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Topic: GMDX: Deus Ex Mod.
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666e038dc5747System Shocked

Just watched video #5. All the videos are great !

For when attempts are made to bypass an alarm unit, there is an electric buzz sound present. Maybe a visible white (blue, orange, rainbow, magenta . . . you decide what's best . . . excuse me, white is BEST) flash would be appropriate and a nice effect as well.

I've mentioned this before, I've dugout and dusted off my DX GOTY edition jewel case (so very thankful that it wasn't EMPTY!) upon reading about the ongoing massive changes in the development of GMDX. From what happened with the manner in which Deus Ex Revision was released, it can be punted into a wide portion of the Hudson River and slowly float down and come to rest beside . . ? . .  Avid and knowledgeable DX fans will quickly come to recognize what is fluff and what, in fact, has actual substance. It's too bad that equal levels of advertisement/promotion were not available/attainable. It's a huge challenge for your small development group to blow their horn loud enough to attract attention towards an older title. However, in the end, substance will win over fluff, but the substance supporters need to step up and support whenever and wherever they can. How can anyone say that DX Revision is anywhere close to the improvement depth offered by DMDX . . . they simply can't. I, for one, will be contacting PC Gamer magazine. Besides their long-term inability to consistently attach their own coveted "plus 90% Editors Choice" ratings badge to games/hardware that they review, I'll be telling them about GMDX. Based on their publishing timetable, they won't be publishing anything about the new GMDX until the Spring. Nevertheless, I'm sure that their comments will only be positive towards what GMDX offers to players of DX. The eventual release of GMDX v8.0 WILL be a shining moment towards the positive fine-tuning and development of DX.   

I'll be looking deep into my fireside stocking close to this Xmas for the latest version of GMDX . . . I hope that Santa visits our household . . . our offering to him will contain a plate of chocolate-chip cookies and some spiced-rum milk . . . . . it's OK, as we all know, Rudolph will be drivin' the sled.
« Last Edit: 19. November 2015, 13:04:56 by System Shocked »
Thanks for your support, SS and others. Means a lot.
Acknowledged by: System Shocked
I've mentioned this before, I've dugout and dusted off my DX GOTY edition jewel case (so very thankful that it wasn't EMPTY!) upon reading about the ongoing massive changes in the development of GMDX. From what happened with the manner in which Deus Ex Revision was released, it can be punted into a wide portion of the Hudson River and slowly float down and come to rest beside . . ? . .  Avid and knowledgeable DX fans will quickly come to recognize what is fluff and what, in fact, has actual substance. It's too bad that equal levels of advertisement/promotion were not available/attainable. It's a huge challenge for your small development group to blow their horn loud enough to attract attention towards an older title. However, in the end, substance will win over fluff, but the substance supporters need to step up and support whenever and wherever they can. How can anyone say that DX Revision is anywhere close to the improvement depth offered by DMDX . . . they simply can't. I, for one, will be contacting PC Gamer magazine. Besides their long-term inability to consistently attach their own coveted "plus 90% Editors Choice" ratings badge to games/hardware that they review, I'll be telling them about GMDX. Based on their publishing timetable, they won't be publishing anything about the new GMDX until the Spring. Nevertheless, I'm sure that their comments will only be positive towards what GMDX offers to players of DX. The eventual release of GMDX v8.0 WILL be a shining moment towards the positive fine-tuning and development of DX.   

That was a great speech there, I ultimately hope that this mod will get the recognition it deserves. Revision was a big tragedy of lost potential, hopefully we will be able to leave it behind and enjoy GMDX.
Acknowledged by: System Shocked
A number of decorative objects/meshes were made for the White House mission, and were later reused in the vanilla game after said mission was scrapped. The piano in Chow's apartment is an intended White House mesh for example. 
Moonbase textures are in the files too, but I don't think they are used anywhere in-game, and I haven't made use of them either for obvious reasons.

OK. You know though, come to think of it, since Deus Ex is so deep in conspiracy storylines, then it might be good to add a level where you (as JC) visit a government owned secret base that contains the mockup of the Moon that was used to fake the Moon landings in 1969, confirming the rumours that the Apollo 11 Moon landing was a fake!

It could be added as a simple new room in Area 51, or be used as something much more important, i.e. in a Deus Ex mod where JC learns not only that the the 1969 mission was fake, but that humans have never been to the Moon at all (and maybe not outside Earth's atmosphere, depending on the plot line the modders choose), and that the corrupt governments of the Earth are (again, according to the story the modders choose) fully aware that space travel is currently impossible for humans since when they pass through the Van Allen Belt, no matter how much lead is used to protect the space-craft, the radiation is so strong that it kills humans instantly, but the governments pretend we have space travel so that they can get billions of pounds/dollars/etc from the public anyway. Or maybe human space travel is possible, but still non-existent, since the ruling elite have spent all of the money on themselves, except for the money which they used to fake space travel to fool the tax payers.

System Shocked (and anyone else), I've still not played Revision again, so I've not seen past the start of Battery Park. Does it get better (as in does it offer gameplay enhancements, improvements to the atmosphere, etc, later on)? I don't care about the graphics, though improvements are nice (provided they don't make things feel too cluttered), but is there any reason for a DX fan to playthrough the mod other than just for curiosity's sake?

Anyway, Half-Life 2: Closure is due for release within the next couple of months, and since Valve don't seem keen on given us Half-Life 3 and letting us find out what happen's after Half-Life 2: Episode 2's cliff-hanger ending, I (and quite a few others) am hoping that Half-Life 2: Closure will satisfy some of our curiosity and desire for the follow up.

Lots of different bots...lots of different bot UI's, movement control, weaponry etc. It would be nice to add two new opposing augs: one is IW bot domination, the other an offensive projectile attack aug perhaps, but I'm pretty much done with this modding madness now I think, unless someone gives me reason to continue (animations primarily). Plus bot domination would undoubtedly be a major balancing issue anyway.

Yes, I asked you some time back and you said it wasn't feasible. It would be nice (it's one of the best things about DX) but as you say if someone were bothered about balance then it would require alterations to the levels and level contents of areas where there are bots.
OK. You know though, come to think of it, since Deus Ex is so deep in conspiracy storylines, then it might be good to add a level where you (as JC) visit a government owned secret base that contains the mockup of the Moon that was used to fake the Moon landings in 1969, confirming the rumours that the Apollo 11 Moon landing was a fake!

Already done in the game Area 51 (2005):


Also, I'd like to think most of the conspiracies covered in DX are somewhat feasible. I don't consider the moon landing conspiracy to be feasible.
« Last Edit: 19. November 2015, 20:16:20 by Join usss! »
I have Area 51 for the original XBox, I've not played it in years, but I remember it being OK, especially when you get the alien powers.. I don't remember the fake Moon set though.

BTW, DO NOT play the semi-sequel to Area 51, called Blacksite: Area 51, as it's awful. It's dull and boring, it doesn't feel like the original game, and it's *very* bugged (at least on the version I played, the XBox 360 version).


BTW, DO NOT play the semi-sequel to Area 51, called Blacksite: Area 51, as it's awful. It's dull and boring, it doesn't feel like the original game, and it's *very* bugged (at least on the version I played, the XBox 360 version).
You just don't understand how fucking subversive it is, man.
I have Area 51 for the original XBox, I've not played it in years, but I remember it being OK, especially when you get the alien powers.. I don't remember the fake Moon set though.

Yeah, we had a thread about it some time back. It is repetitive and barebones as fuck in gameplay, but I am a little forgiving of it for that (which is unlike me) as I like it artistically and in plot, and the moon landing set above is a good example of why. It's just cool. I probably will never play it again though, because games should be about gameplay first and foremost. Nail that down, then you can add fancy set pieces to support it further.
god damn it I finally had a good idea that's not related to game design, doesn't take three years of obsessive work to make, and that could perhaps actually make me money, but I google it and it already exists

666e038dc7a87System Shocked

You've already proven that you can't do anything wrong, so please carry on.


nice job with un-benny hilling the AIs (and the rest of the stuff as well - maybe with the exception of the potted plant debris, that one could still use an mprovement).
All that's missing from the debris is the fern itself. Given its flexible nature and complex shape, I'm not sure how that could be executed well with Unreal 1's shitty physics and collision cylinders. An animation spoof I suppose.


even the improved debris looks like cardboard flakes. should really be distinguishable parts of the pot, a bit of soil, and a couple of green leaves, but yeah, I hear you.

we didn't even dare to enter the hellhole of "lets make everything that should be destroyable destroyable and also spawn proper debris" in SCP/TFix for pretty much the same reason.
even the improved debris looks like cardboard flakes. should really be distinguishable parts of the pot, a bit of soil, and a couple of green leaves, but yeah, I hear you.

The updates there are soil/rocks (which use a soil texture, but it isn't very distinct) as well as the fragments using the skin of the pot rather than a generic one (and all broken object fragments do this now, they randomly either use generic tex or the tex of the object that spawned it when destroyed).

we didn't even dare to enter the hellhole of "lets make everything that should be destroyable destroyable and also spawn proper debris" in SCP/TFix for pretty much the same reason.

Well, in Deus Ex mostly everything already was breakable except pickups (inventory items), which was easy to add and get working realistically for the items it made sense to do so, such as beer bottles. I for one would appreciate if SCP attempted to add more interactivity. Its always been abstract interaction in these games anyway, but it's fun!
« Last Edit: 27. November 2015, 20:16:57 by Join usss! »
Moddb MOTY awards 2015 voting has begun. Consider voting for GMDX, which can be done via the mod's main page: http://www.moddb.com/mods/gmdx

Totally don't expect to win out of all the mods out there, especially since few know of the existence of GMDX or recognize its significance, but making it past the first round of voting would raise awareness for the mod considerably.

And yes, I already got an award last year, but that really hasn't done much for the mod in terms of popularity.
For example, SCP Beta 1 has barely been marketed at all and has five times as many downloads. Deus Ex: Revision surpassed GMDX's total downloads within hours of release, and so on. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong besides lackluster marketing but those are the stats.
« Last Edit: 01. December 2015, 02:37:33 by Join usss! »
There's no need to get this upset. The SCP betas got many downloads even though they were only marketed on here and TTLG because they were presented as "System Shock 2, but better". They put in a whole bunch of small and big changes that largely maintain the overall feel of the levels while making for a smoother experience. Revision got many downloads because to many people, it was a fan made answer to the demands of a Deus Ex remake that have gained traction recently and are still going strong. Your mod didn't get many downloads because so far it gave the impression of being a mod aimed only at the hardcore Deus Ex audience and you spend much time in marketing it until now. But already your marketing efforts have brought in fruit, 4000+ views on your first video is nothing to joke about.
System Shock is very different in general. It has a very long modding history and a stable, dedicated modding community, with anything remotely Shock-related being concentrated here. If you heard about SS2, you heard about its mods and if you did that, you'll come here, with SCP being the first thing you download since there is absolutely no reason you would not like or need it. With Deus Ex, every mod is its own project, and some mods are more difficult to sell. Such is life.
If you heard about SS2, you heard about its mods.

Not necessarily, I knew System Shock 2 for 5 years without knowing of this site, leave alone all the mods here. I got to know of it by a link to the SCP thread here made on TTLG.

But you're right, the System Shock community seems to have more of an active modding community, though sadly even they are limited in how many artists they have. Deus Ex's modding community mostly seems to have shrunk a lot and the people still active are very fragmented in their goals and relationships. For instance, there's quite a decent sized multiplayer community that still makes mods and maps and hosts matches, but few people know of it, partly because Deus Ex's multiplayer was never too popular.
Acknowledged by: Join usss!
I've just voted for GMDX, and when it's released I will be posting about it on all of the relevant forums I visit, as it really does add or enhance a *lot* of things in Deus Ex.

Other mods I'm looking forward to include Half-Life 2: The Closure, Goldfinger 64 (a Goldeneye 64 mod), and the next beta release of Goldeneye X*, but sadly none of them are looking likely to be released this year.

* Goldeneye X is a project to bring Goldeneye to the Perfect Dark engine, and so add Perfect Dark's additional engine features to Goldeneye, such as weather, multiplayer bots, speech, and so on. The latest beta is brilliant but so far only covers the multiplayer, which is almost complete. The single player mode so far consists of only emply levels, which you can explore but do nothing else.
Acknowledged by: Join usss!
While we're giving exposure to other lesser known mods:

Project 2027 (Outstanding Deus Ex TC)
Secmod (Great SS2 Gameplay mod)
AMC TC (whacky fun Duke Nukem 3D TC)
Run into problems so part 7 has been delayed, but the good news is I've finally got an artist. First thing made is a helmet, so now we can shoot helmets off of heads:

Acknowledged by: Dj 127
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