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"An Artist Is Faithfully Recreating System Shock 2's Greatest Scene"

Well, I don't really like how Shodan looks here but the rest looks very nice, imo.


yeah, most artists fail to capture the sharp face features that make her so memorable. the corridor looks nice, I imagine this is how a id tech4/tech5 engine SS2 remake/data loader would look like.

that reminds me, we should really do something about Polito's office in SCP.
Image: http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--2ojSIgBr--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/mbhto9mn3ge63rj2rekg.jpg


Yeah not liking the SHODAN face at all. Shodan's face is scary because of the sharp features. This new face won't faze anyone. Basically ditto to what voodoo said.
The designer shouldn't take inspiration from fan art for something as vital as the memorable antagonist Shodan is, the designer should take inspiration from the fucking source (or even the true source, SS1 of course).
Saying that, the corridor in the image above isn't faithful enough either (my issue is mostly with the door). Still a nice glimpse at what a SS3 or a SS2 remake could look like though.
Perhaps I'm being a purist ass in regards to the corridor, SHODAN however I'm sure we'll all be in agreement on.

I don't mind the Xerxes face so much despite the differences.
« Last Edit: 29. May 2014, 18:32:56 by Join usss! »


that reminds me, we should really do something about Polito's office in SCP.
Given that her office is constructed the way it is for very specific technical reasons, I don't see what can be done.


it could use a bunch of objects that would make it look like a real office - the guy making the images has noticed that and added computer consoles and some more stuff. but doing this without breaking the scripted death machine that is the reveal level will probably not be easy.

anyway, certainly not beta1 stuff.
it could use a bunch of objects that would make it look like a real office

Yes please. That room always broke my immersion, just a damn desk, located through a bulkhead no less. But I guess it could just all be constructed by SHODAN because she likes to brag and show off her power.

Speaking of improvements for the reveal, has ACC improved any of the textures seen here?

666d056470a37Primitive Primeape

Is this a real texture mod...?


Is this a real texture mod...?
Over at the Polycount forums, user Mr Smo has uploaded his reworkings of the classic SHODAN reveal scene in CryEngine 3.
Reading is fun.

666d056470e1ePrimitive Primeape

Being an ass too, apparently.
Acknowledged by: AP


SHTUP does update the shodan face, and the world textures that ACC has redone so far are updated as well of course. however, the special wall objects still use the old textures, ifI'm not mistaken (not too noticeable though). I'll have a look around, it should be possible to make a small addon for the 400 mod that would make them use the currently available ACC textures.
Acknowledged by: Join usss!
yeah, most artists fail to capture the sharp face features that make her so memorable. the corridor looks nice, I imagine this is how a id tech4/tech5 engine SS2 remake/data loader would look like.

that reminds me, we should really do something about Polito's office in SCP.

Xerxes looks a little strange as well. His face in the new render seem to look a little too old and wrinkly for my taste, I wonder if this author will also create a new model for Goggles.


Being an ass too, apparently.
Who is more an ass, the one who answers a question, or the one who can't be bothered to answer it himself and then complains about the manner in which it is answered?

it could use a bunch of objects that would make it look like a real office - the guy making the images has noticed that and added computer consoles and some more stuff.
Of course it could use more stuff, but making it happen is the tricky part. If we were only talking about detail objects like signs and decals, we could attach them to the moving room objects. If you want a computer console or some crates, that's getting into physics objects... which might be possible by physics attaching them (like how the trams are assembled) without having subsequent physics operations go insane. But if you want movable physics objects, like chairs, plants... ugh. You can't just leave those laying on the ground because they'd slide around when the room moves, which would look ridiculous.

666d05647170cPrimitive Primeape

Okay, so I didn't read everything on that page. Big deal. You could've just said "no." and moved on.
Instead you're mocking me.


there was no mocking, just stating the truth, while hinting that you should maybe check the already available info before asking. nobody here is too fond of people who don't do that, myself included. anyway, lets move on.

we could make the extra items not visible for the duration of the cutscene, then return them to normal once it's done, that should be doable, I think.

also, added the extra textures for the reveal scene in the ACC topic.
The corridor looks awesome, SHODAN less so. Too friendly and plastic.

666d056471b5cBriareos H

At first I thought the same thing but now I realize that I don't mind. It's definitely not a faithful recreation of SHODAN's face in SS2, but I was always annoyed by the fact that SHODAN was overtly, almost cartoonishly female in the sequel (them lips!). A more androgynous and neutral visage fits better SHODAN as I imagine it, this one looks less menacing but more imposing.
What I don't really like is the plastic-y texture and the eyes.
A more androgynous and neutral visage fits better SHODAN as I imagine it


"I am a Goddess". Female voice. Female facial characteristics. She sees herself as female in some way, must be hardcoded or whatever otherwise it would probably have chosen to be genderless once it became sentient/self-aware.

This guy's take on SHODAN is not "faithful".
« Last Edit: 29. May 2014, 20:39:43 by Join usss! »
She is female because real evil can only exist in woman.
Acknowledged by: Primitive Primate


her voice is female in the first game as well. those who had a neutral image in their mind have probably played the floppy version (no voiceovers) of SS1 first.

666d056472274Primitive Primate

It's the same voice actor in both games, right?
her voice is female in the first game as well. those who had a neutral image in their mind have probably played the floppy version (no voiceovers) of SS1 first.

I am pretty sure she refers to herself as a Goddess in the first as well, which obviously can be read.


Who is more an ass, the one who answers a question, or the one who can't be bothered to answer it himself and then complains about the manner in which it is answered?
See picture below^^

Of course it could use more stuff, but making it happen is the tricky part. If we were only talking about detail objects like signs and decals, we could attach them to the moving room objects. If you want a computer console or some crates, that's getting into physics objects... which might be possible by physics attaching them (like how the trams are assembled) without having subsequent physics operations go insane.
But it would be possible to give Polito a better table wouldn't it? Because it always bothered me that she doesn't even have a monitor or something.

About the recreation:
It's awesome that someone is doing something like this. Looks cool, though one could argue about detail.
But if thats what is needed to get the "modern gamers" attention, so be it. Maybe, one day, I will not have to read things like this anymore:
This game looks like a cheap remake of Bioshock. It even has "shock" in the title. So lame. I hope Ken Levine sues.
Because I can't stand dumb people, and such statings make me rip my hair out, which is getting ligther already.


I am pretty sure she refers to herself as a Goddess in the first as well, which obviously can be read.
yeah, but as already observed earlier in this topic, it's quite easy to miss some text here and there.
This game looks like a cheap remake of Bioshock. It even has "shock" in the title. So lame. I hope Ken Levine sues.
ouch. source maybe?
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