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Topic: Night Dive Twitch Streams
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How on earth did Thief come into play? That would be Square Enix territory, not Night Dive.

I think a lot of people who played Thief (2014) would argue very strongly that Square Enix (and Eidos Montreal) should be kept well away from the Thief series!

Personally, I didn't hate Thief 2014, and I'm glad it was released if the only alternative was to not have a new Thief game at all. But even so, it was massively inferior to the first three games, and had some strange design decisions, which is all the more baffling considering that it's developers not only had two superb templates (Thief 1 and 2) to build upon, but they also had potential access to the thoughts and wishes of literally thousands of intelligent, eloquent, very long-term fans of the first games via the dedicated forums and fan-sites. The Thief fan-scene is one of the most dedicated, productive, and non-trollish fan-scenes (in my experience), and it was stupid of Thief 2014's developers not to engage with that scene and to canvas them for ideas and opinions.
That just wasn't their intention. They were trying to rebrand/reimagine Thief for the modern gamer. Make it a household name like Assassin's Creed (urgh). Their mistake was in their failure to do that, as well as to a lesser extent the fanbase's unified ruthlessness in not falling for that shit and calling it out. Usually reboots at least split a fanbase, but the Thief fanbase almost considered it an all-out war on their religion. I am not even much a Thief fan (not on the same level I am Shock 2 and others) but damn was I proud of its fans. It was yet another modern shameless butchery of a classic series and the fanbase's fury was, on a small scale, partly why it wasn't successful.


But mostly because it was buggy, derivative, incoherent, and emo.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Kolya, Join
Just a note that today's gaming stream was cancelled since Karlee isn't feeling well.  As far as I'm aware, Stephen's stream is still planned for tomorrow.


Wonder where Chris has gone. He did 1 video and that was it.

Be nice to see some videos by others on the project, like the people doing coding, those doing the music and audio etc etc.

As it is we only get Stephen and Daniel. Both of which offer some good insight into different sides of games dev (Stephen - Model work, Daniel - Level making).
That just wasn't their intention. They were trying to rebrand/reimagine Thief for the modern gamer. Make it a household name like Assassin's Creed (urgh). Their mistake was in their failure to do that, as well as to a lesser extent the fanbase's unified ruthlessness in not falling for that shit and calling it out. Usually reboots at least split a fanbase, but the Thief fanbase almost considered it an all-out war on their religion. I am not even much a Thief fan (not on the same level I am Shock 2 and others) but damn was I proud of its fans. It was yet another modern shameless butchery of a classic series and the fanbase's fury was, on a small scale, partly why it wasn't successful.

It was amazing how badly they messed up Thief 2014. Off the top of my head:

- At the very beginning, where you have to run at full speed (in the opening to a game where stealth and awareness of your surroundings are supposed to be your strength and means of survival),

- And the way that when you steal an object it's suddenly magically converted into ready cash,

- And the way they totally messed up the atmosphere (including adding in real swearing, and sex scenes), and the way they wiped away so much Thief lore ; the Hammerites, the

- And making the rope arrows only work on the dozen or so pre-set points in the game,

- And the way you apparently can't ghost through this game (I can't confirm this one myself, as I've never ghosted through a Thief game, but other people have said you can't do it in Thief 2014, and it does seem very likely to be true),

- et cetera, et cetera,  et bloody cetera

And they tried to rip of the amazing Shalebridge Cradle level from Thief 3, resulting in a generic, atmospheric level that's as forgettable as it is unconvincing.

I get that they were trying to 'modernise' it, and so make it more accessible to modern gamers. And in that respect it isn't necessarily wrong that they'd change some things, but the things I've listed were changes for the worst, even for someone who'd never played the original games, as they harm the 2014 reboot's replayability and atmosphere. I admit that I (and most other people) weren't expecting the remake to be as good (or as niche) as the original games, because reboots always seem to be simplified and over-simplified and frequently miss what was so good about the original, but Theif 2014 was still staggeringly badly judged. I mean, they didn't even include a jump button, just a context sensitive button that only worked at placed where you were supposed to be able to jump, which is a Thief game harms the feeling of it being a real world where you can jump and climb wherever you choose.

And like you, I'm not a major Thief fan, so I can't imagine how much more upset I'd have been about Thief 2014 if I were a Thief-fanatic.


I liked Thief 1 & 2, really enjoyed Thief 3, but I LOVE System Shock. Love the Dishonored games more than Thief.


pretty much everything about Thief 2014 summed up: http://sneakybastards.net/stealthreview/thief-design-analysis-contents/

but if you want to make it short, a 100% failure of a reboot consists of 50% of not giving a damn about the old players and 50% of not having to offer anything to the new ones.
Wonder where Chris has gone. He did 1 video and that was it.

Be nice to see some videos by others on the project, like the people doing coding, those doing the music and audio etc etc.

As it is we only get Stephen and Daniel. Both of which offer some good insight into different sides of games dev (Stephen - Model work, Daniel - Level making).

It's been mentioned a few times Chris has had internet issues where he lives preventing streaming lately (though he's still able to work and everything).  They hope to get him in once that situation improves.  But there should be a bit more stream variety going forward soon, either way.
06/08/2018 Dev Stream with Stephen Kick

* Only Stephen today as Karlee is at a personal event

* New KickStarter Update - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1598858095/system-shock/posts/2208998

* SourcePort Beta (to eventually replace System Shock: Enhanced Edition when final) is available as a Beta branch on Steam - see KickStarter Update for more details; there are some bugs and it's still early, but higher res assets from the Mac version with some extra features (like widescreen support) over regular EE.  (I know I saw somewhere they used the engine used with the Turok remasters, but I can't remember where now - possibly Discord.)

* He's been getting quotes for a Big Box physical release of the SourcePort.  Will likely be a bit pricey and limited (maybe 1,000?) as it'll have extras/physical items and be a nice release for collectors.

* GamePig is coming back (called something else in the original) - they're having a naming discussion (contest?) for options; some so far are GameSlave (Invader Zim reference), GamePiglet, GameHog, Bloatie's PizzaHog, etc.

* There are plans for an original game for GamePig.  He discusses some of the cool things they're still finding like an Ultima-style game in the original (Overworld Zero).

* Stephen's building a chicken coop.  That's non-game related.  =oP  A chicken also joins him briefly on screen, because awesome.  ^.^

* More mutant model work today focusing on the eyes...then it's pretty much done with a polycount of 6.7k.

* Next was baking him into Substance Painter and assigning substances (skin, bone, etc.) to eyes, teeth, skin, etc. 

* After that, particle brush work with all kinds of effects (veins, burn, rain, etc.) - this was pretty cool to watch.


I have the sneaking suspicion that they put in a Ultima 1 game in there due to how Origin started out. Which was due to Richard Garriot (aka creator of the Ultima series), getting sick of losing all the royalties on the Ultima games he'd make. So his brother suggested they startup a company to fix that. Rest is history. So Origin started out purely doing Ultima games then expanded quickly from there.

(Relying off info in a recent Retro Gamer Magazine article I read about Origin).

Much like how Eric Brosius slipped the song "Outside" by his former band "Tribe" into the game "Rock Band" when he went over to Harmonix.
06/08/2018 Dev Stream with Stephen Kick

* He's been getting quotes for a Big Box physical release of the SourcePort.  Will likely be a bit pricey and limited (maybe 1,000?) as it'll have extras/physical items and be a nice release for collectors.

That could be quite popular - there aren't too many System Shock fans out there, but those that are seem to be dedicated, and so might well be inclined to shell out for a physical memento such as a physical game release, even if they already own a physical copy of the original game (which I don't). Plus the gits who buy limited edition stuff in bulk, just so they can sell them a year later on ebay at a profit.


If they do, I would consider it.  I have the original CD myself, but that's it.  The case it is in is just a generic one. No clue what kind of box it came in.
Depending on what it includes, I'm definitely potentially interested - I'll be curious to see.


For me, nothing could top the collectors edition for Fallout 3.

All else pails in comparison :).
For me, nothing could top the collectors edition for Fallout 3.

All else pails in comparison :).

Is this the one?

Image: http://xbox360media.ign.com/xbox360/image/article/924/924565/fallout-3-collectors-edition-20081028113013731-000.jpg

A couple of my mates really love collecting game related models, and have collectable game edition items such as the Master Chief's Helmet (from Halo, of course), the Big Daddy from Bioshock, the wrist computer from Fallout 3, etc.

Personally, I'm not a collector of models, miniatures and so on, for me a video game is a video game, but I sometimes buy the 'extended' version of a game, i I think it's worth it (you know, where a game comes in two or more editions, with more game missions or whatever on the higher editions), and it's not just some 'cheat' DLC that let's you start the game with more money and a couple of weapons that you'd get later in the game anyway, or something else that's not worth having. Game of the Year editions can be great, as they not only have much or all of the DLC , but also come with the game patches that were created post-game release, which is going to be especially appreciated in the future, when the download servers no longer exist. I've bought a few GOTY editions of games that I already own (such as Skyrim, or Bioshock: Ultimate Rapture Edition), so that way I have a hardcopy of the DLC (Bioshock: Minerva's Den is fantastic!), plus GOTY editions of games I've not yet played but intend to, such as Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Oblivion.

Sadly, in true gaming industry fashion, the gaming industry is ruining this by making GOTY editions have download codes instead of having the data on disc, mostly in an effort to eradicate used game sales. So the end result will be that in the future even if you have the GOTY of such a game, you still won't be able to apply the patches or install the DLC since the servers are long gone. But at least we still have many great GOTY editions of existing games to play.



This is the one :). Though mine is for the PC version. What's awesome about it is that both the Bobblehead's and lunch boxes appeared in the game as well. Plus you got the makings of DVD, concept art book etc. Love it. I still have the Bobblehead guy standing on my computer tower.


I wouldn't mind a Cortex Reaver 8)  or a Sec-2 Bot.

Or maybe a plant mutant!  Ok that was last one was a joke har har.


never understood people willing to dish out unreasonable amounts of money for items that are pretty much useless. *pushes three boxes with 150 graphics cards further under the bed*
I think I'm the only one who really wants a SERV-BOT.  *sits in a corner*  I can't help it.  I just love them so much.  =oP


Hmm ya.  One that actually goes to the fridge...
For me, nothing could top the collectors edition for Fallout 3.

All else pails in comparison :).
I'd like a good game with a terrbible box much more than the other way around.
Acknowledged by: JosiahJack


For me it was a fantastic game with a great collectors edition for it.

It is the "GTA 3" of the Fallout games. Bringing things into 3D and doing it great. But each to their own. I loved it.
They haven't made a Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! game yet, but I already got the Tura Satana figurine.  :what:
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And good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck. I heard you needed some.
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