll do no matter what he's presented with. You're a hacker, so all you can do is hack - except for when it comes to holding 10 different heavy-ass guns that a wimpy hacker with sticks for arms could never do. That's totally fine!
Re: Eurogamer interviews Nightdive about the SS reboot
If the hacker could kill all mutants through hacking, would he still use guns?
That's what defines a character: Preferences, not necessities.
Acknowledged by: Hikari
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