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666be7847ab1cBuff Skeleton

Hey guys, working on some level tweaks and additions to the original game as part of a mod, and wondered if these things are doable:

1.  I'm trying to make one of those aux power cell slots link to a door tripwire, i.e. activate a door like a card slot does. I've tried replicating the card slot setup seen elsewhere in the game, where the tripwire links to the slot and the slot links to the door (which is how the card readers are set up), but all this does is open the door when a power cell is supplied. If the door closes, it won't reopen. I've also tried linking the slot to the tripwire and the tripwire to the door, but then that just makes the door usable from the get-go.

Is there something I'm missing, or are there limitations to what the aux power cell slots can do? It's not the end of the world if the slot just perma-opens the door, but it would be nice to make it a usable door once powered.

2. I've got another one of those forcefield-secured areas like the closet in Med, where there's a crew computer you hack to disengage the field. The setup works fine, but only when hacked. I'm wondering if it's possible to make the same thing happen, but when repaired instead (i.e. no hack needed). Setting the object state to Broken works for repair, but after the repair, you still have to hack it to make the forcefield disappear.

I thought that swapping HackLink for SwitchLink might do the trick, but that didn't work either. I think this should be possible, though, since we've got a broken hack crate that opens as soon as you repair it, no hacking required. Only thing that doesn't work in that situation is the door open animation on the crate.

Similarly, the popup screen when frobbing the computer doesn't show the typical "this thing is broken" image with the garbled stuff all over -- it just has the usual "you don't have access to this system!" thing. Is that fixable as well?

Again, not the end of the world if this is just how things will work for these objects. For now, I just made the hack requirement and difficulty really low, since the goal is to start implementing more optional areas and devices that are broken to make the repair skill more useful.

Thanks for any pointers!


1. replicate setup on vanilla medsci1 door 335.
2. yes, some NVscripting on a custom object should do the trick. more later, need sleep.

666be7847ae5aBuff Skeleton

Thanks, eager to check out the scripting. As for the Medsci1 door, that one opens once and then never closes again -- my goal was more along the lines of enabling an open/close door that simply is "locked" without the power cell supplied, then "unlocked" once you add it. Is that possible?


that's why I've said vanilla medsci.

666be7847b0c7Buff Skeleton

Oh, whoops, totally glazed over that. It's been ages since I ever cracked open anything pure-vanilla! I'll have a look.

[Edit] OK, so it's basically like... unlock trap, invisible button, tripwire, and you're more or less set. Simple enough!

[Edit2] Up and running. Thanks for that!
« Last Edit: 16. February 2018, 00:15:01 by Buff Skeleton »


about that repairable panel, I'd just create a new child archetype of it, put NVSimpleRepair and NVRelayTrap on it and tick to not inherit any scripts, and then do whatever you want upon the item repaired message.

666be7847b497Buff Skeleton

OK cool, thanks! That works for the repair aspect -- though I think I'm missing something for sending a TurnOn signal when the repair is complete. I put in a button to test the setup and make sure it works when SwitchLinked, and it does, so I know the receiving objects are getting the TurnOn message that way.

From the docs I'm reading in NVScript.html, it looks like I need to specify something in the Objlist Arg parameter. I tried explicitly setting NVSimpleRepairTOn="TurnOn";, but that didn't seem to work, and "TurnOn" should be the default message anyway, so I'm guessing the computer isn't actually sending a message to the SwitchLinked objects at all when repaired.

In the Broken Comp archetype I created, I have NVSimpleRepair in Script 0, then NVRelayTrap in Script 1, with Don't Inherit checked off. While searching the command list for script-related stuff, I found the script inspector, and confirmed that A Broken Comp has those two scripts both intact, so that much seems OK.

I didn't see NVSimpleRepair in the docs, either -- is that a newer addition that is undocumented, perhaps? I'm wondering if there's a special script arg I need to tell it to actually send a TurnOn message when the repair completes. Ideas?

[Edit] Put NVSpy on there too, which is neat -- I see a repeating Timer message, as well as FrobWorld and stuff, and when repaired, I see ObjStateChange, ObjState1To0, and ObjState-Repaired... but not sure how to make use of that info yet.

[Edit2] AH HA! Got it! Had to put NVRelayTrapOn="ObjState-Repaired"; in the args, nothing else. That way, the repair message counts as the signal to trip NVRelayTrap, which then trips the objects linked. Excellent.
« Last Edit: 16. February 2018, 18:10:16 by Buff Skeleton »


go to obj 178 and see the setup (will spawn a soda can after panel repair). this is just an example, you could do it in a dozen of ways.

//looks like you've got it.
[medsci1_test_obj178.mis expired]
« Last Edit: 17. February 2018, 12:46:27 by voodoo47 »

666be7847b6f9Buff Skeleton

Hate to open a whole new thread for this, so:

Is it possible for the EngineRemoveRad script in Eng1 to exclude certain room brushes? From what I can see, it simply finds all rooms with the RadRoom script and purges the radiation. I've added radiation to the engine nacelle rooms, but the radiation is gone by the time you get there per the RadBeGone trigger. If you go into the nacelles before that (via game mode), though, the radiation works as expected.

So, is it possible to keep radiation intact for the nacelles but still purge the coolant tubes? Or can the radiation parameters be added back to specific rooms after that, maybe?


well, you will obviously have to rework the level to not use EngineRemoveRad.


You can place radiation that won't get removed with a radiation stim source on a marker and an ambient sound for the geiger counter, the only thing missing will be the HUD notifications for entering/exiting a radioactive roombrush.

666be7847bcc2Buff Skeleton

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll play around with stims and see what goes, though it probably will be easier in the long run to just stuff some midwives in there or something. We added radiation to their lasers, hah. And ultimately this was just a "would be nice" kind of thing, since there's only one reason to ever go into either nacelle -- some loot.
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