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Topic: medsci2 Alpha-Beta Read 3529 times  

I need help!

I need a model and texture, for the elevator

We need two logos in high quality:
[medsci.jpg expired]
[medsci2.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 06. February 2018, 03:35:24 by System »


You do not need to worry, I have enough files to restore the game originally
so which one is it then?


that actually was somewhat funny.

anyway, that is not an answer to my question. you said you have the resources. now you say you don't?


I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that "alpha-beta" and "high-res textures" is causing him no cognitive dissonance whatsoever.


I don't think there is anything in this reality capable of that.
[R&D.pcx expired]
[SCI.pcx expired]
I look to help me, and not who, does not want to? Why is this section here at all? I'm wasting my time on you! You can wait another 10 years, when the source code appears, if you do not help me !! You have divided two faces! I'm disappointed with this attitude, you were not taught politely !!!!!!

Я смотрю, чтобы помочь мне, а не кто, не хочет? Зачем вообще раздел здесь? Я смотрю зря время трачу на вас! Вы можете ждать еще 10 лет когда исходники появиться, если вы мне не поможете!!!! У вас самих раздвоение двух личия!!!! Я огорчен таким отношением, вежливости вас в школе не учили!!!!!!


well, you are not exactly too polite yourself, with all your demands, bold text, caps and exclamation marks.

I'll be completely honest here - we are willing to help (just search all your previous requests, and note that despite everything, I always try to answer to the best of my knowledge, going as far as even fixing up some Arcaniac stuff especially for you), but considering your history of nonsense posts here, you would have to give us something of value before we start to make custom stuff whenever you snap your fingers.

to make it short, if you have some actual, real alpha/beta resources, make them publicly available, and then we can talk.
« Last Edit: 06. February 2018, 20:46:39 by voodoo47 »


Oh man, System is a guy, who will never agree with anyone. I met him about 2-3 years ago in my "System Shock" Group. He was telling that he has disk of alpha-beta System Shock which he bought in some kind of market (Where a lot of piracy soft and games you can find. That's 90's, baby.). I asked him to show me that, but he told me "I will make my own mod with alpha-beta content and this will be SURPRISE and everyone will be playing it.". Sounds like he wanna revenge, huh? In that group he was rude, if someone saying to him opposite opinion, he is starting to yelling and telling bad words about that person who is opposite to him. One time he asked me to translate fonts in ShockEd from English to Russian, I told him that I can't , cause he can use Google Translate and actually I was busy, but he blocked me and he said that I am asshole, I don't want to help him, and I need to go to hospital, lol. And now he is in this forum.

One time he was blocked from Group, cause he was arguing with Vale2 and not only with him.  I think he is psychologically ill, no, really. Just look at his website, which filled with advertisment about how to cure prostate, about how he hates other countries (cause he and Cheburator900 are sick zombified patriots) and he doesn't agree with anyone (like he is a god). And I remember that System in his forum told to some people that members of Systemshock.org are idiots, because "THEY ARE NOT UNDERSTAND BECAUSE THEY ARE STUPID AMERICANS".

I am done here.


being nice or sane is not a requirement. however, delivering actual stuff is.
Is this not a value: https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=251.msg116802#msg116802 , https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=9843.0 ?

It is equivalent that I will demand from you Riquecbecker level!

I'm not going to pour it here, the first is predetermined, some things are not ready, and they do not work properly, for the second reason it all appears on my site, and you can download it already in working form.

I need a logo for the honey compartment of Alpha Beti, there are several of them, I do not have these logos, and so are the models, so here the theme was that you need two high quality logos, you refuse to help me, thereby pulling time, and I can not do everything finish on time, it will look very bad.

In contrast to you, I did not sit idly by, and what then waited for something from the sky to fall, I took and mastered the editor, and I no longer that, will not stop.
It was nice of you to upload Arcaniac's files. But it is not your work. And you don't get to demand anything.
There are people here who have to listen to your nonsense and they have done a lot more for this community, especially voodoo47.
Whereas your own contribution looks quite small so far. Think about it before you throw around such big words.
There are people here who have to listen to your nonsense and
https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=2752.0 So, to revive some things, is it stupid?

well, I will not bother you, once you're so busy
I wanted to make a new hack at some levels, I was ignored here: https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=1247.msg78231#msg78231
Do you mind if the hacking file stays here?

We could not analyze the file "gam", what would make "dml", can anyone want to help with this?
[SS2_minister_NewHack.7z expired]


whatever that archive contains, it doesn't work.
because nobody has any idea what do you mean. nobody can answer if we don't know the question.
NewHack  MEDSCI1.mis  v   MEDSCI1.mis.dml  ,    SHOCK2.GAM  v  gamesys.dml   {help}

 files can be divided ?

save - delete
it's just random words that make no sense.
We could not analyze the file "gam", what would make "dml", can anyone want to help with this?
no idea what do you mean. what do you want to do with the gamesys? what do you want to do with a dml?

see what the problem is? you have been here for years and we still have almost no idea what are you trying to do - thanks to this post, we now know that you are probably making some sort of SS2 mod that supposedly uses some alpha/beta resources, but I'll believe that when I see it.
« Last Edit: 07. February 2018, 09:48:34 by voodoo47 »
random words that make no sense.no idea what do you mean. what do you want to do with the gamesys? what do you want to do with a dml?
Я хочу отделить от "gamesys" "New Hack" что бы можно было использовать  "NewHack"  отдельно от "gamesys" при помощи "dml"

I want to separate from "gamesys" "New Hack" that you could use "NewHack" separately from "gamesys" with "dml"
medsci Alpha-Beta version
[medsci.mis expired]


ah, so you want to create a dml mod that would change the hacking interface to what can be seen on your video. dmls have limitations - you can't create new archetypes or stim types for example, so you would have to make the new interface work just by modifying the currently existing keypad archetype. I do see some NVscripting already taking place, so this could be doable, but you will have to figure it out yourself, as only you know what do you want to achieve. here is some general dml stuff.

about that "medsci Alpha-Beta version" of yours, I'll be completely honest again - stop posting FAKE files, you aren't fooling anyone. did you seriously expect that dropping some random junk into the first few rooms of vanilla medsci1 would do the trick?

so let me repeat, if you have some sort of pre-release version of SS2 on an old cd, zip it all up, and make it available for download, so the community could learn and benefit as a whole. or make some mods, as long as they work and are of some use, we will host them. but STOP with this imaginary alpha/beta nonsense, it's annoying and won't help you accomplish whatever scam you are trying to pull here.
I used to have a pre-release version of SS2. Was actually the first one I got. Back when "sharing" still meant exchanging CDs on the school yard. That's how I got mine. So obviously it was pirated version. And I wouldn't be surprised if System has the same one.

Thing is I made a file comparison with the retail version when I got that and there were only minor differences in some graphics and string files and such. Although it was a pre-release version it was in no way an alpha. IIRC the version number differed only minimally after the dot.
I think voodoo knows this story already, but I'm telling it again for everyone's amusement, including System's.
Acknowledged by 2 members: JML, voodoo47
I used to have a pre-release version of SS2. Was actually the first one I got. Back when "sharing" still meant exchanging CDs on the school yard. That's how I got mine. So obviously it was pirated version. And I wouldn't be surprised if System has the same one.

Thing is I made a file comparison with the retail version when I got that and there were only minor differences in some graphics and string files and such. Although it was a pre-release version it was in no way an alpha. IIRC the version number differed only minimally after the dot.
I think voodoo knows this story already, but I'm telling it again for everyone's amusement, including System's.
так выложил бы, что бы могли люди опробовать
so would lay out what people could try out

ah, so you want to create a dml mod that would change the hacking interface to what can be seen on your video. dmls have limitations - you can't create new archetypes or stim types for example, so you would have to make the new interface work just by modifying the currently existing keypad archetype. I do see some NVscripting already taking place, so this could be doable, but you will have to figure it out yourself, as only you know what do you want to achieve. here is some general dml stuff.
Это не мой мод newhack, я его нашел на сайте каком то ,не помню, поэтому сам не смогу сделать DML
This is not my newhack mod, I found it on a site which I do not remember, so I myself can not do DML

so let me repeat, if you have some sort of pre-release version of SS2 on an old cd, zip it all up, and make it available for download, so the community could learn and benefit as a whole. or make some mods, as long as they work and are of some use, we will host them. but STOP with this imaginary alpha/beta nonsense, it's annoying and won't help you accomplish whatever scam you are trying to pull here.
не, это только на моем сайте пояавииться, следите за обновлением, или ждите когда ссылку кину на скачивание в этой теме:  https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=9792.48

завершение потребует еще пару месяцев, придеться вам подождать, это будет сюрпрз как говорил fascinate4

not, it's only on my site povyavivatsya, stay tuned, or wait for the link to download the download in this thread: https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=9792.48

completion will require another couple of months, you will have to wait, it will be a surprise as it said fascinate4


yeah, pretty sure everyone needs more doors and toilets in their life (or lives? english so hard).


if this is what you've got a few months before completion, then it's very safe to say that the release will truly be epic.
yeah, pretty sure everyone needs more doors and toilets in their life (or lives? english so hard).

if this is what you've got a few months before completion, then it's very safe to say that the release will truly be epic.
Toilets will not be, the corpse without a head with a door will have to be abandoned, there will be no phone.

I can put a mini demo demo level to with the mods add
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