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Topic: Your SS2 keybinds preferences
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Read 5836 times  

I'm okay with everything except putting the message history on h instead of the hypo. You don't need the history and the hypo shortcut is actually explained in the tutorial, meaning it's not a very great idea to switch it.

walk modifier is largely redundant, would consider using shift for crouch instead, should be much more comfortable on most full size keyboards.
Practically every game I know which has walking/running in it uses Shift as a run speed modifier whereas Ctrl is either a function modifier key or more commonly reserved for crouch/prone. I don't think it's good to go against common sense even if walk/run toogling doesn't have a lot of use in SS2.


hold crouch on Ctrl and toggle crouch on C
I think this is a bad idea. People tend to use one or the other, not both. So this could lead to some confused moments. Personally I've never used hold crouch in any Dark Engine game. This is probably because with all the creeping and leaning, there's not enough fingers on a hand to also hold-crouch. And it's not like this is a tactical shooter where you're often popping up behind chest-high walls. Toggle crouch just works better with this kind of gameplay.
Acknowledged by: chickenhead
NamelessVoice suggested hold crouch on Ctrl and I use it as well. It's a lot more convenient since usually you need crouch only for a moment and with toggle crouch it's easy to forget that it's still enabled. I know this doesn't happen to everyone and opinions vary on which crouch type is the best. That is why I put in both. Not because one person would use them both but to forego this argument.
I'm okay with everything except putting the message history on h instead of the hypo. You don't need the history and the hypo shortcut is actually explained in the tutorial, meaning it's not a very great idea to switch it.

That the med hypo is explained in the tutorial is a strong point (that I haven't checked). On the other hand I have applied precious meds far too often while looking for the [H]istory. And as I said, I undefined all hypos and patches. Because I usually don't use them in battle but before or after from the inventory. Might just be me.
I'm on the fence on this one and will do whatever the majority wants.


...with toggle crouch it's easy to forget that it's still enabled.
Really?  :/
Acknowledged by 2 members: Colonel SFF, Join usss!
« Last Edit: 01. November 2016, 00:17:16 by Kolya »
That the med hypo is explained in the tutorial is a strong point (that I haven't checked). On the other hand I have applied precious meds far too often while looking for the [H]istory. And as I said, I undefined all hypos and patches. Because I usually don't use them in battle but before or after from the inventory. Might just be me.
I'm on the fence on this one and will do whatever the majority wants.
Oops, it seems I just lied to you. It's only referenced through right-clicking in the inventory, not the hotkey.

I don't think I ever applied a hypo from the inventory. In some situations it's even crucial to have a shortcut, i.e. the Many boss battle (if you're a newbie). Boosters are not so important but I'd leave med, tox and rad in.

But seriously, what do you need the message log for?


Yeah, that H key is a literal lifesaver.

Lots of "change for the sake of change" in here.
Acknowledged by: Colonel SFF

666ae054cc3f0X-Tech !

UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT - moving and strafe.
DELETE,END,PAGE DOWN - change ammo, reload, mode
Page Up - Last added email play


Thats  it.


This is my complete lack of surprise at your insane keybinds.
This is my complete lack of surprise at your insane keybinds.
You do know left-handed people exist who might use the right side of the keyboard same as right-handed usually use the left side?
Binds look modern day standard and newb friendly to me. All that's left to squabble about is the commonly ignored binds.

I need to do this for my DX mod. DX has unusual default binds (at least by todays standards) like semicolon = reload  :/

666ae054ccdf5X-Tech !

UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT - moving and strafe.
DELETE,END,PAGE DOWN - change ammo, reload, mode
Page Up - Last added email play


Thats  it.

Remember of:

CTR  - Jump
SHIFT - Crouch

Best bindings ever.


gawd at least map jump to numpad ins.

anyway, whatever the result, fixing up the default control to be newbie friendlier is a good thing, because it will make this not exist (it's a guy that didn't figure out that controls can be remapped, so he completed the game without strafing and backpedaling, I kid you not).
Acknowledged by: Join usss!
anyway, whatever the result, fixing up the default control to be newbie friendlier is a good thing, because it will make this not exist (it's a guy that didn't figure out that controls can be remapped, so he completed the game without strafing and backpedaling, I kid you not).
You can push people in the right direction but you cannot cure retards.
So I put back med patch on H and anti radiation hypo back on P. I feel that there also should be shortcuts for anti toxin hypo and especially psi hypo then, which are undefined in the default binds. Thoughts?

I added a setup for left handers on the keypad that mirrors the WASD setup as much as possible.
I added sensible movement to the cursor keys.

I removed these binds:
y "cycle_weapon 1" (What is it?)
q+shift "+fly 1" (Useless afaik.)
x+alt+shift quit_game (Dangerous and superflous.)

Testers would be very welcome.

Code: [Select]
; New Default Binds

bind ' chat
bind - "equip_weapon crystal shard"
bind 0 "equip_weapon fusion cannon"
bind 1 "equip_weapon wrench"
bind 2 "equip_weapon pistol"
bind 3 "equip_weapon shotgun"
bind 4 "equip_weapon assault rifle"
bind 5 "equip_weapon laser pistol"
bind 6 "equip_weapon emp rifle"
bind 7 "equip_weapon electro shock"
bind 8 "equip_weapon gren launcher"
bind 9 "equip_weapon stasis field generator"
bind : edit_command
bind = "equip_weapon viral prolif"
bind \ "equip_weapon worm launcher"
bind ` "equip_weapon psi amp"
bind a +moveleftfast
bind alt +split
bind b cycle_ammo
bind backspace stop_email
bind c crouch
bind c+alt toggle_compass
bind ctrl +crouchhold
bind d +moverightfast
bind del stop_email
bind down +backfast
bind e +leanright
bind esc sim_menu
bind f cycle_ammo
bind f1 "quickuse 1"
bind f1+shift "quickbind 1"
bind f10 "quickuse 10"
bind f10+shift "quickbind 10"
bind f11 "quickuse 11"
bind f11+shift "quickbind 11"
bind f12 "quickuse 12"
bind f12+shift "quickbind 12"
bind f2 "quickuse 2"
bind f2+shift "quickbind 2"
bind f3 "quickuse 3"
bind f3+shift "quickbind 3"
bind f4 "quickuse 4"
bind f4+shift "quickbind 4"
bind f5 "quickuse 5"
bind f5+shift "quickbind 5"
bind f6 "quickuse 6"
bind f6+shift "quickbind 6"
bind f7 "quickuse 7"
bind f7+shift "quickbind 7"
bind f8 "quickuse 8"
bind f8+shift "quickbind 8"
bind f9 "quickuse 9"
bind f9+ctrl screen_dump
bind f9+shift "quickbind 9"
bind h "use_obj med patch"
bind i toggle_mouse
bind k toggle_compass
bind keypad_center +crouchhold
bind keypad_del toggle_mouse
bind keypad_down +backfast
bind keypad_end crouch
bind keypad_enter +jump
bind keypad_home +leanleft
bind keypad_ins +leanforward
bind keypad_left +moveleftfast
bind keypad_minus wpn_setting_toggle
bind keypad_pgup +leanright
bind keypad_plus +creepon
bind keypad_right +moverightfast
bind keypad_slash reload_gun
bind keypad_star cycle_ammo
bind keypad_up +walkfast
bind l msg_history
bind l+alt quickload
bind left +moveleftfast
bind m "open_mfd 26"
bind m+alt "open_mfd 45"
bind mouse1 +fire_weapon
bind mouse2 frob_object
bind mouse3 toggle_mouse
bind mouse_axisx mturn
bind mouse_axisy mlook
bind mouse_wheel_down "cycle_weapon -1"
bind mouse_wheel_up "cycle_weapon 1"
bind n "summon_obj nav marker"
bind o wpn_setting_toggle
bind p "use_obj rad patch"
bind print_screen screen_dump
bind q +leanleft
bind r reload_gun
bind right +moveleftfast
bind s +backfast
bind s+alt quicksave
bind shift +creepon
bind space +jump
bind t chat
bind t+alt clear_teleport
bind tab toggle_mouse
bind u play_unread_log
bind up +walkfast
bind v wpn_setting_toggle
bind w +walkfast
bind x +leanforward

bow_zoom 0
lookspring 0
mouse_invert 0
freelook 1
mouse_sensitivity 5.00000000
mouse_sensitivity_y_scale 1
mouse_sensitivity_use_aspect 0
crouch_unmount 1
mwheel_deadzone 0

Code: [Select]
; This file was generated by System Shock (tm) 2.

bind ' chat
bind - "equip_weapon crystal shard"
bind 0 "equip_weapon fusion cannon"
bind 1 "equip_weapon wrench"
bind 2 "equip_weapon pistol"
bind 3 "equip_weapon shotgun"
bind 4 "equip_weapon assault rifle"
bind 5 "equip_weapon laser pistol"
bind 6 "equip_weapon emp rifle"
bind 7 "equip_weapon electro shock"
bind 8 "equip_weapon gren launcher"
bind 9 "equip_weapon stasis field generator"
bind : edit_command
bind = "equip_weapon viral prolif"
bind \ "equip_weapon worm launcher"
bind ` "equip_weapon psi amp"
bind a +turnleftfast
bind alt +split
bind b cycle_ammo
bind backspace stop_email
bind c +moverightfast
bind c+alt toggle_compass
bind ctrl +query
bind d +turnrightfast
bind del stop_email
bind down +backfast
bind e +leanright
bind esc sim_menu
bind f cycle_ammo
bind f1 "quickuse 1"
bind f1+shift "quickbind 1"
bind f10 "quickuse 10"
bind f10+shift "quickbind 10"
bind f11 "quickuse 11"
bind f11+shift "quickbind 11"
bind f12 "quickuse 12"
bind f12+shift "quickbind 12"
bind f2 "quickuse 2"
bind f2+shift "quickbind 2"
bind f3 "quickuse 3"
bind f3+shift "quickbind 3"
bind f4 "quickuse 4"
bind f4+shift "quickbind 4"
bind f5 "quickuse 5"
bind f5+shift "quickbind 5"
bind f6 "quickuse 6"
bind f6+shift "quickbind 6"
bind f7 "quickuse 7"
bind f7+shift "quickbind 7"
bind f8 "quickuse 8"
bind f8+shift "quickbind 8"
bind f9 "quickuse 9"
bind f9+ctrl screen_dump
bind f9+shift "quickbind 9"
bind g +lookdown
bind h "use_obj med patch"
bind keypad_center crouch
bind keypad_down +backfast
bind keypad_end +moveleftfast
bind keypad_home +leanleft
bind keypad_left +turnleftfast
bind keypad_pgdn +moverightfast
bind keypad_pgup +leanright
bind keypad_right +turnrightfast
bind keypad_up +walkfast
bind l msg_history
bind l+alt quickload
bind left +turnleftfast
bind m "open_mfd 26"
bind m+alt "open_mfd 45"
bind mouse1 +fire_weapon
bind mouse2 frob_object
bind mouse_axisx mturn
bind mouse_axisy mlook
bind mouse_wheel_down "cycle_weapon -1"
bind mouse_wheel_up "cycle_weapon 1"
bind n "summon_obj nav marker"
bind o wpn_setting_toggle
bind p "use_obj rad patch"
bind pgdn +lookdown
bind pgup +lookup
bind print_screen screen_dump
bind q +leanleft
bind q+shift "+fly 1"
bind r reload_gun
bind right +turnrightfast
bind s crouch
bind s+alt quicksave
bind shift +creepon
bind space +jump
bind t+alt clear_teleport
bind tab toggle_mouse
bind u play_unread_log
bind up +walkfast
bind w +walkfast
bind w+alt+shift +leanforward
bind x +backfast
bind x+alt+shift quit_game
bind y "cycle_weapon 1"
bind z +moveleftfast

lookspring 0

mouse_invert 0

freelook 1

mouse_sensitivity 5.00000000

mouse_sensitivity_y_scale 1

crouch_unmount 1

mwheel_deadzone 0

« Last Edit: 25. March 2017, 21:31:39 by Kolya »
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