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Topic: GMDX: Deus Ex Mod.
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just remembered about the dialogue where you can choose whether to give/not give a weapon to the old man that runs the 'ton hotel - either enhancing that dialogue with options of which weapon to give, or having him return the weapon after the Jojo business is done would be nice. alway hated to lose my upgraded pistol just like that (I have to drop everything before the dialogue to give him just the knife to circumvent this).

Anything involving directly modifying writing or dialogue I stay away from if I can help it or if it isn't of great importance. Nearly anything else is game as I feel I am qualified to do it justice.
Anyhow, most of any NPC interactions require voice acting, and anything right down to modifying shop prices is off limits sadly, as the NPC always states the price, and then JC says "I'll have the x item for 1200". And it is the same for this event: "here, take my pistol", or "I'd rather not arm a civilian". So we are stuck with pistol or lesser items such as the knife as you mentioned. I don't think there is dialogue for GEP gun, rifle, assault rifle, shotgun etc.

also, I always hated how weapon pickup is handled - if you already have the same weapon, the new one just disappears and its ammo is added to your stack. I think NOT doing that would be preferable - the player should be allowed to carry 10 pistols should he decide to do that.

I also don't have much love for the DE invisible and intangible ammo pouch, but trying to change that would not be trivial I guess.

also, I always hated how weapon pickup is handled - if you already have the same weapon, the new one just disappears and its ammo is added to your stack. I think NOT doing that would be preferable - the player should be allowed to carry 10 pistols should he decide to do that.

Things that SS2 handles far more interestingly, in my opinion (and no doubt yours too), and of course in a more simulated manner. To do it I'd have to expand the inventory size to compensate for ammo, and change the whole ammo system in general, including when frobbed from corpses and more. It is something I'd like to do perhaps, but to what cost and benefit? Too much of the former, not enough of the latter.
As much valid criticism that can be thrown at the ammo system it does make general gameplay pace faster as it is less fiddly, which is one bright side at least, depending on your perspective.

btw, you didn't forget to empty the pouch when MIBs grab JC and put him into the slammer, right?

Haven't forgot, I just haven't done it as I've considered it low priority among all my ambitions (and it wouldn't even be a bugfix really, it was obviously intentional). May give it a look tonight.
Giving it some further thought that armory would be stuffed full of JC's magic coat contents if all ammo is placed in there too...I don't think there would be enough space for all the ammo in addition to all the usual inventory contents, so further workarounds would be needed, such as increasing ammo pickup stack sizes just for this, or add a crate that you frob which returns all your ammo. The latter option would probably be best.
« Last Edit: 23. June 2015, 17:09:28 by Join usss! »


if I remember correctly, he will accept pistols, combat knife, and shotgun(s?) - not having any of those will result in a "don't have any (suitable) gun on me, sorry" bark. all the dialogue is there (you can have my knife, you can have my shotgun etc), so this is not a problem (that's exactly why I mentioned it - I'm pretty sure it's just a question of rearranging already existing stuff). or, as mentioned, just make him return the gun once the fight is over. the main point is, should the player choose to arm him, he shouldn't be losing a gun, or be forced into workarounds (plus, should multiple instances of the same gun be allowed in the inventory in the future, he should be given the unupgraded gun of course).

as for the weapons, I think pick ammo on first frob and then the empty weapon on second could work.
Currently how it works is upon spawn of a corpse the NPC's ammo is destroyed immediately, just the gun remains so that you can pick it up if you don't have it, and if you do already have it you get ammo randomized between 1-4 bullets instead...so your suggestion would add even more ammo to the game.

As for the arming of Mr. Renton, I'll consider giving it an attempt...if it can even be done. As I mentioned before, the vanilla conversation packages cannot be edited, although I have recently heard of a workaround which I may look into. Not sure how reliable that would be though. You'd think a conversation patch would have been done if it were possible by now.
On a related note, I have been looking into doing first person conversations that imitates the VtM:B/Ultima Underworld/New Vegas style of handling things, and this would be an option to choose if you like the default third person convos.
« Last Edit: 23. June 2015, 17:19:45 by Join usss! »


I can only make suggestions, figuring out how to make things work is up to you. or not, the decision is yours of course.

but hey, at least I'm not asking you to add stripes everywhere.
Yes, suggestions that certainly make sense and are valid criticisms of the vanilla design, but resolving them won't be easy, and sometimes outright impossible without the source or voice actors.

Anyway, I've took away a sensible solution to having MJ12 take away your ammo from this discourse at the very least. Probably will do that tonight.


well, what can be done can be done, what cannot cannot.
Acknowledged by: Join usss!
did this get fixed in GM DE, btw?
Quote by Join usss!

GMDX? Yes, you are no longer invisible whilst hacking. AI still courteously wait around for you to finish a conversation though, not really anything I can do about that unfortunately but it is a rare occurrence anyhow.
I did consider having inventory not pause the game on hardcore mode too because I love that about System Shock, Underworld, Dark Souls etc, but I decided against it, I don't remember why.

I've just added this as a configuration option, where time is not paused while in the inventory/general UI navigation. It is unlike SS2/Underworld etc in that you cannot move the player character whilst in the inventory though (native code that I haven't found a hacky override for yet) which sucks, but at least the option is there for the hardcore players, and so you cannot just pause and spam all your augmentations and inventory items which of course is an easy WIN tactic providing you have the resources.


perks looking good - I'm hoping that finally with everything pistol related maxed out, the stealth pistol's scope will not sway anymore, something that annoyed the hell out of me in vanilla.

also, are wearables toggleable now, or was it BioShift?
also, are wearables toggleable now, or was it BioShift?

Bal. vests and hazmats now degrade with sustained damage as opposed to running on a timer: http://www.moddb.com/mods/gmdx/images/environmental-training-in-full#imagebox

You cannot toggle them though (same as vanilla). Dumb, but beyond simulational reasons there is no need to as you can equip all types of armors at the same time. (Also same as vanilla, and also dumb). Maybe I'll add a toggle equip/unequip option just for perfection, but as I said before, I don't go absolutely crazy over sim design in DX as the devs didn't stress over it to the same degree as its brethren, such as our beloved System Shock. Of course it is always on my mind regardless when making design decisions and often takes precedence, but I digress. Every little detail helps but I wont go beyond the call of duty for it in DX more than the devs themselves did.

I'm hoping that finally with everything pistol related maxed out, the stealth pistol's scope will not sway anymore, something that annoyed the hell out of me in vanilla.

It didn't vanilla either. If your pistol had 100% accuracy statistic and you were in good health the scope would be perfectly still. We did talk about this before but I don't remember what the conclusion of the discussion was.
« Last Edit: 06. July 2015, 00:21:57 by Join usss! »


quite possible, I'm too lazy to go through 20 pages of stuff. I think I have been complaining that in vanilla, even with the pistol skill maxed, and stealth pistol fully upgraded, the scope would still sway (now I remember, you needed the accuracy aug to finally reach 100%. still annoying).

ah, so armor just degrades when equipped and being damaged? can you unequip it as well? that could work nicely. anyway, not too sold on the idea of wearing multiple armors at the same time, kind of sounds a bit too cheap, maybe you should reconsider. but again, guess I would actually have to play to see how well it all blends together.
ah, so armor just degrades when equipped and being damaged?

Hazmats and ballistic vests, yes. The others remain time-based.

anyway, not too sold on the idea of wearing multiple armors at the same time, kind of sounds a bit too cheap, maybe you should reconsider. but again, guess I would actually have to play to see how well it all blends together.

The ability to wear multiple armors at the same time as long as they are different types of armor is vanilla functionality. It isn't really much a big deal because the protection provided is somewhat limited and there are only five types of wearables in total (armor, hazmat, thermoptic camo, rebreather, tech goggles) and it isn't too unrealistic to assume that we can wear all these at the same time in real life anyway...sort of. There would certainly be consequences to movement speed, aiming and such in real life.

can you unequip it as well?

...I'll strongly consider making them toggle-able and restricted to only one armor type active at a time. but as I said in my previous post there isn't a great need to do so.

I think I have been complaining that in vanilla, even with the pistol skill maxed, and stealth pistol fully upgraded, the scope would still sway (now I remember, you needed the accuracy aug to finally reach 100%. still annoying).

In vanilla weapon master skill + three accuracy weapon mods would take you to 100% for almost all weapons.


I see - though hazmat+armor+camo at a time sound like a bit of a stretch. I suppose if I were to say what would the optimal setup be, I'd go for:

-only one torso wearable allowed at a time (can equip/unequip at will. the one currently worn would be the only one "ready to use")
-hazmat and armor degrade with damage, but can be worn indefinitely or until destroyed
-camo, goggles, rebreather can be turned on/off (but require at least basic training to be able to do that, without it, they will just burn through their charge like in vanilla)

you can't apply accuracy mods to stealth pistol in vanilla, so the only way of increasing accuracy is skills and augs. in vanilla, skills alone were not enough to get it to 100%.

//also, something to read through. some universally good fixes can be found there.
« Last Edit: 27. June 2015, 12:03:54 by voodoo47 »
I see - though hazmat+armor+camo at a time sound like a bit of a stretch. I suppose if I were to say what would the optimal setup be, I'd go for:

-only one torso wearable allowed at a time (can equip/unequip at will. the one currently worn would be the only one "ready to use")
-hazmat and armor degrade with damage, but can be worn indefinitely or until destroyed
-camo, goggles, rebreather can be turned on/off (but require at least basic training to be able to do that, without it, they will just burn through their charge like in vanilla)

Yeah, that would be the realistic goal, but it is adequate as is. Silly, but adequate. I'll keep it in mind though.

you can't apply accuracy mods to stealth pistol in vanilla

Yes you could, I'm certain.

I'm credited personally for a couple of the features in that list. That should tell you I'm aware of his mod.  :P


never hurts to make sure.

hmm, pretty sure that vanilla stealth pistol will not accept one type of mods, but anyway, that thing with not being able to get accuracy to 100% without the aug should still be valid. well, no matter, vanilla is of little concern now.

//googled around a bit, looks like there are quite a few small(er) overhaul mods around, usually trying to unify/build upon Shifter/Biomod and other previous works, having just one or two releases and then disappearing completely - unifiedDeusEx, dxEnhanced, RDX, maybe more. well, pretty sure GMDX surpasses any/all of them now, and I have to say that I'm genuinely looking forward to the next release.

now only if I could put time in a bottle.
« Last Edit: 27. June 2015, 12:43:37 by voodoo47 »
Vanilla pistol was upgradable, just not with a silencer. Also, pistols are never 100% accurate no matter what as even if the crosshair shrinks to a point, pistol shots still scatter a bit.


we were taking about the (vanilla) stealth pistol, and its scoped view. anyway, kind of moot point, as vanilla is pretty much irrelevant now.
Well, it's the same for that one.
pretty sure GMDX surpasses any/all of them now, and I have to say that I'm genuinely looking forward to the next release.

You won't be disappointed. It is the design progression Deus Ex deserved but had never received until now, even if it isn't to the scale that a professional dev team would put out. Upon release of v8.0 the feature list will be huge and very impressive. Sadly we're still stuck on the same rusty old engine, but it still looks pretty good with GMDX/HDTP/NewVision, and looks isn't really what is most important or what made Deus Ex great anyway. Warren Spector seems to be forgetting that when he pleads to Square-Enix for a remake, since the game would undoubtedly be butchered with respect to everything else.
« Last Edit: 27. June 2015, 19:14:18 by Join usss! »


ah yes, remakes, kind of a double edged sword, on one hand, it'd be nice to have things new and shiny, but on the other hand, seeing your game turn into another call of duty is probably not worth all the shinies in the world. though I'm still kind of hoping that one day, they will just declare that Invisible War didn't happen, apologize and dish out the real Deus Ex2, and it'd be a game that wouldn't suck. that reminds me, I should punish myself with a(n IW) playthrough sometime later this year, just to make sure that time won't fade out the bad taste.
it isn't to the scale that a professional dev team would put out.
let me be the judge of that.
Acknowledged by: Join usss!
@Voodoo: your wish is my command it seems; you can only wear one armor piece at a time (but can use goggles and rebreathers with them) and they all are now toggle-able.

Edit: I was thinking of adding some other armor types too, such as a better version of ballistic vests and such to expand the system closer to other RPGs including SS2. There's good opportunity to expand, only it is annoying making all the new textures (inventory, skin, belt etc), let alone new models which I cannot do, yet I prefer to stay away from re-skinning shit if I can. In moderation it is OK I guess, especially since nearly every NPC is re-skins of 1 of about 8 character models.
« Last Edit: 06. July 2015, 00:20:15 by Join usss! »
Create your own custom color themes for both the HUD and Menu.

Also in the process of adding another options menu to fit some new stuff in, so if you have any requests go right ahead.
That's nice! It'll be a green scheme for me, then, since that's my favourite colour  :thumb:
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