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Topic: SS2 QBR Breaker Read 10421 times  


Tags: °DML °SS2

I think this has been requested the other day, and as I had 10 minutes of spare time.. so this will render all QBR activation pads useless, handy for all those who don't want to use the SS2 resurrection chambers, but simply are unable to resist activating the pads ingame. Electrical sparks will be emitted to hopefully zap their faces, and one junk item will be spawned to give them some motivation to do so. also, the QBR email from Polito will not be received, as it makes no sense when this mod is active.

Should work for vanilla, SCP and all FMs, ok to activate mid-game, but only not yet activated QBRs will be affected (not activatable).
« Last Edit: 09. July 2019, 20:45:30 by voodoo47 »
Acknowledged by: fascinate4


Instead of just breaking them, it would be interesting to make them require some significant number of nanites to activate.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Hikari, Join usss!


the idea of getting hack or repair involved has already crossed my mind. not the aim of this mod though.
« Last Edit: 29. December 2017, 22:48:11 by voodoo47 »
Can you make it so that banging the pad with a wrench has a teeny tiny chance of repairing it? :D


not sure whether the parts were made in Taiwan.


When broken, the QBR will only materialize coffee mugs and bananas.
In my experience things work better when you kick them, on the whole.



When broken, the QBR will only materialize coffee mugs and bananas.
was thinking more along toilet seats (NOT recyclable), but that would require a custom object. maybe I'll snoop around Christine's missions, see what kind of custom object I can, uhh, borrow.
Why not just spawn a list of random items? Including a pipe hybrid, that would be a nice scare.

And about February/March I will finally have some more time on my hand, so I'm open for silly mods and custom stuff again.



also, random is not that trivial to do.



This version spawns a random object at the object switchlinked to when frobbed.

class spawnRandom extends SqRootScript {
   function OnFrobWorldEnd() {
      local items = ["Mug", "Cigarettes", "Chips", "Basketball", "Soda Can"];
      local item = items[floor(Data.RandFlt0to1() * items.len())];
      local dest = sLink(Link.GetOne("SwitchLink", self)).dest;
      if (dest) {
         local obj = Object.BeginCreate(item);
         Object.Teleport(obj, Object.Position(dest), Object.Facing(dest));
         Physics.SetVelocity(obj, vector(Data.RandFlt0to1() * 6 - 3, Data.RandFlt0to1() * 6 - 3, 0));

This version is placed directly on the object that will be spawning random objects and responds to TurnOn signals.

class spawnRandom extends SqRootScript {
   function OnTurnOn() {
      local items = ["Mug", "Cigarettes", "Chips", "Basketball", "Soda Can"];
      local item = items[floor(Data.RandFlt0to1() * items.len())];
      local obj = Object.BeginCreate(item);
      Object.Teleport(obj, Object.Position(self), Object.Facing(self));
      Physics.SetVelocity(obj, vector(Data.RandFlt0to1() * 6 - 3, Data.RandFlt0to1() * 6 - 3, 0));


add an always spawning SpawnSFX, an Once flag, and in it goes - the idea is to spawn one random item and then stop working, as we don't want to provide the player with an endless stream of recyclable items. or do we?


Oh this was just a proof of concept, not actually intended for any particular purpose.


mmm.. might end up using it anyway, I'm quite sure I can NVscript the rest of the stuff with little trouble.


This mod is actually really what I was looking for! Thank you so much! The idea of spawning random crap is really awesome! Ideally, it would be possible to make it spawn something once, then the keypad explodes (harmlessly) to stop an endless stream of objects in a way that makes sense within the atmosphere of the game.

Would it be possible to either include this in the official SCP as an optional extra, or maintain this alongside SCP as it gets updated? I would hate for this mod to suddenly stop working after an SCP update. Maybe you guys could consider adding an area to the space station mission (the one where you do your years of training) a command console that allows setting certain options, so that mods like this and repairman can be integrated more easily and be optional without having to install a bunch of different mods.

The big problem with QBRMs in the vanilla game, and the reason why I think there are people who don't like them, is that you can (almost) endlessly throw yourself at the enemies and wear them down, which pretty much makes any sense of difficulty disappear as long as you have even a modest amount of nanites. Would it be possible to make a version which doesn't disable QBRMs, but instead force-respawns every enemy on the map whenever you respawn, so that respawning is somewhat similar to games like Dark Souls. That wouldn't really make sense without disabling manual saving though, so it's probably too much to ask.

Completely, totally unrelated - could someone make a spawning minimod which completely disables respawning, but force-respawns every enemy when you change maps. This means you can reliably clear an area for temporary safety, but as you re-tread your steps (which you do a lot in this game), the areas aren't all totally empty when you move back to them.

I should really learn how to do this stuff and get on board so that I can do it myself. :(
« Last Edit: 11. January 2018, 08:56:42 by sarge945 »


would be possible to make it spawn something once, then the keypad explodes
yes, definitely possible.
include this in the official SCP
not at the moment.
as an optional extra
it's already available as an optional extra.
a command console that allows setting certain options, so that mods like this and repairman can be integrated more easily and be optional without having to install a bunch of different mods.
an "enable all enhanced functionality" switch has already been suggested, but this poses perhaps too much of a technical challenge, for possibly too little benefit.
force-respawns every enemy on the map whenever you respawn
this is probably relatively easy to do (force activate all ecologies upon player respawn). however I'm very sure making SS2 more like Dark Souls is the exact opposite of what I want to do.
could someone make a spawning minimod which completely disables respawning, but force-respawns every enemy when you change maps
probably doable, but very sure it will be a lot of work.
I should really learn how to do this stuff


I'm very sure making SS2 more like Dark Souls is the exact opposite of what I want to do.

That was just an example. There are plenty of ways to make respawning more fair without having to make it "The Dark Souls of System Shock Games".


I think the vanilla respawning is pretty ok - its job is to keep the players on their toes at all times, and it does exactly that, I believe.

one way or another, tweaking the ecologies is probably one of the most, if not THE most annoying and time consuming thing there is as far as I'm concerned (see my ongoing effort to make the RttUNN ecologies not suck, still not done after a couple of YEARS), so there's that.


I think the vanilla respawning is pretty ok - its job is to keep the players on their toes at all times, and it does exactly that, I believe.

one way or another, tweaking the ecologies is probably one of the most, if not THE most annoying and time consuming thing there is as far as I'm concerned (see my ongoing effort to make the RttUNN ecologies not suck, still not done after a couple of YEARS), so there's that.

yeah enemy respawning is pretty okay. My "respawn everything on new map" idea was just to appease the people who turn respawning off completely, to maybe make the game a little better for them because of the large amount of backtracking in SS2. For the Dark Souls reference (respawn/heal everything when you die), I was talking about player respawning, to discourage the current "run at them with your wrench out many times until they eventually die" approach within the game. Would that be related to the complex ecology rules?

I understand modding is hard work though, so feel free to dump it all in the "too hard" bin. It was just a suggestion, and I am more than happy to just not use QBRMs at all rather than "fixing" the respawn mechanic (which I am sure a lot of people don't even see an issue with, which is fine).
« Last Edit: 11. January 2018, 13:13:43 by sarge945 »


it is, and it also isn't, depends on what exactly you want to do. for example disabling spawning is pretty easy, anything else in that area, not so much.

would hate for this mod to suddenly stop working after an SCP update
the beauty of dml mods is that they are largely immune to changes in other mods, and even if something breaks, fixing them up if that happens is trivial. that's why I'm always saying, if it can be done via dml, do it via dml.


also;the beauty of dml mods is that they are largely immune to changes in other mods, and even if something breaks, fixing them up if that happens is trivial. that's why I'm always saying, if it can be done via dml, do it via dml.

Fair enough.

I would love to do some reading on DML. I played through the game a few years back and DMLs didnt even exist, everything was all incompatible gamesys mods. I am really glad it's going the way of more modularity. Is this related to the new scripting possibilities in NewDark?

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