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Topic: SS2 Stackable Snacks
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665cdef2ddcaeSystem Shocked

@ Yankee Clipper

Whammo, blammo thank you ma'am and PTLord . . . you hit the nail on the thumb (phfuk!-eow)! It worked after removing the double 'Plants' entry. I changed your 'Plants 2' script to reflect 'Plants' and everything still works fine . . . however I find I need more fluids during the ingestion of the magazines, and I found addiing some mayonnaise and a splash of dijon mustard helps in dealing with the 'dryness' of taking in the heart pillows, just like the classic Three Stooges episodes with flapjacks. Happy that the inventory magazines icon defaults to the cover that looks like the singer from Duran².

When things didn't work out right, I tried to fix them on my own interpretations of the existing script's structure, without having to bother you again, based on my previous successful tinkering experience with the earlier small plant script that you provided. Sadly, trying the same thing with the other items didn't work. I'm not savvy enough on the workings/effects of script files, and double entries.

Again, thanks for your assistance in nailing down a solution . . . but I do think your earlier "Sigh" comment was unjustified . . . it should've been an 'A what' . . . :thumb: . Thanks voodoo47 for taking the valuable time away from your busy SCP schedule to 'look in' . . . Now get back to incorporating ALL my numerous fixes into SCP Beta 2, which we all desperately NEED and DESIRE.

Thanks ALL.
« Last Edit: 03. September 2015, 18:35:09 by System Shocked »

665cdef2ddec2Deu sex

Sorry for the insanely long time before posting on this thread, but I just wanted to say that I've been trying to get this to work with SCP 4, and no matter the priority, I can't get it to work, the food stacks, but I can't eat it.


overeating has not been allowed, so you need to be actually damaged to consume food and heal.

add this to the end of the dml if you want to fix that:
Code: [Select]
//allow overeating
+ObjProp -90 "ObjList"
"" NVComestibleNoCheck=1;
« Last Edit: 09. July 2019, 08:21:11 by voodoo47 »

665cdef2de181Deu sex

Ah you simply mean that it will prevent eating if I'm full life ? I see, I'll give it a look then thanks :)

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