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Topic: demand system shock 3 Read 4376 times  



i want system shock 3.

can someone get some lawyers and liberate this game from the chinese and release a sequel?

i know this seems obvious but yeah at least I made a plan


Demanding developers release mods quicker is definitely a good way to get people motivated and makes developers want to go out of their way to help you as quickly as possible.


and adding as many exclamation and question marks helps even more. also write in all caps for maximum effect.

jokes aside, language barrier, most likely.


i want to experience it in relative youth!!! people get depression because all the other games suck


I already am sad because I got to command deck. when i beat deus ex revision earlier this year it was also like coming home to the ghetto after spending a night in versalies mansion.


Why is this forum such a magnet for semi-literate crazy people?
Acknowledged by 2 members: icemann, Valet2


youth is relative. and if you can afford to get a depression over the state of the video game industry, then you know real problems are absent in your life.

anyway, I'll talk to TF sometime soonish, we probably should get a bunch of SCP fixes into Secmod.


i think it says something because people put billions? into video games now, and its about as appealing as a disgusting pile of worms! you would think there would be tons of entertainment for everyone because of how much money and popularity video games have received. there is a giant industry now producing stuff I don't want to use! did you not have higher hopes for being able to find easy entertainment when you saw how big it got? even RTS games IMO now are not fun because its centered around some e-sports BS where people play the game in bizarre 'maximized' ways that seem to be totally devoid of strategy and instead have a 'guitar hero' vibe with specific build orders having to be executed perfectly ETC.


Not going to happen. Proposed games get cancelled all the time. I'm still pissed we never got Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance 3, Crusader No Remorse 3 and Full Throttle 2, but that's just the way things are.


Prey (2017) is as close as we're likely going to get to System Shock 3. And considering that Arx Fatalis is more of and Underworld 3 than acsendant ended up being, we might need to settle for that. An actual System Shock 3 would probably be as maligned as Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
Slightly offtopic but DX:MD wasn't a bad entry in the series and not really maligned for the actual game, just not successful enough to keep the franchise alive and finish the story arc that was always meant to be a trilogy. The bulk of the legitimate criticism came from the publisher sabotaging it with cutting content for DLC and InGame-store crap.

The actual black sheep of the DX-franchise was DX: Invisible War, ironically developed under the helm of Harvey Smith who would later seek redemption by joining Arkane Studios (Arx Fatalis, co-developer of Bioshock 2, Prey) by developing Dishonored. Contrary to popular believe (have learned that pretty late myself), he wasn't actually a lead for the development of Prey, btw.

« Last Edit: 06. January 2024, 11:11:33 by fox »


lol MKD was pretty good.

If you play all of them together....

revision (so the gfx don't stand out)

.... its like whining about (in this order)

50's 'repaired' Chinese bus driving in the DRPK


or maybe DRPK is too harsh. How about Cuba?


and the system shock games are like high end motorcycles (you even die with speed hypos) compared to cars that are deus ex. so ss3 could be between a LS-218 and a vespa


I still very much like Mankind Divided despite how unstable it runs nowadays, I should have explained why I say it's maligned, and that's Square Enix. The publisher interference which I can just see Tencent doing to System Shock 3 if they ever did anything with it. SHODAN skins for £3.99, pre-order now and get a free auto-hack tool, cut the game in half, expect half a billion in sales, etc.

I just replayed Invisible War, used the Visible Upgrade mod, and the worst thing about it for me was the load times between maps. Thief 3 faired better with the Sneaky Upgrade. I don't think it's a terrible game, there are far far worse. Harvey Smith did redeem himself with Dishonored, and taking the blame and responsibility for IW.

The System Shock 3 we were seeing from Otherside was a bit confusing for me, was it a sequel or a prequel? Was the Blacksite a prologue?
Acknowledged by: fox


well they put up a transmitter shodan could have uploaded a copy of herself to the signal with the intent to later merge with it too. IT could have been picked up by a deep space relay.

but yes I agree a chinese company really sees the 'stupid masses' of the population to create a product it will not be what we want. quantity over quality for sure. Not to mention its china based company so you get censorship beureo involved.


so a game that makes fun of corporate dystopia excessively made in a corporate communist... topia is not going to process properly lol

you can tell the dev of Ss2 really had a specific view of corporations (like Alien, bladerunner, etc). Imo its accurate, the bigger it is the more ruthless it is and the less you should love it. Save the love of big entities for a fair government lol


It's not even "muh CCP", Tencent specifically is extremely well known for predatory development, dumbing down games, and basically making everything they touch worse.

That said, I don't think the CCP would want people talking about the many, or merging with a hivemind that takes away all your individuality. The Many has always been a critique of communism (in my opinion), and it won't work well with China.


they mention harmony, they love those music analogies in the CCP too. disharmonious = very bad. The many is like hard line 50's china rhetoric. For instance too that the natural state of things is not good and it needs to be controlled/absorbed/moderated. So basically like the many succeed in the great leap forward where china did not.

Rapid growth, total environment modification (naturalism is not communist), harmony... oh man


and they love their organs in communist states too. it goes to theories of soviet cybernetics (which does not mean robots it means control systems, often applied to government. They like to call government entities organs.


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